I'm not trying to be buzzkill but only articulate the complexity of not-stasis as I see it. I guess I find an ecstasy in this complexity -- at the cost of having anything like a solution for existence. — jellyfish
I'll hazard to speak for more of us than just my lonesome, uncanni, when I say "Oink oink — 180 Proof
As we discussed before, I think the only way to avoid becoming a dominating evangelist is to prioritize an ideal, symmetric relationship. — jellyfish
This is extremely helpful! I need to do more research on trolls, my fiancé is the troll slayer in our family hahaha — Mark Dennis
But I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t feel good sometimes to feel like you are dominating and I think this is the core conflict in most people. — Mark Dennis
Do you ever feel like they just keep needling at you too? Like you spend awhile trying to get through to them reasonably and then end up feeling bad when you lose your temper. — Mark Dennis
As to where Good and Evil stem from, in my view they have existed for aeons — leo
I guess I just don’t understand what fascinates nuerotypicals about pointless competition and one upmanship. I’ve literally seen two people arguing for the same thing before but because they were trying to one up each other they genuinely believed they were arguing from different points. Its embarrassing to watch really.
Why can’t people just be happy that they are learning and growing together? — Mark Dennis
In converse, feelings of existential dread or horror, ontophobia, not only make us feel awful about things that we would otherwise be able to accept and live with or move past, but also floods our minds with clouds of stress and drowns us in despair, so we are functionally less able to think clearly and act decisively. — Pfhorrest
And what else can you tell a person wrestling with a spiritual crisis but some version of 'get over it.' — jellyfish
Pearls before swine. — 180 Proof
Despair. Their rugrats are effigies of hope. — 180 Proof
I have found my ecstasy in this crisis. I live largely for this crisis. I suppose I chose those words to emphasize that it's the way of death and despair, too. — jellyfish
especially if everyone is assumed to understand the irrelevance already — unenlightened
The climate is relatively unaffected by what people think about it. ... It is what folks do that matters. — unenlightened
Climate is a matter of faith and ideology.
Sarcasm alert. — unenlightened
A hand full of ultra-rich and power people in the world are both guilty and responsible for the critical problems we face. — Bitter Crank
I think this realization can be painful. It's the death of the usual spiritual comforts. One has to set sail on a dark ocean of personality and even embrace a permanent identity crisis. One becomes everyone and no one. For me the journey has been strange. It's lonely and yet the opposite of lonely, humble but proud. — jellyfish
I think we are (all too often) bound ourselves by our desire to bind others. — jellyfish
why are we attached to detachment? In what are we invested that urges us not to be fools? I agree that expecting others to believe on authority is bad. Bad how? I think free minds want a symmetric relationship with other free minds. They want to see their own freedom/infinity reflected and recognized. — jellyfish
The way that mysticism and reason are engaged with each other as countervailing forces requires a lot of assumptions before the scrum can commence.
It is difficult to approach the matter from that direction.
....I will assert that the intersection of the cultural and personal frames of experience, the distance between past expressions and the needs of the present moment,involve a desire to embrace a disproportion between explanation and action. The flickering messages of what must be done and the call to make your own way are not the consequences of this or that set of beliefs but reflects the problem of our existence. — Valentinus
highlights a problem of evil for human procreators that is, in some ways anyway, more acute than the problem of evil for God. — Bartricks
...and what will become of me when I no longer have it in me to pretend that I do not genuinely despise people. I don't know if I care anymore. — CornwallCletus
Why? Because an earthquake isn't bad until it starts maiming and killing people, yes? An eruption isn't bad until the larva starts burning people alive, yes? Viruses aren't bad until they make people ill. Innocent, sentient life. — Bartricks
You seem to be charging yourself with projecting humanity onto things not human. I wonder why? — creativesoul
There are many arguments that defend the objects of faith (I'm thinking particularly of the christian faith). The people doing so are called "apologetics", and they are still kicking to this day. — Samuel Lacrampe
so as to be able to know which aspects of human thought and belief are unique to humans and which are not. Being anthropomorphic is not equivalent to being human. It's what's going on when we mistakenly attribute characteristics unique to humans to things other than humans. — creativesoul
the intersection of the cultural and personal frames of experience, the distance between past expressions and the needs of the present moment, involve a desire to embrace a disproportion between explanation and action. — Valentinus
So in claiming to be blind to those differences, the ascendency denies what makes those individuals who they are, and reasserts its dominance. — Banno
What's uncontroversial is that innocent sentient life does not deserve to suffer. — Bartricks
They hate me and I welcome their hatred, Putin-loving Mein Kampf reading fascists that they are. — Noah Te Stroete