Awareness, etc. I guess it's kind of trendy to say "I am the creator of my reality," but I agree that the wording is a bit disagreeable! It's true to say that the only thing I know is my own experience. I agree that naming something (like Solipsism) doesn't discredit it; it wasn't my intention to discredit what you were saying.
As you said, it's difficult to say much about this matter, but I feel it's important to occasionally just notice that I/we/the world exist, and how astounding that is. I cannot do this all the time; I feel I just don't have enough mental energy for that. It's like a wave, in which I spend most of my time doing mundane activities, and occasionally come up to the top of the wave, which is when I bask in that awareness of existence. I can imagine making some sort of game of this, to try to do this more often, or using some kind of memory aids to remind myself to rise up and have this experience.
Sometimes I'll say to my wife, "isn't it astounding, that we exist at all?" And she'll say, "someone's been smoking weed." But she's just kidding; she knows what I'm talking about. Sometimes she'll say, "if we exist. Maybe we don't really exist." She's such a kidder.
I like to think that if I knew I was dying soon, I would have this experience a lot more often. But, in a way, we're all dying soon.
-Scott V.