
  • Do we need objective truth?
    For ex: we believe a box of carton is cube shaped and we called it truth and fact while the box of carton remains box shaped all the time
  • Do we need objective truth?
    Guys truth does not really exist.
    We literally just forcing ourselves to believe its the truth while the real thing is remains what it is
  • Do we need objective truth?
    My thoughts is that Truth does not exist.
    Truth is just a made up word for you to believe something works on how it should work when everything is just works how it should be.
    Everything is just present.
  • Are causeless effects possible?
    I think.
    Causeless can be exist and not be exist.
    Its Impossible and Possible at the same time.
    Let's say we are going to create something out of nothing and that thing is suddenly popped and exist like its nothing, It is said Causeless because that thing is suddenly exist without any cause. But its also considered 'Cause' because hey, we wanted to do it right?
  • What is Freedom to You?
    Yea we're all already Freedom from born so why bother Freedom when we all Already Freedom.
  • How to combat suicidal thoughts?
    Most of suicidal case is beliefing they are do something wrong. but, in Philosophy there are no wrong, here in Philosophy everything is
    acceptable so in other words 'The world is never work as we think'.
  • The Blind Spot of Science and the Neglect of Lived Experience
    The Point is, Science is a Joke. Done.
  • Can humanism be made compatible with evolution?
    My advice is don't lose faith in Philosophy, believe in yourself.
  • Is "Jesus is God" necessarily true, necessarily false, or a contingent proposition?
    Here's mine.
    Everything is a God, Including us, anything, etc.
    What i'm trying to say is God is indeed Exist, so exist that it safe to say it can be us and can be everything. God is not a being since being itself is 'exist/presence' and God is more like a 'Something' thats not present but also present and it sticks to everything. So how matter you point everything in this universe you always point at a God.
  • What is the Purpose of Your Existence?
    Straight to the point.
    Its up to us who we will become since we are all 'Present' and by that i mean your body and your soul is yours and that means you are 100% controling you and your future,so in other word we exist for us to life by our rule , but that's doesn't mean that GOD didn't exist, If we Speak Theology, God created us for an Achievement that we haven't discovered, yet. sorry if my language bit wobbly