LIfelong question re Eternal Recurrence
The "over and over again" part seems improper, but now, I see or rather remember, the theme of "Slaughterhouse Five" had this framework of Billy's life being the same one, over and over, in that loop I take it?
Long time learning or seeing this, thanks.
New Question:
Why, with there being infinite change, within "one loop", wouldn't the "loop" extend out so that all separate considered "events" or "clumps of things" be themselves transforming into all other patterns and clumps, so that the infinite loops are everything doing everything, and thus not only do we become or return to this moment as the lumps we are, but over the whole long cycle of the loop, we loop through the existence of becoming and having been every other lump of something, so that over the whole massively full infinite largest set of loops, we loop into everything as everything has ever and will ever exist?
The bigger loop, of everything looping into the existence of every other part, infinitely, in otherwords?
That's what hit me when I was 18. Everything loops through becoming everything else, forever, as the infinite pattern, including of course the Nietschean same lifetime looping, which seems an infinite subset of the greater infinite looping set.