
  • I'm becoming emotionally numb. Is this nirvana?
    If you're a teenger it'll happen on and off for years. If you aren't you probably have gone through acute stress disorder. However consider this, do you mean not feeling excited about a party everyone else is excited about? Or not feeling excited when you're with your girlfriend? Or not feeling only anger when someone steals from you? It all depends on the context. Some people hate complication so much, they wouldn't feel a thing when their parents die. Their emotional systems aren't very strong but they're perfectly fine. They only feel "bad feelings" when something happens to them or anyone they're responsible for

    Either that or you're becoming an introvert who also cares very less which makes you emotionally less active. And not feeling jealousy could be sign of a practical mind. Some men develop this way, its just how they're born with I guess. Some people tend to be over emotional in early stages of life and when emotions become balanced later they feel something is wrong

    Test yourself though. If you're a guy imagine someone cheats you, lies to you about your girlfriend and while you're confused and distracted away he lies to her about you and gets closer to her and takes her over and laughs at you every time you watch her with him and even she refuses you now. If you're not infuriated, that is definitely a problem

    Also some people need more emotional stimulus like people watching ISIS just to feel sad ( yes its a thing )

    It is very complicated and you should talk to someone your age and your type if they feel the same way
  • Loneliness and Solitude
    Loneliness is when you feel sad for being alone and really want some friends. - extrovert style

    Solitude is when you feel thankful for being alone - Introvert style
  • Animal Ethics - Is it wrong to eat animals?
    I don't think so cause animals eat each other all the time anyway. But meat consumption needs to be very low according to modern standards where physical work too is very low. Meat consumption can also lead to quick obesity and carries a real danger of various biological problems
  • A "Timeless" Moral Code?
    Moral codes can either be deliberately written or "empathy" and "smarts" can be encouraged in population to correctly judge any situation and respond aptly.

    However pain is required for development. Without war, there wouldn't be defense or civilizations ( or basically anything ). So, the world isn't meant to be 100% moral. Pain is a part of life and so is immorality. Like angels don't protect you from the bully, your inner devil does. Good+bad = completion. It's the same as saying bible doesn't give a bully peace, bullying others does. And completion can only be attained when the both culprit and the victims perspectives are taken into account
  • A few metaphysical replies
    Yes, reincarnation is implied if metaphysics is real. You, the observing entity, the being is different from the body in the sense that body is material, it can't be aware of anything. It just works, you observe its work. And if you are beyond physical reality, death doesn't destroy you. Just like you don't feel anything while asleep but "you're still there", you experience something else. But is it something like heaven/hell or do you come back to earth? Maybe it depends on the gravity of your mind. Maybe our minds weigh on a scale which decides the realm of existence you're in. Magic? Yes. Pure magic, not science at all. But hey, you defy science in every sense of the word. Close your eyes and feel yourself for a moment. You'd observe you're not your thoughts, you're the one hearing those thoughts, feelings different sensations. You aren't visible, measurable or traceable. You are consciousness

    Experiencing, feeling, hearing itself is a proof of something beyond physical universe. In a pure material universe, chemical machines exist but consciousness can't

    I mean just think about it, you could build a robot but you can never make it aware of itself. Trees, animals even babies, all have feelings and thoughts; however no one is feeling, thinking, they're just closed biological machines. Interesting, don't you think?

Shiva Surya Sai

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