What then does philosophy offer? — DingoJones
Women want freedom from sexual interference, that's one that has worked.... — introbert
I don't think parents believe they are responsible for the things they are causing — Andrew4Handel
You mean, you have no interest at all in the epistemic conditions that make knowledge of the world possible....here, in a philosophy forum — Constance
"For creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration but not by its own" Roman's 8 — Gregory
"Either all cognition is cognition of appearance, in which case there can be no cognition of noumena, or there can be cognition of the noumenon, in which case cognition is not essentially cognition of appearance" — KantDane21
But yes, mutual exclusivity of P and Q is needed — bongo fury
It has no philosophical or scriptural justification. — Bartricks
I will forever combat it. — universeness
I am interested in whether there is any good philosophical reason for them to do so. — Bartricks
never know the taste of Scottish whisky — javi2541997
you didn't follow the assignment. — schopenhauer1
You have to pick one. — schopenhauer1
Too easy. — schopenhauer1
I've heard of a teacher providing a shopping list as an example of a poem, encouraging analysis. — Dawnstorm
Is a perfect correlation between X and Y ever sufficient to demonstrate causation? — Karlen Karapetyan
I started out using Kindle to look up references and foreign phrases, but I quit after a couple of stanzas. — T Clark
No, it's a jingly kind of pop. — Amity
loose conversational speech into strict traditional verse form — Cuthbert
Where are you finding them? The short form suits me well :flower:
So, a simple couplet. Clever; reflecting title and theme.
What do you think/feel when you read it? — Amity
This Be The Verse
By Philip Larkin — Tom Storm
Poetry: How to read a poem - University of York — Amity
Wendy Cope, I've actually heard of but can't recall a single poem?! — Amity
Two Cures for Love
1. Don’t see him. Don’t phone or write a letter.
2. The easy way: get to know him better. — Wendy Cope
"Prosody matters enormously to the meaning of a poem."
— Srap Tasmaner
How does that apply to this poem in particular? — T Clark
No, it's a jingly kind of pop. — Amity
The objective of “ever closer union” was retained in the Preamble to the 1992 Treaty on European Union (Maastricht Treaty):
Resolve to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, in which decisions are taken as closely as possible to the citizen in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity. — https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7230/
It just phraseology. — Olivier5
The real policy is more something like: "When it's really important, we can come together. Or not." — Olivier5
note that the 'rest' stuck together during the negotiations — Olivier5
allow Irish reunification, repatriate a few orangists ... 'hard border' in the Irish Sea.... bitter pill to swallow — Olivier5
The NI protocols for instance the UK trying to have its cake and eat it too: the UK ought to be both a unitary state from a regulatory standpoint, and honor its obligations in the Good Friday agreement for a lack of hard border between NI and the Republic of Ireland, all the while creating a hard border between itself and the EU, of which the Republic of Ireland is a member. — Olivier5