Looks really interesting. I looked on line and it's not available for free. Alas. I did download "Causality and Modern Science" from Hoopla of all places. Any good? It's a subject I've pontificated about a lot here on the forum, so maybe it'll help if I actually know something. — T Clark
Right, so morality is an analysis of what ought to be. So, if presented with two scenarios, I can use the premises of a morality to decide what outcome would be most optimal, or good. In this instance, its the state of there being existence, vs there being none at all — Philosophim
The trolley problem is a thought experiment where you’re asked to either watch five people be killed or pull a lever so that only one person gets killed.
In this hypothetical scenario which choice would you make?
For those who would let the five people die by not pulling the lever to kill one person is there a minimum number of people on the track that would make you choose to kill the one person?
50? 100? 1,000? 10,000?
What is your reasoning? — Captain Homicide
If good is "what should be" then morality is an analysis of evaluating "what should be". Therefore it is not nonsensical using these definitions. — Philosophim
e. If it is the case that there is something objective which concludes there should be no existence, that objectivity must exist.
f. But if it exists, then according to itself, it shouldn't exist.
g. If it shouldn't exist, then the answer "No" objectively shouldn't exist thus contradicting itself. — Philosophim
Let us know what you think after reading it, and thanks for bringing it up in this thread. — javi2541997
but as the end-point in our development is it not thwarting creativity and vitally original human thought — Nemo2124
"The study of axiology" is not itself axiology (i.e the study of value), so how does this "enhance the appreciation of value" when its object of study is not even (a) value? — 180 Proof
The study of axiology enhances the appreciation of value. — Shawn
I believe that faith is a deterrent against suicide.
— BitconnectCarlos
How does faith deter anything let alone suicide? — 180 Proof
I have not formulated a reasonable concept of god — Vera Mont
That's the second reason not to believe in gods. Whether they're as powerful as the believers claim or not, they're not worthy of praise. I can't worship anyone who fails to meet my standard of morality. — Vera Mont
If, in order to fund UBI, we increase taxes on the rich — then you’d see an outcry. — Mikie
By my thinking, UBI doesn’t solve the real problem, which is one of power: the decisions being in the hands of a self-perpetuating, small elite of private owners. — Mikie
Socialism has many points other than division of wealth however, being the fixation of prices, abolishment of class inequality (except government/population before the advent communism) and private property, prohibition of wealth accumulation by private entities, and seizing of the means of production. — Lionino
Approximation of calculations, not approximation of concepts or fictions. — Lionino
an aproximation with contradictions is not an aproximation but an impossibility. — Lionino
Doesn't need proving or disproving. You either buy a particular insurance package or you don't. I don't buy any of them — Vera Mont
An atheist doesn't necessarily claim (though some may) that no kind of supernatural entity could possibly exist, or that no entity which might seem like a deity to humans could possibly exist. Most of us simply reject the god-forms that have so far been held up to worship by human agencies of one kind or another. — Vera Mont
I think this proves we can prove a negative. — 180 Proof
Imagine a universe where not only is everything possible, but that all possibilities must be fulfilled before its natural conclusion.
How might such a universe look? — Benj96