
  • Is The Mind Infinite?
    That which the mind can create is equal to the knowledge base the thinker posses. If all you have to work with is wood you can only build a wooden object. A persons thought experiments can only branch out to the limit of understanding of the world around them. Now if you had a collective mind of all creatures across the universe. That mind would be creatively unlimited.
  • Is The Mind Infinite?
    To be infinite we have to especially some ground rules. The mind on the creative end is capable of coming up with an infinite number of ideas but those ideas are limited by the knowledge one already posses, but to store new ideas other ideas have to disappear or become altered to fit. In the physical realm the mind can only operate your body, breathing ,heartbeat and the like so it once again is hampered by the individual it inhabits.
  • Missing From The Immigation Debate
    One cannot discuss a population goal for a country without discussing a population goal for the whole planet(Currently at around 7.6 billion). Seeing how survival of a species is directly linked to its reproduction habits we start moving more towards eugenics then immigration.
  • On depression, again.
    The major of fighting through mental illness seems to me to be an incredibly strong will. Forcing ones self to do better or forcing ones brain to think more inline with happiness.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    The good of one is not necessarily the good of the group or vice versa. Going back to cannibalism the group wants to eat me, not good for me, you claimed to be vegetarian so eating plant protein would be good for you but it takes twice the amount of plant protein to equal meat protein so we would go through twice the vegetation then we currently do speed up our eventually extinction thus being bad for the group.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    I would be dead, my feelings about it would cease to matter. This is of right and wrong not my personal opinion of eating humans but rather in a logical world is the eating of said humans or rather the entire behavior of said humans can simply be categorized as right or wrong.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    It's made all the worse when the parents have to eat the child they just watched starve to death because it's wrong to murder for food. Had they murdered someone and ate them the next generation can grow up and continue on but when we have to wait for the weakest of us to die for it's made all the more dramatic because we have to now eat the next generation in the hopes we live long enough to create another one.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    So you have mothers/fathers watching their children suffer unspeakable horror of starvation, and we just watch them die and then descend like jackals? Those parents have to watch their loved ones die of starvation while we think up a possible solution?
  • Defining Good And Evil
    If a group of people have no food (draught , natural disaster , climate change) they should wait for one of their members to die of starvation before any of them can eat? Does this also apply to small children and the elderly whom may be unable to wait for their kinsmen to die? So we eat the children and infirmed first because they will be the first to go?
  • Defining Good And Evil
    But we've already established killing is a grey area.

    But if a person is so pathetic that they really cannot be taught the difference between right and wrong then maybe a compassionate death is in that individual's interests (and the group's).
  • Defining Good And Evil
    Don't most cannibal tribes kill the human first prior to eating its flesh? Wouldn't they all eat the dead?
  • Defining Good And Evil
    This is about survival, popularity don't enter into it. The soccer team that crashed in the alps should they have starved to death rather then eat the fallen? At least people would have liked their dead bodies?
  • Defining Good And Evil
    A person growing up in a cannibalistic tribe would feel that killing and eating of other humans is right, whereas someone who grew up else where would consider it wrong. What is the right and wrong in that situation?
  • Defining Good And Evil
    and if never corrected? A continued determent to the group would be wrong.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    If person A is robbing/raping other people in a group and person B murders them, thus benefitting the majority of the group, is person B good or evil? both of them were acting in their own best interests,but by definition one if decidedly evil and the other good.
  • Two types of Intelligence
    Right/wrong are human concepts not universal. The right or wrongness of a situation is determined by the creatures involved.IQ is equal to logic, the more logically one can examine a situation the higher the IQ of that creature.
  • On depression, again.
    There is no one-size fits all cure. The variables are too great across humans. You need someone you can discuss your view of the world, how you perceive events that happen to you and around you. The individual you confide in needs to be able to impartially examine this info and point out the pitfalls in the logic and help guide you to a more productive way of thought. This process can take months to years to accomplish and in the mean time you focus on the positive and life goals and you just keep moving forward not because you want to but because you have to. Change is life and change comes whether you want it to or not. I know it's easier to hide under the blanket then face the monster in the closet but he's still there whether you face him or hide.
  • On depression, again.
    A lot of it has to do with the way one perceives their environment and reacts too it. It will more then likely will get worse before it gets better, but not in a tangible way. Internally it will get worse before it gets better, but externally life continues as it always has.
  • On depression, again.
    It doesn't sound as thou you are content with your lot in life, you would not refer to it as crummy if you were. All therapists ask just general questions they are only human like you or me, so you might want to find a new one that is closer to your needs. It is possible to cope with depression, it's possible to cope with just about everything.
  • On depression, again.
    There's no hidden secret or magic trick to get past depression. Depression is a clinical term denoting a medical condition. So in simple terms if you can isolate the feelings of depression from say general stress , anxiety, and life just plaining not go in the direction you'd like then you can take steps to repair the damage. I would advise you to seek the help of a licensed therapist to help work through all the various conditions of sadness until you can isolate just the depression part.
  • What exactly is good and bad? (In terms of living creatures).
    The concept of good or bad is quite a big package to unpack. Good and Bad are relative terms, only getting quantified through to experiencers eyes, whether or not the perceived outcome was beneficial or harmful. So in terms of a living creature "Good and Bad" are subjective to said creatures desired situational outcome.

    Take for example: You miss a plane you needed to catch.
    The plane crashes killing all the passengers.

    Missing the plane initially is considered a bad outcome however adding in more information that situation has now become a good outcome. With the situation barely altering. Remember if you had caught the flight it was a favorable outcome right up until it crashes. So the concept of "Good or bad" is far too liquid to nail down a specific definition.