
  • The Goal of Art

    Art originally started as bored bourgeoisie who had nothing better to do all day than sit and stare. Filled with feminine energies they took their ideas to canvas, to express their feminine souls. Over time this became old hat, painting lost it's charm and novelty, and people were no longer amazed by the works. So it turned into a cash-grab contest to convince as many suckers as possible that their art was amazing, revolutionary, and profound. Cash in on other's narcissism, make them feel like they are special, unique, that only they are capable of such grandiose levels of pretentiousness, that is so elite they cannot put into words, only they can understand the divine, ethereal beauty of a Campbell's can of soup. and History will write you as one of the profound eccentrics, one of the greats.
  • Poll: Has "Western civilization" been a disaster? (Take 2)
    Western civilization has become nothing more than a cesspool of toxicity, corruption, celibacy, mediocrity, narcissism, poor-taste, cowardice, delusion, incivility, unenlightenment, and thought-control.
  • Gender Ideology And Its Contradictions

    This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read.

    So basically, you met one transgender you didn't like, and decided to make a thread about all transsexuals are delusional.

    Why don't you A. Tell us what you didn't like about that particular transgender person, and B tell us this supposed research you did and why your research made you come to the conclusion they were delusional.