
  • Agnosticism
    Being an agnostic I find this interesting, so many people immediately assume I am atheist because of my stance. I stopped correcting them years ago found it was a waste of time to explain myself. Never really thought much about it. I imagine the story writers of the bible figured everyone was agnostic or walking on water and turning water to wine and other miracles wouldn't have been necessary to show them. Close minded individuals need a book to tell them how to live a certain way and thankfully one has been written our entire calendar system is based on it at this point even. I took the show me stance at a young age when the organized religions had obviously missed the message of living right. Catholic church for example so many wars in history from their influence, and how often do we hear on the news of yet another cover up of their leaders doing more harm than good. The universe does "show" anyone who is open enough to listen that there is more at work than just the mundane, Some call it synchronicity, but if its a higher power or just coincidence cant be proven. Sit back and watch people who choose to be less than their ideal selves and phrases like "such bad luck" often applies to them. Where in contrast people who try to lead a good life things typically go in their favor more than would be expected. My show me stance became solidified when I began listening to the universe my mile markers of the road of life tells me if I am deviating to far and the reminders to get back on track can often times be trying but even then things go in my favor more than not.