
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Trump's Presidency runs on a platform of bigotry, ill-informed choices, and fear.
  • Probability is an illusion
    We can use mathematics. I have read all of the suggestions you put forward above. I would love to delve into the math. The 6 postulates are a great starting point :) Probability has several interpretations and ine is a subjective view, but it does not hold in QM.

    Let's start here since it is fundamental mathematically:

    Without the postulates, no math can be discussed regarding QM.
  • Probability is an illusion
    We can certainly go down this rabbit hole too, but in the end, it does not mean QM is subjective:
  • Probability is an illusion

    Lack of effort... cute.

    You have brought argumentation you claim is evidence, but is not any sort of evidence. Quantum mechanics follows laws and then there are also 6 postulates of quantum mechanics as well. Wave-particle duality represents that depending upon the experiment or measurement being employed, one or the other will show up, but this hardly subjective; furthermore there is causality and determinism within QM, but it is counter-intuitive to our experiences in classical physics, (the macro-world).

    To very simply and accurately answer the question of subjectivity, if QM were not objective than the correspondence principle would not hold where small particles and forces give rise to what we see in macro-physics, but rather, we would see all sorts of non-sensical changes.
  • Probability is an illusion

    Physics still relies upon a margin of error, significant digits, and laws, in order for events to operate. The throwing of dice takes on multiple potential outcomes that are significantly sensitive to a multitude of initial conditions. Sending a rocket to the moon, while full of risks is more consistent in its initial conditions and there are known states that rocket must be in various time slices to successfully and safely land on the moon.

    1.) No, probability is not an illusion.

    2.) Mediating variables/forces alter outcomes from deterministic systems.