
  • Philosophy is an absolute joke
    Philosophy proves that humans shape the reality that they live in. Humans have made tremendous discoveries over the course of our existence and will continue to do so even after we become an inferior species. We have evolved from animals who have virtually no ability to discern "why" things happen. We can choose to feel emotions. We can choose to shape our own reality. It's the only reason why we use technology and science as a species. We would never have invented the tools or made scientific discovery without humans having will power and discipline to create those things.

    It's why 1 + 1 equals 2 but the Fibonacci sequence (which seems like a insignificant sequence of numbers) applies to many things in our universe. Mathematical constants define the universe we live in, but we only have access to those mathematical constants if someone has the will power to bring them into existence.

    The only reason why we even know of names like Jesus, Plato, Picasso, Tesla, Hitler, etc. is because they willed themselves into history, and the universe allowed it. Think about it. The (debatable) incident with Henry Tandey. The world would have been a very different place if Hitler never rose to power and you would have never known his name. He would cease to exist apart from the memory of his friends and family. Hitler would have never rose to power if he did not will it himself. No one could have put him in power just by choice. He would have had to work for it. You cannot be something if you do nothing. But being able to choose is what makes us inherently human. Dogs never cared about their ancestors or math or why they exist. They live to survive and then die - nothing more. We live to survive beyond life itself.

    We're creating tools to evolve. You see it in the technology industry, pharmaceutical industry, industry itself. All human creation seeks to benefit mankind as a species. We're moving towards evolution at an alarming rate.