
  • Why I think God exists.
    Well, I guess it comes down to what you want to believe. If i said, "i saw a fox at he golf course yesterday", you probably wouldn't demand evidence or get annoyed that I have made such a claim. But when I say, "I had a vision that showed me the future" or "a myterious voice saved me from a fatal snake bite", suddenly you're demanding evidence, etc. The difference is, seeing a fox doesn't have implications of God's existence, but having visions of the future and hearing a lifee-saving voice does.

    On the one hand it's a good idea to approach claims of miracles with a healthy degree of skepticism, but on the other hand, to deny outright that miracles occur is to deny a certain aspect of reality - simply because you find the possible theistic implications of that reality intolerable.
  • Why I think God exists.
    In other words, you don't believe such things can happen; you don't believe in miracles.
  • Why are Christians opposed to abortion?
    Yeah, right. Instead of "had their mother been celibate", why go even further and use the substitution, "had their mother never existed"? Obviously, the argument needs to begin with a pregnant woman, otherwise it will quickly degenerate into witless absurdity.
  • Why I think God exists.
    Without belief in God it's going to be difficult to explain that vision I had of the future and what that voice was that saved me from a (probably) fatal snake bite. But for the individual who is determined to reject God, such events can be "explained away" with some lame hypothosis.
  • Why I think God exists.
    Yes. It makes me think, "Can't wait to get to Heaven, where there is no starvation."
  • Why I think God exists.
    This may not seem very philosophical on the face of it ... but when I see a beautiful woman, I think, "There is God!". I find it impossible to believe that said beautiful woman is the result of a blind, mindless, meaninglesss process of evolution. She therefore must have been created by an intelligent being who appreciates beauty. Is my conclusion irrational?
  • Why are Christians opposed to abortion?
    "Thou shalt not kill" - the 6th Commandment.

    Ask anyone if they would have lived their life if their mother had an abortion instead of giving birth ro them. The anwser would of course be "No". Therefore one can argue that abortion is the snuffing out of a human life. Isn't the cold-blooded, premeditated snuffing out of a human life murder?