
  • We Don't Matter
    Mattering is like meaningT Clark
    yes they are similar. It also extends to the concept of there being a reason for our existence. The existence of the universe irrespective of human existence demonstrates our irrelevance.

    We matter to meT Clark
    is fair to say and correct. Beyond ourselves however, looking from the outside in, in the broader scheme of all the universe, we do not have claim to any significance. Therefore the concept of our importance internally is negated by the broader concept of our insignificance.

    The case accommodating an existence of God is not accounted for here. Too often, God gets inserted to provide an answer we want to hear at the expense of facing reality.

    There is only one problem with your hypothesis and that is because you are using the human perspective to describe the non-human.Filipe
    the human perspective has actually been used to describe humans. It is saying that humans and all that they value, is in fact, insignificant or irrelevant with respect to the broader universe of which we are a part. The prior and continued existence of the universe irrespective of our existence is evidence to this. As mentioned earlier, our value we ascribe is negated by the overall case of our irrelevance.

    And yes trees make sounds when they fall irrespective of human existence. The laws of physics do not depend upon humans.

    Thanks for your replies