
  • Coronavirus

    Prove it wrong LOGICALLY rather than just engage in ad hominem attack - if you can. Prove the virus did not originate in the US. I’d love to hear a good argument.

    Don’t just claim something is wrong without factually backing it up.

    “...Virologist and pharmacologist who performed a long and detailed search for the source of the virus. He spends the first part of the video explaining the various haplotypes (varieties, if you will), and explains how they are related to each other, how one must have come before another, and how one type derived from another....

    One of his main points is that the type infecting Taiwan exists only in Australia and the US and, since Taiwan was not infected by Australians, the infection in Taiwan could have come only from the US.

    The basic logic is that the geographical location with the greatest diversity of virus strains must be the original source because a single strain cannot emerge from nothing. He demonstrated that only the US has all the five known strains of the virus (while Wuhan and most of China have only one, as do Taiwan and South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, Singapore, and England, Belgium and Germany), constituting a thesis that the haplotypes in other nations may have originated in the US.”

    “The study found that 93 samples received contained 58 haplotypes. The haplotypes of patients from the South China seafood market were related to H1, while the more ancient gene types H3, H13, and H38 were from outside the South China seafood market.”
  • Coronavirus
    PLANDEMIC? Was this planned?

    COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US
    ”Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended. Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”...

    It would seem the only possibility for origination would be the US because only that country has the “tree trunk” of all the varieties. And it may therefore be true that the original source of the COVID-19 virus was the US military bio-warfare lab at Fort Detrick. This would not be a surprise, given that the CDC completely shut down Fort Detrick, but also because, as I related in an earlier article, between 2005 and 2012 the US had experienced 1,059 events where pathogens had been either stolen or escaped from American bio-labs during the prior ten years.“
  • Coronavirus

    Part of the agenda for the overreaction may be financial & partly to see how far people will let go of their constitutional rights - like right to assembly, right to not be spied on, right to not be killed - stuff like that.

    President Obama gives himself permission to kill. ... to all persons and kill them without any due process whatsoever... using drones

    California cops are now using drones to enforce coronavirus lockdown March 22, 2020

  • Coronavirus

    I agree about there needing to be more consideration & responsibility in regards to government money in responding to this.

    Each year are new viruses that nobody has built immunity to yet. And each year the vast majority survive, though unfortunately some - especially those with pre-existing health problems - die. It’s not all that different. They keep saying it’s more contagious but the numbers don’t add up.
    In the US:
    +59,000 died from flu
    -560 from COVID-19
  • Coronavirus
    Good analogy. Right on!
  • Coronavirus
    Italy has a much higher population of elderly. Estimated 75-99% of cvid-19 deaths involved other pre-existing health problems.

    Also, despite such a big aging population, Italy has for several years, been closing hospitals & therefore has been cutting back on hospital beds too.

    “Between 2000 and 2017, the number of hospital beds in Italy considerably decreased, from 268,057 to 192,548 units. It comes as no surprise that the number of hospitals and more specifically the number of public hospitals in the country also declined during the same time range.”

    The US has also been decreasing health resources.
  • Coronavirus
    Twelve medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM...
    12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

    “As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.”
  • Should hate speech be allowed ?
    As to the original post... free speech is necessary to progress. Stupid speech needs to be expressed to expose the stupidity of it and lessen stupid action because generally hearing stupid speech - helps it be corrected. If someone keeps their stupid ideas to themselves and just acts on them without bouncing them off others, that tends to be more problematic than saying words that offend someone.
  • Is god a coward? Why does god fear to show himself?
    Op is begging the question - illogical. God is a “He”?? What other definitions of god is OP using? Probably the most ridiculous, easiest to refute (strawman), while ignoring doctrine like “God is Truth and Love,” “the kingdom of God is within you” & “I AM THAT I AM” which suggests God is not something outside you but within you.

    Thus, op seems to be projecting - making god into his own image. We all do that but some of us hate the shadow aspects of ourselves and project that hate outwardly.