
  • Technology Toward Reality
    Perception is always an abstraction of reality (unless it is a dream or hallucination). The concept of "seeing what reality really looks like" makes no sense
  • Why do we gossip?
    Being able to participate in society requires that you stay in the loop. People want to stay in the loop, and they also want to be appreciated. So the listener of gossip listens because they want to know what is going on, and the speaker says it because they know the information will be appreciated.
  • The Goal of Art
    Depends on what you believe about humans. If you believe we are created by God, then there would be the conscious goal of art in the mind of the artist, which could be anything, but that would likely be an illusion, and god would be manifesting the art through the artist for his own strange unknowable goals.

    Or if you believe god is hands-off like deists believe, then the illusiory goal from the previous example would actually be the real goal. Same with if there is no god at all.
  • What is the point of detail?
    Are you asking from a religious place, like why would God make such a detailed universe? If a god exists who created the world, he may have found that it would only work with endless detail, although I'm not sure it is endless. There are limits in the universe, like the speed of light. There also may be a smallest unbreakable thing in the universe, although I haven't studied that.
  • How Do You Know You Exist?
    To steal from Descartes, if I am questioning my existence then I must exist, because how else could I be questioning if I exist?