
  • Is it immoral to do illegal drugs?
    You have been reported. I want no further comment from you.
  • Is it immoral to do illegal drugs?
    Ok. You’ve made your choice. I will respond accordingly.
  • Is it immoral to do illegal drugs?
    Mr. Woods, You have called me ignorant and you follow up with “Be careful how you quack”. If your personal attack's continue, I will follow up with a complaint to the forum’s governing unit. Have a great day.
  • Is it immoral to do illegal drugs?
    I appreciate your thoughtful response Cohen. I’m not sure our mutual forum member has done much research into the impact of the Drug War on minority’s, or the progressive drug policies that have made a positive impact in the countries you mentioned. Yes, For the reasons I’ve already cited, our past and present drug policies, at least in the view of this individual, remain suspect.
  • Is it immoral to do illegal drugs?
    I will overlook your ignorant whine comment. I will always argue for individual rights, whether it be the right to private property, the right to put ingest whatever substances we choose, and the right to take our own lives once we no longer have a viable quality of life. Individuals will use their drug of choice no matter if it is licit or illicit. The vast majority of individuals use their drug or choice responsibly whether the drug is legal or illegal. Are you suggesting that drug laws, and periods in the history of this country where bureaucrats have declared a "War on Drugs", has made a vast difference in curbing drug Use? I would argue that the vast majority of drug laws don't target the drugs themselves; it is a war on the people who use them. May I suggest a read entitled "Our Right to Drugs" by Thomas Szasz. He makes a compelling argument as to why we should be wary of a paternalistic government and the motivation behind laws governing individual preferences.
  • Is it immoral to do illegal drugs?
    It’s immoral that the Federal Government sanctions what supposedly free individuals can or cannot put into their bodies.
  • Would insecurity be the main cause of our creating and adoring evil gods?
    Separation is a dreamed state by the dreamed individual. There is no separation, only what is. And there is no individual, it it illusory. What keeps what is hidden is the attempt by the so called individual to “make things better” or achieve something. Thus, the need for Gods, Gurus, and various con men.
  • "The self is an illusion" Anyone care to explain what Sam Harris means by this?
    Pure non dualism..... there is no separate self that creates the illusion of a separate self. There is no self, only what is or boundless energy.