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    What is Morality? Just another word the glorifying the Deities! What are the Deities? to use 'simple' words, Feelings and Emotions! Morality is the state that the Deities have conquered us and all that is left is glorifying them as the truths of life! what! Happiness is the goal of life? What! Peace is what we should all strive for! No,no and infinite times no,only reason is the highest, only mathematics the furthest!

    The Deities seek to destroy our lives! The Deities seek to rule us!
    You say you feel sad, i say God of sadness is deluding you!
    You say you got angry and did the bad thing, I say Demon of anger possessed you and made you do the bad thing!

    Cant you see! How can you do evil!? How can you want to harm! Why does it seem like you cant control your thoughts? Why does it seem like we all want Utopia but cant make it!? This is because oh souls, our creations the deities want to destroy us! our creations, Emotions and feelings want to ruin our lives!

    To know more about my philosophical theory written in a grand mythological way you can check out my website at