
  • Probability is an illusion
    it's that at every moment each twin is aging more quickly than the other, twin A ages more quickly than twin B and twin B ages more quickly than twin A, yet when they reunite only one has aged more than the other, if you find that intuitive then indeed hats off to you and I want to hear moreleo

    How repeatable was this observation? How consistent? I'm only vaguely aware of the summaries of a few of the studies but I'd need to go deeper to determine any stance on the matter yet. I'll share my thoughts on intuition and what it is with you in my discussion soon. Working on it now. It will make sense then why current use of the words intuitive and unintuitive is probably misleading us from the nature of the phenomenon of Intuition itself.
  • Probability is an illusion
    Sure it's possible that what is intuitive to me isn't intuitive to you, however it seems to me that most people find it unintuitive to imagine a single particle following two different trajectories at the same time, or to imagine two twins each aging more quickly than the other when they are in relative motion and yet when they reunite one has aged more than the other, actually I believe I have yet to find one person who finds that stuff intuitiveleo

    Well, what I percieve to be intuition; is right now telling me to point out that obviously two twins age differently when apart. Time is relative. If one spends time in a mountainous region or is an astronaut that has done a round trip to the moon what did you think was going to happen?

    I think this is where we are getting into something really fascinating! Join me in an intuition thread later!
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    But it’s not so independent when you’re reading the same news and falling for the same anti-Trump propagandaNOS4A2

    I'm reading all sides of the news or at least as many as I can. It's not difficult to find sites that indicate political leanings and I'm assuming that as a lot of the people on here are a lot more intelligent than your average person (including yourself) is reading news from both sides and centrist views as well as looking for unpolitically biased news outlets.

    So far most of what you have shared is from Fox. However most of the time foxes agenda rarely matches with other news outlets including some conservative ones.

    All news is at the very least news of what someone somewhere is perceiving. It is up to us to ask what are they reading which makes them percieve that?

    I will move on and subtract my comments about you and Russia but I know you are at least intelligent enough to perform a simple exercise with some news research. Try and imagine you are from a neutral country and just reading about this stuff now and that you have no familiarity with American Politics. Tell us what you experience and think during this exercise. Even if you thought something like "Trump seems bad here" and then come up with an argument for why that view is wrong and that Trump is actually doing good.

    Then I want you to try and come up with an argument for why another 4 years of donald trump is actually good for the democratic supporters who hate him. How is another 4 years of trump going to benefit all citizens?
  • Probability is an illusion
    So you think probability is an illusion and is just a symptom of ignorance?TheMadFool

    I'm never sure where I stand on probability but whether the universe is entirely probabilistic I cannot say. What I'm sure of however, is we are ignorant of what all the probabilities are. Unfortunately due to the very nature of human knowledge, there is an insurmountable wall between individual knowledge and collective knowledge. While technology and science are lowering the height of this wall it is still there. The wall of ignorance is made of time. For all we know, in the vastness of human inquiry and knowledge we may in fact collectively know all there is to know or at least all probabilities have been guessed... But how could the individual ever know what the collective knows in its full scope? You would have to know what everyone has said of everything and recall it all at once.

    Sorry if this is too off topic for the OP. I'll let the mods decide if this should be moved elsewhere.
  • Probability is an illusion
    intuitive wayleo

    What does intuition mean to you though? I've got what my answer is or what I think it might be but I'm curious to know yours.

    Do you think it might be possible that what is intuitive to you isn't intuitive to me? If so, why? Thank you for the constructive points and I am looking forward to hearing more :)
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Except I'm not saying that of everyone who disagrees with me? Just you. I also don't think you are a "BOT" either. All I've said is you act Russian and say things which are good for Russian foreign policy not the USAs and seeing as fox news if full of Russian talking points this isn't wrong either.

    You and Russian media say very similar things. To and see for yourself. Does that not bother you as an American?
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Also, should say either Trump be Impeached or defeated in the 2020 elections there will be one thing that will stop Trumps whitehouse dead in its tracks from mounting any government sanctioned backlash via civil incitement. The thing I love to hate and hate to love; Beaurocracy. Specifically SS Beaurocracy; The secret service unequivocally DO NOT WORK FOR TRUMP. They work for the Office of the President of the United States. Which a convicted or defeated Trump will not be. If any trump supporters try to kickoff civil war then the national guard will probably already be prepared to step in.

    Now obviously some things along that road can still go wrong and I still see a good deal of violence happening in some places in the USA :/ not sure how to ease your mind about that.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Not for much longer. Have faith and heckle the fuck out of your local senator and Republican senators with duties which require them to have open lines of communication with members of the public outside of their districts. Like Moscow Mitch.
  • Procreation is using people via experimentation
    I'd have to ask for any proof that homeless people are "often the types to take relationships very seriously" as this seems like armchair evidence of such

    I was homeless for a time. Of course homeless people are the types to take relationships seriously. Or what would be a better way to put it is trust is very important because trust has ramifications for safety.

    I spent time surfing sofas of friends but I've had to sleep in a total strangers house a number of times and identifying who to trust is extremely important. All your relationships are important because at times your life depends on them. Especially in the winter! When in doubt though; trust a tent and trust that nature is a fickle parent.

    Fortunately the easiest surveys to carry out are homeless surveys. My solitary evidence and relatively short length of time as part of this demographic isn't enough so I suggest you make a large box of sandwiches, fill a few flasks with some cheap Mocha and spend some time surveying your local homeless or make your way to a hostel/shelter/long term b&b/motel.

    Ask them how important relationships are, do they value their chosen family and what is the first thing they would do if they had a clean slate with everyone?
  • Christianity and Socialism
    I have not read the Kabbalah. Can you summarise or expand on that?

    Same Joseph as Genesis, son of Jacob. Islam identifies him as a Prophet.

    So you're familiar with the story of Joseph being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and his interpretations of Akhanatens dreams? 7 years of plenty followed by 7 of famine will blight the land?
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    So is that the same as saying all republicans are complicit in being on the Dictatorship side? I don't think that makes them Republican anymore.

    I do see what you are saying but I think the enemy of democracy isn't as numerous as it seems to be, they are just louder.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Does that Atlantic article not generalise a lot of individuals from the common man trump supporter to republican senators? Some of them are genuinely just ignorant. Sometimes wilfully and sometimes because they are just to busy to take the time to educate themselves. I maintain a few conversations with some Republicans on Reddit. One mans beliefs in following trump were very easily dissuaded due to the reasons behind following. They did not know the history of the American contintinent and genuinely thought white Europeans from England were the first to settle here when it was in fact the spaniards who were the first and they colonised much of north america and all of south America without much contest. Then it was the French and then the English. This is only lookijg at the governments undertaking it ignoring the swathes of immigrants from all lands coming peacefully into the Spanish, French and English territories.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Me too; I'm also hoping Trump publically testifies in the senate trial answering questions from both sides. He's a Damn liability to himself. It doesn't even matter if a Republican question is friendly to a rational person. This is TRUMP! If he were to start feeling the pressure then how do we know he want have a public meltdown or rant some crazy theory about how the deep state has infiltrated his defense?
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Certainly. I've yet to meet a verified Trump supporter calling US foreign Policy in Ukraine "Meddling" however such thick concepts to describe US diplomacy are some things I see in Russian news outlets. Meddling isn't usually used by members of the group doing the meddling. That's all I'm saying. Its suspicious is all. If I'm wrong I'm wrong but then you don't explicitly deny it either.

    Actually I have open expectations for the senate trial. Would you like to hear some of my theories on what may happen during the senate trial? Its a minefield for trump I can tell you.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Threads like this make me thing he's not a Russian troll:ZzzoneiroCosm


    I'm not suggesting a troll. I'm suggesting a Russian commandeered individual. Russian talking points and a certain affect that while Russian like could just be my past experiences with russians and other eastern Europeans influencing my imagination.

    NOS isn't what I would call a troll. Much too polite and not insecure enough to be one really. However I definitely feel there is something subversive about him a little. Maybe just the Vampyre references haha
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Also it's not exactly easy for the Ukrainian president to come out and say he is being bullied by the US president. Would make him look weak so why the hell would he ever say that? What the people around him are saying is that it was definitely coercive. This is being said by individuals within both the Ukranian and US governments, Trumps government!

    America first seems to have gone out the window in your "American" beliefs. Seems more like its Trump first, then America. He never bought the USA he doesnt own it. Ths president is meant to be the peoples most powerful servant. America is not meant to serve the president.

    You steer very clear from the obstruction charge discussion I have noticed.

  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    It's only hokum if somehow a large number of common dictionary meanings changed over night while no one was looking; but when I hear phrases like "Didnt care about US foreign policy" and "Sought to further his own political agenda" in the testimonies which are common phrases used from multiple witness testimonies live in public for all to see I know exactly what to think. There is nothing right or justified about the presidents actions. He has only used the presidency to enrich himself and the fickle hyenas he and his friends all are.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    About withholding aid, the legal issues are murky. Even Mulvaney was concerned about this. But there is no problem; Ukraine got the aid.NOS4A2

    Definitely murky legal issues about the aid. What isn't so "Murky" is the mounting evidence that President Trump attempted to use that aid to extort and coerce a foreign entity to investigate a domestic political rival back here in the USA. These impeachment deposition transcripts both private and public are damning to this.

    Also, the thing about Watergate and the Clinton impeachment most people seem to forget; is that the easiest articles if impeachment to file and convict on are obstruction and intimidation charges during the investigative and judicial process.

    Nixon shot himself in the foot over the initial charges with what he did after they were first laid out.

    Clinton was only acquitted because what he initially did wasn't illegal it was just very telling of his moral constitution by caving into a flesh weakness in office. He obstructed too though.

    All the evidence corroborates that the initial charges against Trump are true and now his propaganda machine is attempting to gaslight the nation over the mounting and substantial testimony to date clearly shown in the public transcripts from non partisan and partisan sources on both sides.

    At this point in time the articles of impeachment being written up and each will come with an argument and will require a defence. I don't think the Republicans are taking this seriously but hopefully the silent senators will recognise the truth when they hear it in their own forum.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    We are free to speculate however I'm still waiting to the counters on my non "might be Russian" points so if my arguments are weak then no one is saying that to me yet.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Depends really on whether or not you are playong as black and what the opening moves are.

    As a rule if, I'm playing white I can afford to wait until black castles so I can choose whether or not to castle the opposite side and positions bishops or knights into outlost positions and getting the queens and rooks on the enemy kings side.

    Anyway we shouldnt get too side tracked there but happy to talk chess with you via DM.
  • What justifies a positive ethics (as opposed to a negative one)?
    Edited my last to you a little. If you are familiar with the narrative of altered carbon; pretty much what I just described to you, immortality, cloning, enhanced clones, turbo capitalism, authoritarianism which is too big to fail or fall, rebels led by the most controversial figure of the entire story, AIs, an amazing AI capturing the emotional essence of Edgar Allen Poe as well as inferences to the AIs Soul, an immortal politician who believes himself to be a good man by the best contextual standard, conflicts of duty on personal, familial and human obligation.

    You. will. love. it.

    It will blow your mind really and I haven't even gotten into many of tje other aspects. This list is almost non exhaustive to be honest in terms of how long I have to spend on it but I cannot sing its praises enough nomatter how you identify in your beliefs or philosophy.
  • What justifies a positive ethics (as opposed to a negative one)?
    You mean through things like envy and financial access to such methods leading to vast merit based differences and prejudice fueled ever more by increasing wealth inequalities? I mean; the ego of a human dictator is somewhat tolerable because at least they are mortal and bleed... However how do you contain the ego of someone who can have god like abilities the common man could never dream of having? Scary notions indeed.

    Have you watched or read Altered Carbon at all? It goes into this deeply I feel and it is something I feel I need to address in my application of positive ethics.

    It's probably going to have to be discussed on geopolitical and economic factors. Whether the argument is something like Antinatalism or something like the reverence for life if we are looking at polar opposites.
  • What justifies a positive ethics (as opposed to a negative one)?
    Agreed. I am an advocate of consent by all means. I know where we disagree is on consent to being born but at least there is solace in the fact we do have a middle ground in consent with which to meet.
  • What justifies a positive ethics (as opposed to a negative one)?
    Also what do you think of Gene editing? I mean; suffering is psychological right? And a core premise of psychology is that everything psychological is biological.

    So how would you respond to the notion that their may be ways to edit our very experience of suffering into something not only tolerable but useful? I mean if your children could be like Claire from heroes or wolverine from X-men with a regeneration factor and had access to a mental switch to turn off pain sensation at will and is immune to most diseases and can freely choose to opt out of life due to fatigue or the human lifespan remains largely untouched how would you feel then?

    Y'know assuming we can survive climate change and travel and colonise the rest of our solar system. To be honest to that end I feel gene editing might become vital to surviving different environments. I'm sure future Astronaughts could do with the ability to maintain muscle mass in zero g for starters..
  • What justifies a positive ethics (as opposed to a negative one)?
    I dunno... It's challenging and negativity is easier. So I opt for challenge.

    I mean, obviously I have lots more reasons but challenge is a good one. What else is there to do? I mean, religion likes to call all this testing but really I think its challenging and I'd be very open to hearing your thoughts on the value of The Challenges of Life.

    However obviously that is not to say negative ethics aren't without challenge as you yourself can attest but it would be interesting to hear what you feel is more challenging; negative or positive ethics? Or are they both different challenges that aren't worth comparing in that way?
  • Christianity and Socialism
    Your assumption is half correct. I am baptised as a salvationist by family however I have my own path and beliefs. I suppose you coukd say I'm a neo Gnostic taoist who holds to the belief that Jesus was a prophet or wise man or that stories of wise men speaking truth against power in dark times ought to be revered for all the values in their particular narratives.

    I try not to use the term gnostic anymore as ive read conflicting things about Gnosticism and its hard for me to keep an objective grasp of other uses but to me I just define it as a valuer of metaphor, allegory, analogy and finding wisdom in narratives on a basis if fiction first and then delve into historical truth. Historical Jesus/Isais also a very diversely described and conflicted subject I find too.

    So formally I spiritually identify as a Tao Salvationist and philosophically I am an adaptive pragmatist and I espouse to pragmatic theories of ethics and morality.

    How familiar are you with the many versions of the stories of Prophet Joseph? I'm not deviating from the OP I am going to tie this into politics and economics. Just what to get a feel for everyones familiarity with the narrative of the story. You may have also heard the title "King of Dreams"?
  • Christianity and Socialism
    Much of the old testament reiterates that the given set of people was corrupt "because they didn't strengthen the hand of the poor". There are in fact ways of strengthening the hand of the poor without imposing on the tax payer.christian2017

    A good point to raise; However new Testament describes the sacrifice of christ for our souls and the power of sacrifice, redemption and renewal after one has metaphorically laid benediction upon themselves for their sins by martyring themselves upon a cross or heavy burden and finding salvation through rebirth and a love of contributing to the creation of god in ourselves and most importantly others.

    Just my two cents really, but I will definitely respond to more of your detailed and thoughtful contributions as I read through them time allowing.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Doesn't he sound more like a Russian than an American? "Meddling" is quite an aggressive thick concept for a true America first supporter to be using nay? Speaking as a Scottish man engaged to an American so maybe my view is less biased than if I was born here or in Russia to be pointing that out but its a very curious and suspicious use of language.

    Its not obnoxious and in your face, emotions worn freely with no lack of bravado which is what ive come to expect from American Trump supporters. It's just subversive and disruptive anti american wordplay to me which is so Russian. That and the affect of the way he speaks to me is very Russian. I've played many games of chess with people from all across the world and the typical american is to psychologically attack by making you think they have the utmost confidence in the belief they have already won. Russians don't do that, they are quiet, decisive and only speak to try and make you second guess your own moves. They also play extremely defensively but with strong counter attacks ready to punish mistakes.

    Usually my matches with them are pretty drawn out but ive often found the best method is to lock key pieces into defending the king and aggressively but carefully pushing for the ground and spaces around the king with knights. I call it the "Don't stop at Stalingrad strategy". You only do it after your king is castled though and you fianchetto the queen side bishop.

    I mean; just a hypothesis but an interesting one I feel.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    As for America first, I’m not sure it’s in America’s best interests to be meddling in Ukrainian affairs.NOS4A2

    If Trump did that with congressional approval then their wouldn't be a problem; rounding back to my previous point that the illegal act originally committed was asking a foreign government to investigate a domestic political rival back home. It should have been the DOJ and the Exectutive branch simply does not have to the authority to just defy congress without comminicating it directly to congress.

    I certainly didn't read at any point any news or white house or congressional publications stating that the trump administration asked for congresses opinion on putting extra conditions on the fund sent to Ukraine.

    I'll be honest though; your line about "The USaa meddling in the Ukraine." Doesn't sound like something an american would say. Its certainly a very Russian thing to say though..
  • Christianity and Socialism
    All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness
    - 2 Timothy 3:16

    I feel this line to be extremely relevant to this discussion. Hard interpretation of this on the subject of Stagnation I feel strengthens @Wallows points here.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    What is silly, is that a company that is registered in Cyprus and through audits paid a figure of roughly about 70 million dollars in owed taxes in 2016, and is managed largely by Ukrainians whom have always been the subject of the 15 investigations carried outby the prosecutors offices over the years isn't being applauded for cleaning up house and paying all owed taxes in 2016 likely due to the diplomatic efforts of the Biden's in alleviating bipartisan concern over corruption in the Ukraine. Under normal circumstances this would be considered a political and diplomatic win for US foreign policy. All done without ever asking for investigations into political rivals back home. This should be a great American achievement. Burismas and other companies turning over new leaves, happened because of the bidens and the direction of the Obama administration and carried on by the Trump Administration which in the end gave the funds because the Ukrainians made sincere efforts to clean up their act and meet American Bipartisan demands. That right there is really America first. Not Trump whining about and trying to demonize what should truly be considered, a triumph for the USA.
  • A real small example of ethical conundrum (maybe you find it interesting)?
    Definitely an interesting dilemma/connundrum? (I always forget the difference there haha)

    Have you considered, that the most beneficial thing you could do to act as the moral agent of yours and my shared disdain for the moral qualms we have with the acquisitions of the materials used to produce these
    Devils Dildos
    - Patrick Maguire in Shameless original UK version (Never the US version!).
    Is to provide direct and complaint heavy feedback to manufacturers demanding increased longevity in future devices, and deep moral consideration and improvement on and in the lives of peoples who have been negatively effected by the ravaging of their countries natural resources, by the capitalist machine? while at the same time, acknowledging and praising the good intentions behind the pursuit of enhancing technology for all of humanities and lifes benefit?

    I'd be so much happier giving my money to a company the makes a point to gain long term economic stability by producing truly generational devices that are a bit closer to our own human lengthed generations and that also makes a point to recall and recycle the materials of the old devices at even 5-10 year intervals with upgrades, software's updates and device maintenance being given at a low cost to as many customers as possible. The prices could even be rolled into the 5/10/20 year intervals as one purchase wherein you pay for all the previous software and routine servicing along with the price of the next gen device since this long term model would be easy for investors and crediters to get behind during the lower cost periods of servicing and long spaced out research and development.

    Just give me my Damn PipBoy already, before fallout please! #PipBoyForJusticeInTheCongo
  • Etiquette and diplomatic reasoning; A space where we can discuss how we engage with one another.
    There's a conscious umph towards more high-quality and structured content. The hope is that trolling, animosity, and such babble gets shoved aside, and more attention is shifted towards our new Protestant work ethic.Wallows

    I have noticed this as of late although I'm curious as to why you describe it as Protestant? I mean, speaking personally I'm a baptised Salvationist and both my Grandparents on my fathers side are Majors and my mother and father worked in Homeless Hostels for the Salvation Army too so for me this probably true but to a lesser extent than my family as I diverged from my families religion at an early age because of social difficulties with the other Sunday School Children at the Army hall. So while the protestant work ethic is true of me, I'm interested to hear why you think the same shift is happening collectively on the forum?

    @Pfhorrest The principle of Charity I think is one of the most helpful concepts you've shared with me and others here. I simply love it, It's completely my style.

    My own diplomatic style tends to follow the concept of mirroring. I can explain why this became almost pathological at one point for me until philosophy steered me clear.

    Due to being autistic and being diagnosed with Aspergers at 23 which is considered a slightly late diagmosis; I recognised a need for me to admit my own social shortcomings and focus on learning how to engage with people differently as mirroring is an extremely emotionally taxing and stressful way to go about life.

    I can explain the why because of my formative years and adult friendships. I watched and read a lot of sci fi; Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars and my favourite of them all and potentially the most underrated science fiction franchise of all time... FarScape! I've actually watched Stargate a lot more than FarScape as the former was the family watch whereas only me and my Dad spent time watching FarScape together consistently.

    Most of my role models were fictional and the ones I adored were the diplomats from these franchises as well as the other styles of diplomacy by the other roles of the core cast and others. The best diplomats were portrayed as the ones who understood their counterparts in dialogues own styles of diplomacy and mirrored them. StarFleet from Star Trek really went deep into this with Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager although my emotional centre really tries to capture the duality of Spock while avoiding Trying to think like Data.

    One of my closest friends description of his Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him, was to liken him to a mirror reflecting everyone back at themselves and it was a theme to be described thusly for many prophets. Prophet Joseph is my favourite though, his story is so tragically beautiful and influential to me in most of its forms but my friend shared my now favourite version which is Islam's. Same with their version of the first miracle performed by christ which was to speak as a new born child in diplomatic defense of his mother Mary who was probably going to be stoned to death for adultery.

    I had to come at learning more advanced social skills in a very technical and curated manner with a self guided curriculum as an adult. Like everyone, as I grew up without direct meta lessons and learning in socialising I grew up with a mixed bag. However this isn't some thing unique to autistic people in my opinion.

    So yeah, Mirroring I'd say is more of a defense mechanism of the socially inept/ignorant however if used fluidly and at the right time it can be a powerful tool for diplomacy so long as you don't mistake it for being the only one. Which brings me to Bruce Lee's Philosophy of water;
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
    which to me says that the only thing one should be rigid in, is valuing fluidity and diversity within ones self.

    As within, so without.

    Anyway, everyone I will contribute and respond to more of the comments here after the weekend. Family time.

    Have a good weekend all!
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Thank you for expanding and the constructive help in informing my current views! It is much appreciated.

    Someone here has a theory that a couple of these guys here are actually Russian.

    I think @Wallows also finds this theory to be highly plausible. Who was it that originally said that? I'll need to go back and look but I'd love to hear the full theory there.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    I dont know, seems to me the process for investigating Biden could have been started here. Still not seeing the America first option.

    I mean; there is a distinct difference between Biden withholding a loan guarentee and Trump withholding congressionally approved funds.

    Also as far as I'm aware, Biden's involvement in Ukraine was to advise the removal of a Ukraine Prosecutor who was not investigating corruption in multiple Ukrainian companies and individuals.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Is it not true, that the Department of justice in the USA should have been the ones Trump was pushing to investigate Biden?

    I mean, surely if the Trump presidency had genuine concerns and if the DOJ had genuine concerns about Biden's conduct; then surely the DOJ would be the ones to investigate it? Why is the president of the united states asking another country to investigate a politician from here? A DOJ investigation would have the authority to request the assistence of the Ukrainian authorities into investigating bidens Ukraine connection no? Why the attempts at secrecy and why not trust our own DOJ and Judicial system? What happened to America first?
  • Bannings
    Speaking from my experience of speaking to ON; It was pretty frustrating writing moderately lengthed responses to him to get barely one or two lines back. I can only really call this foundationless disagreement which makes me not take people seriously. If people have good arguments for their views I want to know and everyone has nuance they need to share to be effectively understood.

    @Baden I'm also assuming ON had a few warnings about his etiquette and effort here before being banned, am I correct?

    Dingo I don't think its worth getting into an argument with them about this unless no warnings were given.

    You are fine in my opinion. We don't always agree but you have raised good constructive points with me in the past which I appreciate; take my advice and just keep doing you and try not to take offense from the moderators as they get easily swamped and don't always mean to be callous or short with you. Time is precious and in too short supply these days.
  • Bannings
    Good question.

    I mentioned Project Gutenberg which is a free online library of 1000s of out of print books and classics that are still in print today; like Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, Descartes, Machiavellis principles and lots lots more on any subject you can think of.

    What an app can do really, especially with Chris designing it; is provide streamlined quick easy custom functions and features that would suit a philosophy app. I've only just started conceiving of the idea so I'm thinking out the Project Gutenberg connection at the moment but I might start a discussion and ask the community for ideas and sughestions on what they would like to see from an app for this forum.

    There could be Ted connections, news on current events and publications, maybe even a mechanism where members could pitch in for community owned Ebooks, subscriptions for philosophy related content and the ability to incorporate and share all these easily into related discussion threads at the push of a button or two.

    I feel this could greatly enhance the quality of our debates and discussions as well as accelerate our learning potential and save us a lot of time into the bargain which we can spend focussing on our contributions more or just being able to handle our free time better.

    Lots of possibilities and potential in it I feel :)
  • Bannings
    How many inactive accounts do you have? I only ask because I'm curious about the technical logistics of this site. It occurs to me, that if there is a large amount of inactive accounts over say 2-3 years innactive or banned would it not be better to clear space every now and then? Also; one of my closest friends (quite literally, born same day same hospital) is ome of the best full stack developers in the business (some of his work can be seen on the Elder Scrolls online website and apex suite) and honestly I feel the design of the forum is really smart and would suit an app potentially. If we had an app that was say, linked to the Gutenberg project or other free libraries with an appropriate scrape and search and direct quote function; I could see discussion on the forum reaching a whole other level! He's a really busy guy and we currently have our own app and game in our personal schedules still to do but I'd honestly love to do an intellectual forum app at some point!

    Maybe pitch it too the other moderators. My work would be free but he would probably need some form of payment however I could sort that out and do a long term reimbursement through member donations until I'm made whole financially, barring my own contribution of about 10% of whatever he'd charge. I love this forum so would be happy to pay for us to have an app. :)
  • Bannings
    A shame about omnicient, although after reading what someone posted about the Manson and Hitler comment and the awful one line responses to my long responses to him it completely makes sense to me.

    Good Moderation there. 10/10

    RIP ON. Maybe one day you'll find your place but with the FB ban and the Ban here you have a lot going against you.

    Btw Baden how does banning even work, as I noticed you were still able to tag OM? Do you guys delete accounts if they are banned or offline for a certain long period of time?


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