The New Dualism Perhaps the strangest issue with dualism is that it should be rebelled against with such enthusiasm.
How do we arbitrate upon the question and arrive at the best possible answer.
First we must recognize the inherent bias on either side of the argument and before one makes a decision one should try to relieve oneself of ones own bias.
Dualists hold that there is a mind body distinction. that minds are independent of bodies and in this sense they suggest that consciousness can exist independent of the body. Dualists have a more agreeable relationship with the notions of God, and supreme consciousness, or life after death etc
Materialists hold that minds are predicated upon bodies, that minds, thought etc is a product of material interactions as per the example above in respect of helium atoms and super fluidity etc) PF Strawson put the materialist position quite clearly when he said that minds are to bodies as scores are to football matches or surfaces are to tables vis one cannot exist without the other. materialists have a more agreeable time with the notion of atheism, 'when you're dead you're dead' and so on and so forth.
It is not surprising that the materialist position is in the ascendancy at the present time. We (westerners) live in a material world in the sense that one can derive more pleasure from more material things than during the period when Dualism was perhaps more in the ascendancy (prior to the industrial revolution) Indeed this was a period when Religion was in the ascendancy as it was the opium of the poor masses, because they could not afford the real stuff. Now that the masses can have their material opium, and all the 'wisdom' that Google affords... the currency or potency of religious opium and of Gods in general have become more of a private self serving affair. There is no God, or we are Gods or we have our own notion of what god is... etc, all this evolution has effectively diluted the Dualist 'cause' and arguably we might describe this century as the 'Century of the Self' (See BBC docu on youtube of same title).
Man has lately become a God unto himself and as such, for many the baby of dualism has been ejected with the bath water of Cartesian Dualism. One must be careful of fashion and trend, they generally show themselves to be ephemeral at best.
If bias is left behind we must ask upon whom does the burden of proof lie... the Materialist or the Dualist.
In any court of law the burden is placed upon the accuser and not the defendant.
Who is the accuser here. I would agruge that it is clearly the materialist, as the materialist is presenting (or attempting to present) material evidence to prove that consciousness is entirely dependent upon the material.
Thought on the other hand does not need material evidence to confirm its existence. This much has been effectively proven by Descartes.
The question now remains, have materialists provided enough or substantial evidence to prove that thought is dependent upon material processes... well, the answer here is clearly NO, and if someone wishes to contract this assertion they must cite the material evidence. Evidence that may well be immediately swallowed up by the preeminence of thought itself.
Therefore on balanced judgement, Descartes has shown that thought exists, and materialists have 'proven' little more than the evident fact that material things are contained or perceived by a process of thought. Thought has not been shown to be a product of some brain locus, or brain totality, or superfluid brain state, Descartes himself suggested that it is manufactured in the pineal gland?!? have we yet to move on from this quackery, or must we persist in the worship of the material because anything else just stinks too much of a divinity?
Thought remains supreme and the notion of its endogenous manufacture is no different to that of religious apriori that the earth is the center of the Universe or that 'man is the measure of all things'. He is a determined trousered ape... at least until proven otherwise.