Brief Argument for Objective Values Althought I might not know much about objective realsim. I could say that denying these could be catastrophic. The way we see the world helps you navigate it even if our senses deceive us it's an good evolutionary trait this why we still have it, part of this could be due to neurosis also other than that it's for our best interest. Better to be safe than sorry. If we're in the wilderness and a bush shakes and we think a snake is behind the bush we might preemptively startle and move out of the way real quick. In this sense we don't have time to think and subscousiouly react and move out of the way for our survival.And by contradicting what we see as its opposite could be harmful. Take aesthetics. We all have a broad view or what it means for something to beautiful on the outside and inside. But our biases ego and point of view get in the way of how we interpret things, delusion, deception that takes us farther and makes things less clear. Values are the extension of our human condition like an invisible contract.