Again, you are upset about words, something Sessions said on a right wing talk show. — fishfry
If I was religious, I'd assume god really is on Trump's side. — Echarmion
I'm 90/10 sure they are going to abolish the filibuster to push through a lot of new legislation to ensure they are less likely to lose elections in the future. — Count Timothy von Icarus
If there was going to be a democratic vote on same sex marriage, I'd bet everything I own that it would be outlawed. — Patterner
The truth is you don't actually know that his motives were different than Obama's. — fishfry
You made my point for me. In 2014 when Obama was separating families and putting kids in cages, the MSM did not widely report the story. People were not outraged because they didn't know it was happening. When images of kids in cages covered in foil space blankets "like baked potatoes" started circulating on social media, Obama dialed back the cages and loosened the vetting of families. Even the WaPo was forced to report on the kids Obama was losing to traffickers. — fishfry
No, the behaviour is the same, no? Behaviour is public.
EDIT: for the avoidance of doubt, I agree with you. I'm arguing the opposite, I forgot why. — bert1
For the same kind of reason that a ball rolls down an incline. — bert1
I'll stipulate that Trump said what the Reuter's piece says. Not a good look, I agree. It doesn't detract from my point. Obama put kids in cages till the optics got bad. Trump put kids in cages till the optics got bad. Biden just let everyone in and is running a massive trafficking operation. He'll be out of office before people come to find out what he's done. — fishfry
Ah, that's an actual statistics question. The answer is it's a chance that is infinitely close to zero. — LuckyR
I get that you're trying to explore statistics, but if one drills down into the OP, as written, it devolves into an exploration of the limits of machines to choose "randomly" among an infinite number of choices. Which is to say: wholly inadequate. Thus the answer is: not zero. — LuckyR
What are and were the substantial policy differences between other GOP candidates and Trump? What exactly was the choice there? — Benkei
So what do you do to avoid turning children over to traffickers? You separate the kids from the adults until you can contact the authorities in their claimed home country, and find out who they are. If they are a legit family, you reunite them and send them on their way. If not, you just stopped a trafficker and saved a child. — fishfry
They call this the measure problem. This is not to be confused with the measurement problem of quantum physics, the question of what is a measurement that makes the wave function collapse. — fishfry
Honestly I still don't see the obsession people have with her, especially since she doesn't seem to have any political ambitions or policies of her own. Like is it purely because people miss Barack Obama that much? — Mr Bee
Ike, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, Trump. Feel free to explain to me what these folks did that was authoritarian. — fishfry
The voters made it very clear that they didn't want Joe to run again due to his age, and they ran him again. — Mr Bee