Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done? Systemic racism today is based on human prejudice, which has it's biological origin in the human way of finding problems and solutions and also on the societal structure and ideology of capitalism that the U.S is fueled by today.
If you play with the thought that black people are over represented in crime, it makes sense for humans/cops to identify that section as a more probable cause to the structural problems of crime that they're trying to solve, and therefor have a more destructible/aggressive approach towards it. However, police brutality is not something that black people face alone so this statement is not entirely true and lacking other variables.
How systematic racism came to be probably derives from the history of US slavery and the abolishment of it. After the end of slavery in America, black people probably didn't have the academic possibilities of gaining a medium or high class position in society so they took place in low class society as it were their only choice.
Life in a low class society creates prerequisites for a human to be more inclined to shift into a criminal life style and it's also hard to get out of which creates a slow momentum in their evolution.
I don't think it's easy even for the government to make a change for black people since it's all based on class indifference from a capitalism ideology. What are they going to do, cash out more paychecks, change to socialism welfare culture?
Black people in low class society should rise up against themselves and really show the world that they're ready to make a change and be left out of the typical "afro american" stereotype that you see in movies, that would be beautiful and remarkable human feat to see.