
  • Is mathematics discovered or invented
    Do you agree?Mephist

    Nothing in this world can be invented, Invention has a very different meaning which doesn't relate the human being but we can only discover which is already there.
  • Why do atheists ask for evidence of God, when there is clearly no such evidence?
    but I am simply pointing out that no one knows if God(s) exists.Maureen

    If I may have the floor for a couple of seconds. First of all, am new to the site so bare with me and my knowledge of the philosophical world and its theories. I am fond of easy words as they are simple and honest. The more we look for words the more we will lose our chain of thoughts, that's my philosophy.

    When it comes to the existence of God we have to point out few simple things and by the way this goes for everyone, believers and nonbelievers. By the way there is nothing in between.

    1.) Not everything can be proven scientifically. Since is based on facts and facts are not as limited as science have discovered so far. How much is enough for someone depends on the capacity of the acceptance of that idea.

    2.) God's scriptures will never be fully decoded by humans. A word of God is equal to thousands or probably more of different variations of its actual meanings by yet again we could be short.

    3.) Understand what is all known, if you don't , then you are loosing the grounds for asking the questions of unknowns.

    4.) There is a whole universe that is beyond our comprehension. The more we know the more we will have questions. Our knowledge is limited by every mean and possibility. The more since revels the more there is to be reveled.

    5.) We are finite and God is infinite. If you have a different thought then you are not pointing to the God but someone else. God is Infinite by all means that if you are a believer. Now again this can be assessed easily by all believers. But for those who don't believe, the term of infinity, shouldn't mean anything at all, if it does then only the supreme will have that capacity.

    We all worship and believe in someone or something in a manner that we tend not to label it as being a believer just by being not drugged to the Q.A of the idea. This instinct of worship is there in all humans. Those who believe are as much as in doubt as those who don't believe after all they all have the same DNA. The only strength of beliefs is the existence of a relationship with God. God is not defined but simply understood, therefore there is no such mechanism of what type of obedience can satisfy him at all. The more we drill into this idea the more we get into an argument with our mind if he should be worshiped at all?

    In a relationship, the principle is that both parties have some knowledge about each other, which makes it easier for the human mind to accept and follow. In relationship with God and a human being, our mind can obtain very limited. This it leads to the idea of his existence, his oneness, his power and other attributes.