
  • Is there a spiritual dimension
    These dreams your describing are all of the material world and derived from past experiences (someone a bit like three different people = three people you knew, body of water = part of nature, landscape that makes no sense = landscapes are characteristic of the real world).

    The hallucination while on DMT is fundamentally different. Experiencing the spirit leave your body and enter a strange 'spiritual dimension' is completely inconceivable. No past experience I've had correlates with that at all.
  • Is there a spiritual dimension
    I believe dreams are a creation of the mind. Whenever I dream it is always of something that I could conceive of while conscious, or something derived from my past experiences. For example, if I dreamed of riding a unicorn, it is not something possible in real life, however could certainly be imagined.

    The characteristic of dmt that makes it unique is that it creates an experience that previously one could not possibly imagine (the experience of literally leaving your material body and floating through some strange place). The only way this could still be a product of the mind is if it were some fundamental information that is subconsciously stored in the brain.

    If this were the case, where would this information originally be derived from?
  • Is there a spiritual dimension
    I think you guys are looking to deeply into my argument. It is very simple. It is simply stating that the trip one gets from dmt exists (this trip is different to dreaming and most other psychedelics hallucinations as it is a completely foreign experience ie. people believe their soul leaves their body). Because this trip exists it is a part of nature. The principles that govern nature (ie friction is caused when two object drag, eating food gives nutrition, gravity brings objects together, when dmt is smoked one hallucinates in a certain way) account for this experience and the experience is very complex. This leads me to believe that the experience must be real, otherwise it would exist merely to deceive humans into believing it exists.
  • Is there a spiritual dimension
    spiritual dimension - another dimension where spirits reside.
  • Is there a spiritual dimension
    I haven’t taken DMT myself, so can’t speak on it directly. However those that have tend to hold the opinion that you can access this dimension after death, once your spirit leaves your material body
  • Is there a spiritual dimension
    Yes, Ive heard these theories. It’s all speculation though, DMT’s role in the body is unknown. It is also hypothesised that DMT is released at the time of death.

    DMT is also found in plants, so it would appear to have more extensive uses than just dreaming.
  • Is there a spiritual dimension
    You had me lost a little bit towards the end there.

    When I refer the spiritual dimension being real, in my opinion, for it to be real the system would have to continue to exist and function outside of the hallucination experienced by the person (not just a product of the human mind).
  • Is there a spiritual dimension
    I see where your coming from when you say ‘from a perspective.’ However, there are things that are objectively real or objectively exist. Although us humans may not be able to identify what is objectively real, this trait of being real does exist.