
  • Tao Te Ching appreciation thread
    There was a time when I was lost and found that by randomly opening this book to any page the Teo Te Ching would show me the Way. =
  • What is the purpose of Art?

    Sometimes people can define art as a beautiful painting or a drawing hung on the wall of an art gallery. Dance and music are also great expressions of art. I envisioned art a few summer days back in everything that was everywhere. This essay is about what I saw and how I got there on that very special day.

    I decided to go for a bike ride through the oldest and in my opinion the finest neighborhoods in the city, searching for the best flower garden. It was going to be a contest and I was the judge. I do not spend my weekends gardening nor have I ever judged a garden contest before. I also have never sauntered casually on my bicycle. Using it for exercise and mountainous speed ventures was the norm. It seemed a relaxing idea so out the door I went. Early in my contest I discovered a residential garden of such magnitude that it set the bar or standard that all other gardens would be judged. The garden had everything beautiful. It had color, shade, or shadow, design, and a place. It was clean and well manicured. It had meandering walks with areas for contemplation. I stopped for a while and saw the garden and its diverse vegetation as a piece or pieces of art. The rest of the day from there or then on became an art show. I saw artistic gardens and flowers everywhere. I began to smell the art, it was intoxicating. I started to see art in the design of homes too, and how the gardens were meant to complement each other. I saw it in entrance ways, stain glass windows, and staircases. There was art in the majestic tree lined streets. I eventually made it downtown to the river where everything drains including meandering bicyclists. Someone had designed the most unbelievable fountain with marble walkways and hanging baskets of flowers. I talked with a few bystanders in the art gallery I was traveling, and noticed they had art all over them. It was in their jewelry, hair style, clothes, and a smile that remains etched in my mind. I stopped in a café for some nourishment and also to come down a little bit. Unbelievably, the food was artistic, made by artisans in a dining room that defined decor in a unusual way. When I came back outside, I looked up and saw cotton ball clouds on a turquoise canvas, oh please stop!

    I ended my trip or art show five hours later buying the best garden in the city a first place award. I see art much more often today and in many more places. Not like that special day but much more than I ever had. Art is in everything, and is made by everyone. Thanks to all the artists who create everything.

  • Cogito ergo sum
    Thanks! =
  • Philosophy is an absolute joke
    That's a funny sense of humor! =
  • Cogito ergo sum
    One has to connect everything equally.
    I equals or is or am One and One or I is all there is.
    This absolute has been proven logically, empirically, and mathematically, it hasn't been accepted yet.
    One day truth shall set us free.
    "Free at last," =
  • Cogito ergo sum
    Rene should have stopped with "I". I is all there is. =
  • Whole is greater than the sum of its parts
    A greater thought: The whole is the unity of its parts. =
  • Philosophy is an absolute joke
    Truth is the best humor of all.
    Name something more humorous than ourselves. And if it is true that we are the funniest things in the Universe than the joke is that we take ourselves seriously at all.
  • The nature of the Self, and the boundaries of the individual.
    The light is imprisoned by a Universe that is infinitely boundless. Does that answer your question? =
  • The nature of the Self, and the boundaries of the individual.
    The light at the end of the tunnel is me. =
  • What is the best realist response to this?
    "What is the world independent of us?"

    Independent. =
  • The Paradox of Purpose
    The purpose of life is living, no paradox to me. =
  • My Philosophy
    Miguel, One is One.
    The Oneness we speak of has been proven scientifically, mathematically, empirically, spiritually, and justly. Where should I begin?
  • the limits of science.
    Did the big bang make any sound?

    The ultimate limit of science would be truth, the absolute. Science will one day join hands spiritually and philosophically with just is, unity at last.
  • What is intuition?
    Intuition is that feeling you get inside when something good or bad comes your way.
  • the limits of science.
    Science like religion requires a great deal of faith.
  • Time is an illusion
    Time is a measure of a human construct of a nature that is truly immeasurable.
  • Why are we seeking enlightenment? What is it?
    Enlightenment is the light at the end of the tunnel, the light that follows the dark, wisdom, the promised land, equality, the absolute. And alas, I can't take you there, because we already are there. All One has to do is be it, be true.

    A philosopher is a lover of truth!