
  • "Would you rather be sleeping?" Morality
    Bring asleep has a purpose. You are either tired. Or want to take a rest for whatever reason. When you're asleep the brain does its repair work. By your logic you're saying that sleep is some sort of waste of time and useless relating to non existing in some way.That is not the case like food. It isn't needed, the body can use gluconeogenesis and use up all of it's own fat over several months as long as you have water in your system. Sleeping is essential to life like water. There's a reason the. Brain goes into sleep deprecation debt for months for those who lack adequate sleep. All of us would rather be doing x than y in most cases if given unlimited options.
  • Brief Argument for Objective Values
    Althought I might not know much about objective realsim. I could say that denying these could be catastrophic. The way we see the world helps you navigate it even if our senses deceive us it's an good evolutionary trait this why we still have it, part of this could be due to neurosis also other than that it's for our best interest. Better to be safe than sorry. If we're in the wilderness and a bush shakes and we think a snake is behind the bush we might preemptively startle and move out of the way real quick. In this sense we don't have time to think and subscousiouly react and move out of the way for our survival.And by contradicting what we see as its opposite could be harmful. Take aesthetics. We all have a broad view or what it means for something to beautiful on the outside and inside. But our biases ego and point of view get in the way of how we interpret things, delusion, deception that takes us farther and makes things less clear. Values are the extension of our human condition like an invisible contract.
  • What is wrong with social justice?
    yes, SJW's get a bad rap because they tend to come from an emotional standpoint than of a rational or logical one. I'm fine with SJW if it's defending people that have been treated unfairly. But most of what they are defending is trivial stuff and making a hot fuss over spilled milk. Any decent human being is a SJW. Some people just like to wine about everything.
  • Are bodybuilders poor neurotic men?
    Is no different than cycling. Or any other endeveur. It's a lifestyle you don't simply become a bodybuilder you ease into it. It takes along time to know enough about nutrition training and sticking with it over the years. That's what seperates a bodybuilder from an average gym goer. And what are your goals hobby? Competing? Functional strength for a specific purpose? It's like any other hobby. You'd probably feel more doped out drinking 2 cups of coffee than being on anabolic steroids. If you want a neotropic supplement with cognitive potential look at creatine. The most widely studied supplement in the world the research is out there just reach for it.
  • What should the purpose of education be?
    The purpose of education is to give people equal opportunity. Without free education only the affluent would be able to obtain it or family's who put more emphasis on schooling alongside funneling money to incompetent teachers who aren't very creative ( education majors on average score less iq) not that it matters much. But if education wad really meant to better society as a whole why not teach personal finance, how to be a good citizen, and develop into a full functioning rational member of society.