
  • Donald Hoffman and Conscious Realism
    Hoffman is very close to my vision of things. However, it is not at all clear the use of the metaphor of the icons on the desktop; let me tell you why: Let's say that you accusiate me to have said here something about Hoffman and his icons, I could always answer that this is your perception of the facts, but in reality behind my words there are 0100111000101100001111100101001010101001001000000111111100010001
    and that not even those are real, because behind them - in a sort of SUBLIMINAL - there is my keyboard and my fingers writing back again the same things about Hoffman and his icons. At this point, however, I could say that these words are not the reality, since I translated with the support of an online software from Italian into English. Finally, even in their Italian version, I always take off all my responsibility, because these words, conventional, are not reality, but only the interface of my thoughts, logical forms, before they are representated into words. In short, as for me, I need to ask Hoffman to develop a system of metaphors that is most compelling.


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