
  • Defining Features of being Human
    Being really good at copying. In a nutshell.
  • A life without wants
    Wants are all life is.
  • What's the big mystery about time?
    Time is something that happens and it can be measured. but so is a hole.

    Time dilation is where everything gets silly. You can't dilate a measurement. Space and matter are the things in question. Time does not dilate. It's absurd. Think about it.
  • Who are we?
    You're a complicated collection of atoms mate. But the word is human.
  • Why does time move forward?
    So I can tell you how pointless this question is, without instantly forgetting why I thought that as I unread your post.
  • Where are we?
    It wouldn't have an outside, if it was finite. The universe is all of it, whether finite or infinite.
  • Do You Believe In Fate or In Free-Will?
    Everything thats happened couldn't of happened, if everything that happened before didn't happen exactly as it did. Fate is just a word to refer to one specific things inevitable role. The future is set in stone but completely unpredictable. I think words like fate help is deal with being stripped of free will.
  • Bad Physics
    Physicists know how space, time and matter work together. They don't have an answer to what it is. General Relativity works but what the hell is spacetime? The Big Bang explains expansion but where did this crazy singularity come from?

    I want to know what things are, not just how they work. But, to find out, you need to look deeply into physics. Then you get to the point of realising that the best answer physics has to what we are actually made of, the essence of matter and energy, is "stuff". Something.

    In short, physics doesn't have the answers but you can't say a thing about any of it unless you are one, or you get attacked.

    Maybe all the ex theists, having discarded their religious views are now all struggling with all sorts of new existential problems which used to be accepted under the blanket of having been simply created or carried out by God?
  • Double-slit Experiment, The Sequel
    I believe the wave spreads out and where it converges and crosses the sensor, a single atom is excited, the wave carries on but some energy has exchanged. Wave with no collapse. Its just my idea, probably wrong but solves the riddle. If you can believe a wave of light can lose some part of its energy but carry on anyway.
  • Objective truth in a determined universe?
    Prediterminable. Just not by anything imaginable. We don't have free will but we do all have our very own mind, so it might as well be free will. I never felt like I had it in the first place.
  • Eric Weinstein
    I'm just excited by the possibility of something new and groundbreaking happening. Plus I saw Eric on Joe Rogan's pod cast talking about it and he seemed like he was being genuine. I guess I'll just see what happens.
  • Eric Weinstein
    I wasn't trying to be. I'm sorry if caused any unpset.
  • Expansion of the universe

    Because physics is so progressive?
  • Expansion of the universe
    If 4 people push you evenly from each direction and one gets blocked or pushes less, you go toward them.
  • Expansion of the universe
    no. And I never mentioned curved space, so we're clear.
  • Expansion of the universe
    the earth is blocking more push than the moon because its bigger. So in open space you stay still as you're being pushed evenly from all directions.
  • Expansion of the universe
    I think expansion is created by all the stars in space pumping space into space. I think gravity is secondary to this, being a blocking effect from the oncoming push from space in all directions, so we fall toward the sun in a path of least resistance.

    Complete speculation.
  • Expansion of the universe
    No I understand the BBT. But it doesn't even try to explain where or how a universe creating singularity appeared in the first place. The main question the BBT presents. Also, there is no way yet of proving that bodies in space aren't actually just moving apart evenly, increasing the space, rather than assuming the space is expanding. It would look the same. I believe stars release space, space being composed of just radiation like light, which they generate by fusing matter. If all stars release space then space appears to expand. But if you'd prefer I believed a magical point in nowhere with enough heat and energy packed inside to spawn our universe just happened to happen, I say no thank you.

    The other problem I have with it is the way physisists say "to ask what came before the big bang is a bad question", because time only exists once the ball is rolling. If nothing existed before this singularity, there would still be nothing now! It's a huge mess of a theory. Even Roger Penrose's idea on how it works is ridiculous and he's been trying to explain it for longer than I've been able to walk.

    The CMB is the only good evidense for the Big Bang Theory. But I think it has a different cause. I don't know how or from where, but if its the only reason to believe something as invented and stupendous as the BB, I'd rather wait and see.

    Finally, I think at least half the reason the BBT took off is because it fitted in so nicely with the bible. God spoke and shazam, a universe! Sounds like one and the same to me. Fiction.
  • Is my red innately your red
    You hear people say things like "is my red the same as your red?" but you don't so often here someone asking if their sense of the smell of a banana is the same as your sense of it. Or if you hear the sound the same way. Because vision is a slightly more, personal feeling, sense.
  • Mind over matter?
    No. You can build a perfect coin flipper and if all the coins were perfect, no matter how hard you thought about it, they would all land 100% one way.
  • Eric Weinstein
    But why the big gap? That doesn't fit it being a joke paper right? That's the equivalent of explaining a joke, which always ends in nobody laughing.
  • Eric Weinstein
    I guess we wait for someone who gets it to comment. Unless it's purposefully ungettable?
  • Eric Weinstein
    Geometric unity.
  • Eric Weinstein
    You're right. But why waste my time, you have Google right? Besides, I'm asking if for those who already know. If someone doesn't then they need to Google it anyway as I've already stated I don't get it.
  • Expansion of the universe
    I just stopped believing in the big bang. It posses way more questions than it answers. It's a stupid idea.
  • Love and sacrifice
    Love is how much of yourself you share with the other person/subject. How much of you that's been invested and adopted into the other, and vice versa. We love children the most as they are copies of us from the start and become more like us over time. The longer you are close to someone, the more you love them, even when you don't like them very much.

    Infatuation and romantic love is mostly chemical with the added simulation of dreaming about the Beautiful future you can imagine with this new person, who seems, just perfect for you. Until the brain stops drugging your perceptions and you see the person as they are, which is hopefully somewhere close to the amazing, ideal person, you thought they were.

    It's that simple in my opinion.
  • Definitions of Moral Good and Moral Bad
    If your "short book" is already low in content, my advice would be, don't bother writing a book.
  • What is Faith?
    Believing something you don't know.
  • Depressed with Universe Block (and Multiverse)
    Both ideas are rediculous. This is where my depression stems. People would rather think up unbelievable, unrealistic and scary realities than assume the few observations which led to them contradict their precious (incomplete) theories.
  • Is Truth an Inconsistent Concept?
    Surely you need only check the context in other words? So many English words are ambiguous until used in a sentence. You're just being picky.
  • Thought is a Power Far Superior to Any God
    Thought is what got us into the mess of religion. It created it. Stating one is more powerful than the other is meaningless. Also, if it was, we'd have vanquished these dogmas long ago.
  • What is your description, understanding or definition of "Time"?
    An ant walks into a bar and says "hey, why are you all moving so slowly?"
    But seriously, an ant would experience time faster relative to us. And a whale slower. As the speed at which time passes is relative to the creature experiencing it. And outside of living experience there is only the speed of light or the movements of the stars to go by. Time can pass faster in one place than another, depending on the gravity, but it seems the same in either location so who cares
  • Is 'information' a thing?
    I don't think it's a dodge. When someone tells you all there is, is matter and energy. They are also showing how information is a part of both without needing to add it as an additional thing. The words you speak come from matter, travel as waves of sound and are converted to thought again. Information is just mixed up with matter and energy.
  • Where is art going next.
    I agree with you. Art helps us find out what Comes next. Not the other way round.
  • Absolute rest is impossible - All is motion
    I think space itself is moving, in all directions. Matter is made out of and connected to space. So no thing can be motionless because matter is motion in action. Also if space expands evenly throughout the universe, even two objects which appear to be motionless relative to one another, ain't quite.

    Also, what difference does it make either way?

Razorback kitten

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