a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will. — Chet Hawkins
Only common concept is the supremacy of existence over essence and the existential crisis. — Abhiram
Given what I said before about N and K, I disagree -- existentialism can certainly be an activity or state, but it's also a concept -- and not less than an activity or a state. — Moliere
Yes, I have read and heard a lot about N and tried to read several of his works (Kauffman's mainly) - including Zarathustra, Human All to Human, On the Genealogy of Morality, Beyond Good and Evil. — Tom Storm
A reading of him. Yep, ok. — Tom Storm
What is it intrinsically about making a claim of understanding Nietzsche that you take issue with? Also, are they all necessarily liars? Or are some merely mistaken? — Tom Storm
And when anyone claims to "understand" Nietzsche, I try not to make eye contact and slowly walk away.
— Arne
That's an interesting comment. Can you say some more? — Tom Storm
You’ll notice Amadeus was speaking not just of his followers, but of Nietzsche himself. Perhaps one can say of many of Nietzsche’s followers as well as of his more shrill detractors that they are gauche and insufferable in their inability to read him well. — Joshs
He comes across, to me, like an Emo lyricist of the 19th Century. It's mainly just him wallowing in his own filth and projecting on others. — AmadeusD
No, he does not speak directly in terms of freedom. However, authentic Being-one's-Self is a choice. Please see Being and Time at 312-313 — Arne
— Joshs
Heidegger doesn't seem to say a lot about freedom and Being — Corvus
it's moral character exists only in the minds of those experiencing it — AmadeusD
but it's moral character exists only in the minds of those experiencing it — AmadeusD
So rather than inferior to or equal to the logical thought which philosophy uses to try to grasp it, it rather precedes it. — Noble Dust
I haven't considered him an artist. — Ciceronianus
but it's moral character exists only in the minds of those experiencing it — AmadeusD
And I would agree that it's not useful to reclassify philosophers as artists. What I was saying was that there is an artistic sensibility, an artistic creative power behind some philosophical visions/works. And that (perhaps) the act of philosophy can also be considered an artistic one, as per Janus below - — Tom Storm
Abstract concepts like being, self, and consciousness are expressed using language, and most of the time, their terms don't have a unified meaning.
— Abhiram
The lack of what you call a "unified meaning" reflects a lack of consensus, hence a diversity of opinion. This diversity is the source of the richness of philosophy, not a problem to be overcome. Your proposal is essentially one of linguistic despotism. — Pantagruel
I don't see the philosophy of Kierkegaard in 'jeopardy' because his concept of anfægtelse lacks having a unified concept. — javi2541997
Won't they mean something in that we can point to the evil being done in their violation?
— Count Timothy von Icarus
This seems to beg it's question. The 'evil' seems to consist in the violation of a right. If so, without hte right, there is no evil. — AmadeusD
The West does not think, and all the people who live in this undefined western region do not think with one mind. Nor do they all share the same values, or even interpret specific values in the same way. "The West" is a diverse, incoherent and frequently self-contradictory human construct. — Vera Mont
This is hermeneutics. To me, the revealing power of phenomenology is the foundational indeterminacy, the openness that one stands in when one's language potentialities proceed in open inquiry and discover the threshold, and NO words are fit to do the foundational work. — Astrophel
Freedom, not free will. Sartre was not an anti-determinist. — Astrophel
Not sure if we are IN our existence. Aren't we existence? — Corvus
Questions like that beg for a reading of Being and Time. — Astrophel
Therefore, Sartre would spurn biological determinism. — Justin5679
Would Sartre contend that freedom is a product of our biology ontologically speaking? — Justin5679
But time exists if space exists independent of whether change exists or not. — MoK
Time and space are twisted and are parts of a single manifold called spacetime. This means that you have time if you have space. — MoK