
  • Nietzsche‘s Thus spoke Zarathustra
    Getting involved in these kind of places really does just lead to the most disgusting of interactions...

    To my knowledge they made no attempt to posit values through some transcendent source, through anything other than will to power. — Erik

    I'm honestly confused as to how a person could believe this. Its almost tempting to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're just blatantly lying as much as you feel like... Their appeals to the fatherland, german-ness, fetishization of ancestors, notions of a true european from which certain people had to be violently excluded. One could argue that these were simply window dressing for the masses which is basically what you've done already with regards to christianity. But such an argument could be made for literally anything ever. There's simply no point in even spending time considering such an empty potentiality.

    his waxing enthusiastic about the establishment of a rigid and racially-based caste system by Aryan conquerors in the Indian subcontinentErik

    This is meant to be drawn from nietzsche talking about the laws of manu? It is best to remember the context in which people write. In nietzsches case this means being familiar with indian culture and philosophy at best almost entirely from reading louis jacolliot. Which is to say that his knowledge of india was mostly non-existent jacolliot having fabricated and/or exaggerated most of what he wrote. The orientalism of the time effected perception of india as well and nietzsche was not immune to this foolishness.

    If you want to talk of nietzsche's rejection of socialism or egalitarianism stirner or novatore are much better points of comparison. And the nazis are a much better example of what nietzsche meant by herd morality than not.

    And did you try to imply that nazis were socialists? Next you'll try to tell me that the cops serve and protect or that the kkk is just showing pride for their white heritage. And no doubt whites from northern states just use the confederate flag to show pride for their ancestors eh. In the future you should try considering that someone claiming a thing should not be considered proof of said thing.
  • Nietzsche‘s Thus spoke Zarathustra
    Nietzsche's sister got heavily involved with the early antisemitic movement. This led people to believe that he must also secretly hold similar views and the antisemites worked very hard to get him openly on their side despite his repeated denunciations. However after his mental break his sister gained control of his writings and set about bending them to the antisemitic cause.

    The Nazis could ignore this because they cared for appearances not meaning or truth. This is why they inserted socialism into thier name and why they designed cool uniforms that were more work to make and barely functional. The contradictions weren't something they had to overcome because they didn't care to begin with.

    My favourite line from nietzsche that would go against Nazis was a letter he wrote to a friend after his mental break were he claimed he would personally see all antisemites killed XD