When women are held for days and raped, when you start to rape little boys and men, when you see a series of genital mutilations, when you hear women testify about Russian soldiers equipped with Viagra, it's clearly a military strategy. — Pramila Patten (UN) · Sexual violence in the Russian invasion of Ukraine · Wikipedia
encroachment on our security and on Russia's national interests — Peskov
no state/government to speak of — jorndoe
you could/would instantly find yourself inside of a solid object of some sort and instantly die? — Mp202020
I believe that a state favouring one religion above others is inherently discriminatory and should progress into an actual democracy instead of the (Apartheid) ________ state it is now. The idea of a ("jewish") ________ state that favours (Jews as Jews) ________ is obviously wrong to anyone with a modicum of knowledge about human and civil rights. — Benkei
strives to maximize the damage to Ukraine by drip feeding weapons (... just enough to prop it up at an incredible high cost to Ukraine) — boethius
Well, we didn't do anything bad to anyone. We didn't attack anyone. — Valentina Matviyenko · Jun 2024
The fact is that Russia simply isn't a normal country that would try to have good relations with it's neighbors. It seeks the role it had when it was an empire/Superpower, makes huge gambles and takes extreme risks. It's extremely reckless. There simply are no benefits in trying to appease Putin. — ssu
There should be another narrative than the imperialist one when it comes to what Russia is. This narrative creates the reality were Russia sees necessary to intervene and dominate it's near abroad. First and foremost, the collapse of the Soviet Union, is seen as a mistake. An unfortunate accident. Russia is seen to be an multi-ethnic Empire and therefore it should obviously control what has been part of the Empire. And this makes everybody so nervous about Russia. It's not acting as a normal country. Yet the imperialist narrative dominates official Russia. It is fomented with the huge conspiracy that the West is against Russia, hence to defend itself, it has to attack. — ssu
For Russia to become a normal country and shed it's bellicose aggressive behaviour a humiliating defeat could do it. The Soviet Union came so splendidly and peacefully apart that people like Vladimir Putin understood it as a mistake, something you can and have to fix. — ssu
But I'm hopeful that Russia can shed it's fascist tendencies and perhaps become a normal democracy someday. But I acknowledge it will be difficult. Yet Spain and Portugal aren't anymore fascist. — ssu
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Yet if they do have an ancestral homeland it is in Africa. — BitconnectCarlos
A function cannot be its own argument, because the functional sign already contains the prototype of its own argument and it cannot contain itself.
If, for example, we suppose that the function F(fx) could be its own argument, then there would be a proposition “F(F(fx))”, and in this the outer function F and the inner function F must have different meanings; for the inner has the form ϕ(fx), the outer the form ψ(ϕ(fx)). Common to both functions is only the letter “F”, which by itself signifies nothing.
This is at once clear, if instead of “F(F(u))” we write “(∃ϕ) : F(ϕu) . ϕu = Fu”.
Herewith Russell’s paradox vanishes. — Wittgenstein
British barbers regularly cut their clients throats instead and dispose of their bodies in meat pies, to avoid this sort of difficulty. — unenlightened
Where are you even getting this from, following your own link: — boethius
You can post as much propaganda as you want — boethius
People here in Washington, DC are just ignoring that, making people believe like Ukraine can win, Ukraine can't, Putin won't lose, Putin will not lose, he's not going to lose. — Ron Johnson
The Barber of Seville shaves all the men of Seville apart from himself. — Nemo2124
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[list] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. [/list]
And it is also difficult to do. — Sir2u