However, I do know something very sure, there was something that triggered our whole existence because everything we see around us are well organized and placed in order. Flower petals in Fibonacci series is one such example.
You appear to hint that something had to think that out, but that is less likely than nature adapting certain traits because it's the traits that over time survived.
One such trait could be to grow like the fibonacci series.
They have to grow in some kind of series, they can't just grow completely random, well some things grow quite randomly, but if something is to survive it can't only be randomly.
Whatever way nature would grow in would form some kind of series. So it's doesn't show you anything other than that life often repeats some patterns.
There are millions of things that doesn't grow in the fibonacci series.
Contributing everything to a creator has never throughout history given us an answer to anything. Nothing.
Everything that at one point was attributed to God has been as our knowledge expanded proven to be caused by something else.
You become sick, it's not god's will, someone sneezed on you and you caught a virus.
It's a storm. The god or gods must be angry.
No it's reactions in nature.
If a god existed these thing would had turned out to really be gods will.
That unicorn could exist is infinitely more likely than that a single God does and if such a God does, cares what we do
I will give you a thought experiment.
Lets say God created this as a simulation. The purpose is to see how good people behave, and let the God people come to his Kingdom.
Now imagine you created a simulation similar to the Sims but much more advanced for AI personas to test what ai personas you could trust if you took their AI and put it into real physical bodies.
If some of these AI personas started to convince themselves that God existed and they had you on their side and started wars with other AI would you want them? No. Because if they believe that a higher being justified their action but actually you didn't, than once you 'manufactured' them as a real robot or physical lifeform they would do the same in this world.
You might even put in a faked religion, a myth for them, something impossible to prove, just to see what they do. And those who believe without evidence you would consider gullible and wouldn't want to put into real powerful robot bodies, since you wouldn't want anyone to trick them.
Lets say some AIs in your simulation play hockey. One of the teams believes in a God, and they pray that God will be with them.
What does that mean that they want a God on their side?
Do they want you or this God they believe in to intervene and help the puck get into the goal when it's a 50% chance that it would miss otherwise? If so, aren't they actually asking for this being to cheat?
They might because, they want help and they want you to help them but not the other side. Thus they want an special advantage that the others should not have simply for believing in something that they really cannot prove.
Getting treated better than the other team outside of their own performance would be cheating.
Not all but some prayers would be considered as a try to cheat. To get advantages without actually doing anything.
Thus they are more selfish than the other team that doesn't ask to get special treatment.
And thus they are not the AI versions you would turn into physical beings in this world.
So with that I would like to prove that if a god exist you are probably more likely to go to heaven if you don't believe in that God, because otherwise what is it that says that you wouldn't continue that behaviour in the heaven and believe that a even higher being created that heaven?
If God appears to you as a normal person in that heaven.
Just as you would appear a normal person to the AI if you took it out of the simulation and into a physical body?