If Plato was indeed an initiate it makes him a textbook example. — Wayfarer
(69c-d)... sound-mindedness, justice, courage, and wisdom itself are purifications ... And the Bacchae are, in my view, none other than those who have properly engaged in philosophy.
So what will the clown do? :chin: — Christoffer
My revisionist interpretation is that forms can be understood as logical principles, arithmetical truths, and all the many elements of thought that can only be grasped by reason. — Wayfarer
((100b)For it appears to me that, if anything else is beautiful except beauty itself, then it is beautiful because it partakes of that beauty and for no other reason. And I say the same about all the others. Do you accept this sort of cause?
(508d-e)... the form of the good bestows truth upon whatever is known, and confers the power of knowing on the knower.
(517b-c)... it is reckoned to be the actual cause of all that is beautiful and right in everything ...
The chapter on Plato in particular, in which he criticizes the customary idea of there being the 'separate realm' of Forms. — Wayfarer
(36)What is given to the senses, then, and hence the entire realm of the sensible ...
(Republic 508b)... in the realm of reason, relates to reason and whatever is known by reason, so does the sun, in the realm of sight.
I appreciate Bloom's scholarship while deploring his politics. — J
Within allegory, of course we have nothing but images -- as you say, what else could there be? — J
But this is not an allegory about images; it's a story that uses images to try to explain how knowledge may be attained. — J
If the people were to vote for a candidate, it would have been Sanders. — Christoffer
Banning people who actively lie is a protection of the democracy. — Christoffer
it's like when someone is banned off this forum, people would complain that this is anti-democratic — Christoffer
banning people off this forum is there to protect the standards of quality that this forum has. — Christoffer
It's the same principle. — Christoffer
It's not rocket science. — Christoffer
Is Sartre worth reading? — Manuel
... there are two kinds of existentialists. There are, on the one hand, the Christians, amongst whom I shall name Jaspers and Gabriel Marcel, both professed Catholics; and on the other the existential atheists, amongst whom we must place Heidegger as well as the French existentialists and myself. What they have in common is simply the fact that they believe that existence comes before essence – or, if you will, that we must begin from the subjective.
Without Sanders, she's third, and that's including all the public exposure she's got as a VP. — Christoffer
... a representative democracy should actually work as one and have true representatives ... — Christoffer
it seems a strained reading to say that therefore nothing he goes on to teach can be taken as true, or as different from what we see in the city/cave. — J
It [the Line] shows that reality extends far beyond anything the practical man ever dreams and that to know it one must use faculties never recognized by the practical man." — J
... or else give it a reading in which the one who returns brings back only another image. — J
I think the aporia is often constructed by Socrates himself, as a teaching tool. — J
I read back, starting from the discussion about astronomy et al., and I can't find this. Where do you see the forms fitting in here? — J
(532c)... leads what is best in the soul upwards to the sight of what is most excellent among things that are ...
And Socrates does not know it either. He knows only how it looks to him.
— Fooloso4
Begging the question, no? It's the very thing we're debating. — J
The map over donors from the public towards candidates is a pretty clear indicator of what the people want. — Christoffer
The fear mongering using "socialist" is just the right playing their cards. — Christoffer
This is why I want to ban anyone from halls of power who's not a true representative of the people and who constantly lies. — Christoffer
I'm not really sure what this reply is supposed to mean. Is the claim that Plato doesn't really buy into the psychology and means of self-determination he lays out across several dialogues (not just the Republic, but the chariot of the Phaedrus, the Golden Thread of the Laws, etc.)? — Count Timothy von Icarus
move past what merely "appears to be good," (appetitive) or "is said to be good," (spirited/passions) in search of what is "truly good." — Count Timothy von Icarus
After the courts found in the 1990s that universities could be financially liable for sexual harassment, many institutions — among them, the University of California and Yale — adopted formal policies forbidding sexual or romantic relationships between faculty and students.
Bernie had the support of the people, so that's a good hint at what type of Democrat the people actually want. — Christoffer
I suppose we could view Socrates as trying to block rational thought at these points of aporia, but I'm not sure that's his purpose — J
But to be fair, in this case Wayfarer asked you about metaphysics and mysticism. — Leontiskos
Plato’s metaphysics is not systematic. It is problematic. It raises questions it cannot answer and problems that cannot be resolved. It is important to understand that this is a feature not a defect or failure.
Plato’s concern is the Whole. Forms are not the Whole. Knowledge of the Forms is not knowledge of the whole.
In the Philebus, Plato raises the problem of the “indeterminate dyad” . The limited (peras) and unlimited (apieron) is, as Aristotle called it, an indeterminate dyad.
These dyads include:
Limited and Unlimited
Same and Other
One and Many
Rest and Change
Eternity and Time
Good and Bad
Thinking and Being
Being and Non-being
Each side stands both together with and apart from the other. There is not one without the other.
Ultimately, there is neither ‘this or that’ but ‘this and that’. The Whole is not reducible to One. The whole is indeterminate.
And yet we do separate this from that. Thinking and saying are dependent on making such distinctions.
We informally divide things into kinds. Forms are kinds.
Forms are both same and other. Each Form is itself both other than the things of that Form, and other than the other Forms.
The Forms are each said to be one, but the Forms and things of that Form are an indeterminate dyad, one and many.
The indeterminate dyad raises problems for the individuality and separability of Forms. There is no “Same itself” without the “Other itself”, the two Forms are both separable and inseparable.
Socrates likens the Forms to originals or paradigms, and things of the world to images or copies. This raises several problems about the relation between Forms and particulars, the methexis problem. Socrates is well aware of the problem and admits that he cannot give an account of how particulars participate in Forms.
Things are not simply images of Forms. It is not just that the image is distorted or imperfect. Change, multiplicity and the unlimited are not contained in unchanging Forms.
The unity of Forms is subsumed under the Good. But Socrates also says that the Good is not responsible for the bad things. (Republic 379b)
The Whole is by nature both good and bad.
The indeterminate dyad Thinking and Being means that Plato’s ontology is inseparable from his epistemology.
Plato’s ontology must remain radically incomplete, limited to but not constrained by what is thought.
The limits of what can be thought and said are not the limits of Being.
I think the grammatical and spelling mistakes are an indicator of what your thesis does to Fooloso's temperament. — Leontiskos
If the divided line isn't for would-be philosophers, I can't imagine who else it's for. — J
... the idea that we are meant to go through aporia is so enticing. — J
I suppose we could view Socrates as trying to block rational thought at these points of aporia, but I'm not sure that's his purpose — J
We could look at specific dialogues for that, but we'd need a new OP. — J
I don't see this as being about the Forms themselves. — J
But that there is some such thing to see must be insisted on. — J
And should we not also insist that the power of dialectic alone would reveal this, to someone with experience in what we have been describing just now, and that this is not possible in any other way?
... making the hypotheses not beginnings but really hypotheses - that is, steppingstones and springboards - in order to reach what is free from hypothesis at the beginning of the whole.
With that said, we both know Plato well enough to be aware that, like the Bible, you can find support for diametrically opposed positions depending on what you quote! — J
but I am thinking in terms of centuries and millennia. It helps prevent one from falling into fads. — Leontiskos
The rational part of the soul has proper authority because it can unify the soul, and move past what merely "appears to be good," (appetitive) or "is said to be good," (spirited/passions) in search of what is "truly good." — Count Timothy von Icarus
In the Republic after Socrates presents the image of the Forms Glaucon wants Socrates to tell them what the Forms themselves are. Socrates responds:
You will no longer be able to follow, dear Glaucon, although there won’t be any lack of eagerness on my part. But you would no longer seeing an image of what we are saying, butthe truth itself, at least as it looks to me. Whether it really is so or not cannot be properly insisted on.(emphasis added)
— 533a — Fooloso4
This is the common view, and the way Fooloso reads Plato looks to be idiosyncratic. — Leontiskos
That "flow" from the past towards the future with a nothing that divides the two as the present is very much what he's getting at rather than a continuous series of instants. — Moliere
Yes. I like that view, it's a spin on one of Aristotle's proofs of God. — frank
In other words, we aren't using any writings of Descartes as the limit to the discussion. — frank
... the cogito, must not be limited to the infinitesimal instant. Moreover this conclusion could be drawn from the fact that thought is an act which engages the past and shapes it outline by the future. — Being and Nothingness, p 156
I don't think these two are in conflict. If change is inherent to thought, it doesn't matter much if that change produces discreet moments or comes as a stream, does it? — frank
aporia as a possible gateway to something better. — J
the Socrates (or Plato) of the Republic — J
Here we specifically examine the difference between knowledge and "how it looks to us." — J
I see him advocating a positive doctrine about knowledge that is meant to be independent of what Athenians, or anyone else, think of it. — J
...the reflective achievement of Descartes, the cogito, must not be limited to the infinitesimal instant. — Being and Nothingness, p 156
For a life-span can be divided into countless parts, each completely independent of the others, so that from my existing at one time it doesn’t follow that I exist at later times, unless some cause keeps me in existence – one might say that it creates me afresh at each moment.
Moreover this conclusion could be drawn from the fact that thought is an act which engages the past and shapes it outline by the future. — Being and Nothingness, p 156
I think Socrates and most philosophers since are committed to the idea that there is an ideal convergence point, involving rational inquiry, where we can reach consensus based on what is the case, not simply on "how it looks to us." — J
And what you quoted from me was written with Socratic practice in mind. — Srap Tasmaner
I don't really know what happened. — Tom Storm
perceptions of the economy tanking when it is actually doing ok — Tom Storm
embracing an exciting wrecking crew that will dismantle the entrenched old guard. — Tom Storm
To what extent was this election driven by a declining faith in established systems and a demand for bold, culture-busting reforms symbolized by Trump? — Tom Storm
... intensifying polarization and a clash of worldviews? — Tom Storm
Whatever the case, grannies cramping themselves into an aneurysm is just sad on multiple levels. — Tzeentch
the politicians' trick? — Tzeentch
What pot do you suppose I'm boiling in? — Tzeentch
So will the DNC learn this lesson? — 180 Proof
the political pendulum — frank
Right = grassroots media & free speech. — Leontiskos
https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/17/media/right-wing-book-bans-accelerating/index.htmlAmerica’s right-wing forces would have you believe that they are the courageous entities standing up for free speech.
But, as they try to claim that mantle, many of those same forces in media and politics are behind a disturbing wave of book bans sweeping the nation.
PEN America, a non-profit organization committed to protecting free expression, published an alarming report Tuesday indicating that the “book ban crisis” is only getting worse. The bans are “speeding up,” the organization warned in its report, a troublesome trend that is impacting public school systems from coast-to-coast.
“There were over 4,000 instances of book bans in the first half of this school year—more than all of last school year as a whole. This is a marked increase in comparison to the last spring semester, in which PEN America recorded 1,841 book bans,” the group said in the report, aptly titled “Banned in the USA.”
Suddenly book bans and other forms of censorship in schools and libraries are ascendant across the country, led by organized groups and politicians. Last year saw a record-breaking 1,269 efforts to censor books and resources nationwide, nearly twice as many as in 2021, according to the American Library Association (ALA). The ALA used to receive 300 to 400 reports a year of efforts to ban books, says Deborah Caldwell-Stone, director of the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, “but in 2020 we suddenly began receiving a growing number of reports — from one to two a week, if any, to five or six in a single day.”