
  • The promises and disappointments of the Internet
    The Internet contains valuable information buried in a global dump of misinformation, useless information and bad information. Smart people can sort through the trash and find valuable information. Unfortunately, most Internet users waste their time with the rest.
  • Leaving PF
    I had been away from the PF for a month and when I returned yesterday, I found it to be in the final stages of rigor mortis! It had a sad lonely appearance of a forum in decline.
  • Proving the universe is infinite
    Our universe may be part of a multiverse and even the multiverse may be part of a larger existence that contains an infinite quantity and variety of items. I believe existence contains all logical possibilities. This seems to me to be the default ontological state. Now some logical possibilities may not be physically instantiated but subsist in a non-physical state. I should add that I believe in eternalism and the timelessness of existence.
  • Does meaning exist?
    Meaning is an invention. If enough people invent or borrow other peoples inventions, we say that meaning has an objective existence. However, a meaning can be modified over time, and so it may lack permanence. A temporary meaning isn't really objective if it keeps changing.