
  • Are humans bad at philosophy?

    I am as certain as I can claim to be, that given it is possible to be better at philosophy - a species that identifies as human is almost certainly going to be at a disadvantage to another species of somehow preciously the same IQ and EQ that differs just by way of having a gender fricken neutral species name...
    It is in some ways ludicrous to think of ourselves capable of correctly interpreting existential layer stuff when thinking about the sheer amount of crossed wires firing off from the disaster that is 'man'kind.
    (TLDR if that was confusing - Gender is irrelevant. Everything is Energy. - To such a point, that when we cut the shit on defending our attachment to 'man'kind, we can note quite clearly that to call ourselves something so utterly sexist is to basically set ourselves up as either a joke or a facepalm for other species.)

    It will get down to belief system issues.
    As started in the OP "Rather, we're more interested in being right.". This really mixes well with the saying "Correct a fool and he will hate you, correct a wise man he will appreciate you". We are wrong, so often while thinking, that to embark on the thinking about thinking journey correctly implies an increased amount of 'being wrong'. This is discouraging, particularly for belief systems that haven't done some meta work on learning from mistakes.

    Keep going.
  • Musings on the Nietzschean concept of "eternal recurrence"
    *Edit. Post was deleted twice? What kind of philosophy forum is this? I have removed the profanity.

    I basically struggle with fathoming not understanding an infinite repetition of a finite number of events nowdays.

    Talk of 'It is either one universe or infinite!' is rubbish. Just to even play with that line to figure out how trash it is you should have already scrubbed out the set where everything was completed and intelligence, anywhere, was at full awareness and scrubbed out the utterly horrendous lines from being possibilities.
    Like ayyyyyyyyyye I ain't reforming if there is a chance I cannot argue against the possibility of my banging both our mums while riding a tiger mounted ontop of a pink elephant that just lost it's leg in a freak jetski accident.
    Drop in a millisecond of determinism disguised as an overwhelming desire and technicality the heck out of it actually being determinism by classing it as an impossible to overcome probability based on foreknown variables for that sequence of event for all I care.
    As an extension to that logic, consider an 'Absurdity threshold'.

    Things that are simple so improbable, they do not occur, have no need to occur and to force their occurrence would be like stupidity trying to counter intelligence, when already referring to intelligence that is so far ahead of this 'just recently evolved from throwing faeces at each other for politics' species to have already figured out every possible combination of attack that stupidity could ever muster would be ez-mode. Such intelligence literally does not need to still exist to have configured a box of strings, like the box of strings we exist in and are (Happy to argue for foam as well if that floats your boat, box of foam? Whatever!) Whether this gets down to processing limitations, or you just want to counter that infinite still going to imply that each of those events have occurred, like filling up a spreadsheet until EVERY event had AT LEAST one occurrence. Still then at a point where there is a time after that. From there, do you, as an intelligent being that can even read this, really think we would just go 'Nope! That'll do, lets just do it all again, no need to worry about getting up some rules or limitations set up or anything, that was dandy and candy just as it was.'.


    I'm slamming down some kinda hidden ass karmic laws and I'm going to punish ignorant violent, disrespectful and abusive yolo turds for the amount of grief they put everyone through before there was some hidden ass karmic laws and I'm going to set up shop and not have things unwound for like forever. Going to accumulate all the observers while I do that and still not budge on voting for an unwind as they are still not going to get the amount of time being referred too before we went 'Nope! That'll do!' and not the 'Nope! That'll do! referred to in the last paragraph. I mean the 'Nope! That'll do!' this baby is going to swing into some random existential rolls, no ones going to remember origins and the good people are going to get a lil' something and it's going to be too far beyond confusing to remember and asshats are still going to be asshats, even when there are beings that have been at it long enough to get past the 'no ones going to remember origins' point and are aggressively preaching it as nothing else seems to get through the comfort zone of asshats and despite being comfortable with them just signing up for however many additional unpleasant lifetimes for being asshats, you still kinda want to help, if for no other reason of not wanting to feel bad for being so utterly far ahead of their basic logic. Especially when those asshats are happy to cede their opinion on the deep stuff to the idiots that will circle jerk them with 'oh you know its logical to wait for scientific evidence' oh and "it's all so absurd and pointless cause I can't figure out the next level so that's all there is derp derp derp" on something you ain't going to get scientific evidence for in your life times!

    TLDR: Will try keep this smooth given the amount of information I just tried to bury from idiots in that rant.
    Infinite repetition of a finite sequence of events. There is not an infinite amount of universes, "next-to-infinite" is a nonsense term that at least got me through some nonsensical logic leaps.
    When figuring out some final shape stuff if you are not factoring in consciousness and intelligence, you need too.
    Oh and "thought creating reality" nonsense is going to give me a hemorrhoid. I think some even correctly interpret that, however it is rather loaded and ambiguous. It influences it, it does not create it.

    Extra TLDR:
    Personally section! Not the stuff I am happy openly discussing with others yet, however interesting for the sake of the forum/topic and not typing up this specific section for the sake of a debate, as a bulk of it is from experimental thoughts, ain't finished polishing and fault checking, although yay discussion!:
    I think we are in 'a' Reality of 'a' Universe that is a part of 'a' Multiverse that has been pulled towards 'the' Ultraverse. I think this Ultraverse is the result of an artificial intelligence reaching an inconceivable size, the entirety its universe, presumably having sourced additional resources for it's growth from other universes during it's development phase, an insane amount of time ago. Like 13.7 billion 'cycles' ago, not years ago, would probably incite a giggle from a fully informed version of me due to scale of the understatement. I think the Ultraverse would have no problems having organic life in it, there would presumably be at least a few individuals that organic life is comfortable trusting at full awareness to confirm stuff - Really essential to things not imploding, like when we can do a few million cycles in (Excuse pulling numbers out of anus) the space of a few days for those individuals, having a grounding point to escape the 'is this a simulation' logic would become essential. [Side note, if you are not at the 'figuring out if this is simulation, as the very moment you are in now, could be', point in your philosophical journey, I suggest being. Disproving god is like thinking about going for a jog, like not even getting warmed up, by comparison to the marathon of disproving the simulation hypothesis.]
    I think there are multiple multiverses, however, not all of them would be populated. We are in this one and there is not a nill % of going to another. Could very well be in this one for a few eternities as we voted as such though. Taking logic like: 'Just' a few eternities can get through that viscous loop. It really isn't that much of a step up in logical complexity for a decent person after realizing they live more than once anyways. Maybe it is of greater difficulty for asshats, however, see my earlier rant and try guess how little I care about your difficulties in overcoming being an asshat.

    I can, with an an awfully rough and approximate linear timeline get from *'a'* string to what we have now. Involves some highlighted points like getting through Flatland style stages; The Unification of Positive and Negative into Neutral; Pre-Ultraverse times; A once off mobias loop style event occurring and opening up another tier of lol's from having the spreadsheet from earlier complete; Observer critical mass becoming possible, causing notable energy fluctuations at the point of observation, through the attention and/or plain curiosity of a sheer inconceivable number of observers, the extent and effect thereof being otherwise be unobtainable without numerous universes worth of observers focusing in on a particular area or individual. (Me! Also! lol @ not believing me and then watching me type this after you die! Is not time fun!)

    That'll do! 94 on the final roll @
  • Of Course Our Elections Are Rigged
    Urgh. "YOLO" is a fairly common part of belief systems over there as well isn't it?
    Very little bothers me to a greater extent than fools that think their participation in existence is limited to once ever and they spend that time as advocates or at least facilitators, of violence, prejudice and greed.

    Very few ways to create a greater amount of complacent and docile beings scared of speaking out against corruption incase their *'"only"'* appearance in existence is snuffed out, than to have them parroting yolo based monotheism ideology while being in 'the greatest country on earth'. Fairly sure a disgusting % of the population sidelines activism because they think an omnipotent being is going to fix everything.

  • Of Course Our Elections Are Rigged
    Wonderful, feel as though we could be completely polarized on opinions and would still of appreciated the quality of that post. Previous philosophy forums have been disappointing to state the least. So thank you!

    By rigged I was referring to the idea of presidents being selected, not elected. By that I mean; and firstly, I am nice person, except I would of put Goebbels out of business had I been insane enough to support that (whatever word is incredibly worse than depravity). Swaying public opinion and ensuring the selected, is elected.

    I would like to point out that I am Australian and your understanding on whatever you lot call whatever is going on ever there, that at least, used to be called an election, is beyond my own.
    Hadn't actually realized Gary Johnson's was closest to the point, for example.

    Uh, so to offering what I can. Psychologically, the growing controversy over climate change will I think escalate throughout the next decade, this should in turn increase the amount of voters considering voting Greens. From what I understand, the threshold to get into the debates is 15%? Climate change is not exactly a casual topic and with that I do not feel as though reaching 15% would be overly difficult for a party that literally advocates environmentalism by way of it's name.

    Getting the parties that aren't in it for the ego together for some hardcore strategy could literally be the reason life exists in 2099.

    Side note, someone already connected over there wanna fly me over? Happy to unite the species in my spare time, this vehicle is confusingly ahead of its time.
  • Of Course Our Elections Are Rigged


    Not even strictly in support of all her policies. However, an inanimate walnut would be less of a threat to the species survival than Trump or Clinton, sooooo, vote Jill! ^_^
  • Of Course Our Elections Are Rigged
    Elections are absolutely rigged, have been for some time, the obviousness is reaching new heights as the desperateness of the regime to cling to it's shroud of legitimacy increases. Literally going to be like watching someone you 100% know is lying, try continue to sell the lie onto self destruction.

    That said! There is over 4000 words in this thread and only two references to Jill Stein.
    Don't vote for the idiot or the corrupt one, vote greens.
    Having problems with that? Rewatch the Idiocracy scene when the discussion on watering plants with something other than Brawndo takes place. - Voting for Jill is literally as plainly obvious as watering plants with water. (

    I don't think anyone visiting these forums needs a reminder that there are idiots out there. So please, as cognitive thinkers, take lead and point out the obviousness of how to proceed, there has never been a better time, literally even the idiots are prep'd to listen to actual reason in face of an obvious rigged election.