There's something to be said about folk who wield power over others that they do not value and/or care about. — creativesoul
Yeah, kinda like
you wielding power over the unborn child that will be cut out of a vagina like goop in a potpie.
I find it common for those who oppose abortion to also oppose public assistance for those in less fortunate socio-economic circumstances. — creativesoul
Common among whom, exactly?
If such people are in power, then they are making a woman have a child from an otherwise unwanted pregnancy — creativesoul
If a woman doesn't want to get pregnant, then that woman should
not be having unprotected sex, sex that she, and her partner,
knows comes with the risk of conception. Drink twelve beers at the bar, go out driving, crash into someone else, kill them, and you have something called
manslaughter. Fuck your buddy, get pregnant, and in this bizarre, modern world such a woman is
rewarded with a get-out-of-jail-free-card paid for by her fellow citizens. If murdering an unborn child was practically, and morally, equivalent to funding infrastructure, police and firefighters, etc. then abortion wouldn't be as big of an issue as it is.
and refusing to provide public assistance for those women — creativesoul
Perhaps because the state should hold no responsibility over funding and "fixing" its citizens' mistakes unless otherwise dire.
many of whom would have chosen to terminate the pregnancy largely due to financial reasons — creativesoul
Yes, yes, these poor,
poor women who have enough money to either have health insurance or to pay out of pocket for an abortion but
not enough money to get proper birth control in the first place. Please, just give me a break with this tired rhetoric.
including the quality of life that they want their child to have). — creativesoul
I'm surprised you've stuck with this as most loons who defend abortion have recently fought tooth and nail (lol...) in trying to argue that the "child" that is murdered in an abortion
isn't actually a child, nor is it human, being only human once it's born. That sentiment is
already shocking, disturbing, and sick, but to see you deny that and seemingly confirm the humanness of the unborn child to be murdered in the whom as being A-OK is just as shocking, truly.
So, if those opposed are placing the unborn child's interests into the forefront as the reason for opposing abortion, and deny public assistance(what's necessary to ensure the child has the best life possible), then they are - in essence - creating a situation which is not in the child's best interest. — creativesoul
A strawman for any pro-lifer who
does support a functioning and efficient state with welfare services.
It's really hilarious that you try and make pro-lifers the monsters by lumping them all in the anti-welfare camp, as if trying to pull the wool over our eyes that
you are the one in favor of the murdering of unborn children. Ridiculous.
Where's the rational moral standard in all this? — creativesoul
I've no idea, I'm still waiting on any rational moral standard from you.