
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    But you shouldn't discredit my view just because I choose to stroll through unfashionable parks.keystone

    I look forward to a breakthrough in your quest. But I am very old and have multiple medical conditions, so I may not be around. Smooth sailing, fellow explorer.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    How does battering me with diagrams help?fishfry

    I agree. I keep hoping for an interesting idea to appear, but so far there is nothing novel about the mathematics. If one studies existing mathematics one begins to get a recognition of what has been established. Exploration is the soul the subject, but one does not explore the heart of Africa by strolling around city park. Sorry . Perhaps when you present your ideas in 2D instead of (rather boring)1D (and the mind-numbing SB Tree) something of interest will appear. Philosophically, however, your ideas of potential points may go somewhere, but I don't know what has been done along those lines.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    At the heart of my view is a simple idea: that infinity is a potential, not an actualkeystone

    For those in the profession who do not deal with transfinitisms and set theory or foundations it's likely they would agree. When I say that a sequence converges to a number as n goes to infinity I simply mean n gets larger without bound. I don't think I have ever spoken of infinity as a number of some sort, although in complex variable theory one does speak of "the point at infinity" in connection with the Riemann sphere. But I am old fashioned.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Where do you find these scores? Is that a Wiki feature?fishfry

    Click on "View History", then "Pageviews". It's a crude estimate of the popularity of a topic. For example, group theory gets 513 views per day and non-standard analysis gets 80.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    you have to have a modulus of convergence . . .fishfry

    I'll bet I've conjectured and proven over a hundred theorems, almost all involving convergence/divergence of sequences and series of one sort or another and have never used this expression.

    I go to Wikipedia when I encounter something in math I'm not familiar with to see what the daily average of views is - a very rough idea of how popular the topic is. My own math Wiki site gets about 19 per day, and the topic is way, way off in the margins of mathematics. However, I score higher than the 3 for this topic. But thanks for opening my mind a bit.

    Constructive analysis was almost a passing thought until I read about it. I would have called myself something of a constructivist in that I rarely if ever used the excluded middle - if I postulated an entity I constructed it. But reading this description shows how far I am from contemporary mathematics. Once again, I go to Wiki to see how popular this topic is. And I find it scores a 17 - not bad, but still less than my virtually unknown page.

    A point of clarity. Thanks. Calculus started with discrete, then moved to infinitesimal, then with technology back to discrete in some sense. — jgill

    Is that right?

    Probably not. I was thinking of the ancient Greeks breaking apart a sold object and measuring the pieces to approximate the object's volume or whatever. But even Archimedes recognized the infinitesimal.

    I'm interested in good ol' real analysis. I just want to place it on a stronger philosophical foundationkeystone

    And it may be purely philosophical. Given a line segment, points in this object are purely potential, non-existent until a device is used to "isolate" them. Is that about it? If so I doubt any practicing mathematician would be interested. But math philosophers might be. A lot depends upon where you go from here. Just my opinion.
  • Is Passivity the Norm?
    A lot of leadership and innovation reduces to being at the right place at the right time. I'm going to briefly describe my own experience, at the risk of appearing narcissistic.

    I got into an outdoor activity in the 1950s that was just beginning to become popular in America. After a year or so, for various reasons, I began to see this activity in a different light, and began practicing it from this perspective. Without an effort to influence, some others began, slowly, to see the activity as I did. As the years passed my version of the activity gained considerable popularity and attracted those far more fit than I, and my achievements were substantially eclipsed.

    This was an activity going back to the late 1800s at least. It is now an Olympic event. I was in the right place at the right time for a normal person to influence the future.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    have Felon-1 sit in a Washington DC jail until his "January 6th Conspiracy" trial begins180 Proof

    Would his SS protection be placed in his cell, also? :cool:
  • Currently Reading
    Still reading Royal Robbins - The American Climber by David Smart. Royal was a friend BITD.
  • Finding a Suitable Partner
    Probably, but I am conservative.
    Bob Ross

    Go to a Republican fundraiser and see what happens. Do not mention anything philosophical. Complement a young lady on her MAGA cap.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Things get much more interesting in 2Dkeystone

    I recommend you move on to 2D. Just a thought.
  • Infinite Staircase Paradox
    Thomson's Lamp and similar supertasks can be placed in an alternate context simply by using time dilation. Assume the lamp goes on and off at increments of but the experiment is on a spaceship that travels at . Then, on board the ship, as time quickly ticks down to zero, on Earth each such tick corresponds to 1, so that the Earthbound observer recognizes a tick each constant unit of time and the task goes on forever.

    Just a passing thought on a thread that behaves in a similar fashion.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    So, you replace pi with a tiny line segment whose length depends upon a computer. So, changing computer affects this small interval.

    I believe step 1 is what is of interest to pure mathematicians.keystone

    I am one of those and I doubt your claim, but there may be others who find it of interest. I don't see anything of substance here so far, but I may be missing the point.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    It's ok, I have my second wind I think. Especially now that I know you're just doing computer arithmetic, fixed or floating point.fishfry

    A point of clarity. Thanks. Calculus started with discrete, then moved to infinitesimal, then with technology back to discrete in some sense.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    I acknowledge that for the bottom-up view, calculus requires the complete set of isolated real numbers, the intermediate value theorem, and the least upper bound property to "work"...I use quotes because it also requires some mental gymnastics. However, that's just not the case for the top-down view. It works perfectly in absence of all of the above...including the mental gymnasticskeystone

    What is an isolated real number?

    Show us elementary calculus from the top down. I am curious.
  • Infinite Staircase Paradox
    This is not a paradox, but a confusion of concepts (like the number 1 or infinitely) with actual things (like a one step down one stair, and never reaching the bottom or doing so in a minute).Fire Ologist

  • Fall of Man Paradox
    It's a very complicated game requiring perseverance and dedication. Are you in it for the long haul? — jgill

    Why do you want to know?

    I find their concepts a bit challenging to grasp just by skimming. It seems like a thorough reading might be required to truly understand these ideas, something I'm not quite ready to dive intokeystone

    What you are doing seems to me to be more metaphysics than mathematics. And that's OK. But without studying what is accepted mathematics you have a rough road ahead if you wish to contribute to that discipline. However, there have been amateurs within the last half century who have made significant discoveries. Marjorie Rice. Thankfully, is there to help guide you.
  • Infinite Staircase Paradox
    My point is that once we've entered the realm of speculative fantasy, where do we stop?fishfry

    Pretty much sums up this thread.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    I found this paper that adopts intervals instead of points in its framework, which is quite relevant.keystone

    It also demonstrates the difficulty of trying to do something original and noteworthy in mathematics. It's a very complicated game requiring perseverance and dedication. Are you in it for the long haul?
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Thanks for introducing math topics that I was only barely aware of into the discussion. Good to learn something.
  • Infinite Staircase Paradox
    Something flashing on and off at a constant rate is not comparable, because the description is of a rapidly increasing rate. And the rate increases so rapidly that the prescribed rate becomes incoherent even to the mind, as well as the senses. This is just an example of how easy it is to say something, or even describe a fictional scenario, which appears to make sense, but is actually incoherentMetaphysician Undercover

    In fact, one could simulate the on/off lamp so that at a certain rate you would see what appears to be a constant light. Flashing 0 and 1 cards would seem to be a zero with a one through it. These are models of the supertasks in a rough sense.

    Admittedly not the real deals which are metaphysical fantasies.
  • Infinite Staircase Paradox
    The rules of this (language-game) still make no sense to meLudwig V

    If one watches the lamp in a dark room, at some point it will appear to be on continuously.
  • Infinite Staircase Paradox
    I think that (1) is a tautology whereas no evidence has been offered in support of (2)Michael

    What is "evidence" in a metaphysical realm?
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    It is not built from anything. (0,1) is one object - a linekeystone

    How do you propose to pass from a finite line to a circle, say? If you are considering topological transformations, how can you express them? Sorry for butting in, but I remain curious.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    It's length is 0.3 for all 3 paths depicted below because all 3 are homeomorphic.keystone

    Unfortunately, your approach is a muddled mixture of traditional ideas and speculative continua. I think you need to go back to the beginnings of your efforts and truly start with continua and develop an original approach to math in which points arise from these continua, avoiding the real line entirely at first. MU has written a similar notion about continua and points. Perhaps you can put some meat on the table.

    Define a continuum as an abstract entity and not in terms of the real line. As a matter of fact, use another word for your creation. State the properties of the continuum, again not referencing the real line or numbers. This is a tall order. Metric spaces and topological functions are perhaps inappropriate in this regard. I don't know. You will be going into unexplored territory.

    Please stop talking about the S-B algorithm. Both my colleague and I would rather not contemplate this thing. Leave the realm of real numbers at first.

    Or, do your thing and persist until the thread dries up and vanishes. Good luck.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Rather, that interval description describes paths which can be transformed into each other via stretching and compressing, such as the following 3 paths:keystone

    It looks like you simply move the point [.3,.3] down the line segment to different (faulty) positions.
    How does this affect your metric?

    you and fryfish are having a really tough timekeystone


    And don't mix philosophy of mathematics with the real deal. — jgill

    I don't understand why you would say this

    Very very few contemporary mathematicians give a fig leaf about Platonic vs non-Platonic arguments or similar discussions about whether math is embedded in nature or in the mind.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Do you think I'm using the term topological incorrectly?keystone

    Well, if you were to avoid both metric spaces and variations of the word "topology" it might mitigate what seems to be a questionable attempt to employ legitimate mathematical notions within a somewhat murky mix of ideas. However, I applaud your enthusiasm. I used to teach point set topology and metric spaces, so I am biased toward their traditional interpretations. In any event at some point you must present a clear and detailed description of your ideas that mathematicians might have reservations about but can follow the logic.

    What would be a homeomorphism of [0,0]U(0,.3)U[.3,.3]U(.3,.5)U[.5,.5] ?

    The late George Simmons of Colorado College wrote a marvelous book many years ago, perhaps the finest introduction to modern analysis and topology ever written: Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis. Slowly work your way through this book and you will see why we ask so many questions. And don't mix philosophy of mathematics with the real deal. Just an I idea.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Intuitionism is closely related to constructivism, the idea that mathematical objects only exist if there's an algorithm or procedure to construct them. Intuitionism is like constructivism with an extra bit of mysticism that I can never quite grasp.fishfry

    On those very rare occasions in which the subject arises I have felt the two to be more or less alike. But, here is what Wiki has to say:

    Intuitionism maintains that the foundations of mathematics lie in the individual mathematician's intuition, thereby making mathematics into an intrinsically subjective activity. Other forms of constructivism are not based on this viewpoint of intuition, and are compatible with an objective viewpoint on mathematics.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Ok. My eyes glaze a little more every time you mention the S-B treefishfry

    the metric space is topologicalkeystone

    So, a continuous deformation takes path A to path B, but inside the ms of path A? Or a new ms of path B? You might illustrate this. I'm curious about these continuous deformations in the contexts of your ideas. A topology, on the other hand . . .

    Formally, let X be a set and let τ be a family of subsets of X. Then τ is called a topology on X if:
    Both the empty set and X are elements of τ. Any union of elements of τ is an element of τ. Any intersection of finitely many elements of τ is an element of τ.
    If τ is a topology on X, then the pair (X, τ) is called a topological space.
  • Changing the past in our imagination
    The saddest words of tongue or pen: it might have been.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    I have a strong affinity for the Stern-Brocot Algorithmkeystone

    This is perhaps the second time this oddity from number theory has cropped up on this forum. I knew a tiny bit about it since it can involve elementary continued fraction theory. How did this become so important to you?

    Is this a legitimate "path" ?. A linear arrangement of points and intervals.

    Ordered pair 1: (3,3)
    Ordered pair 2: (3,3.7)
    Ordered pair 3: (3.7,3.7)
    Ordered pair 4: (3.7,4.2)
    Ordered pair 5: (4.2,4.2)
    Ordered pair 6: (4.2,5.1)
    Ordered pair 7: (5.1,5.1)

    So, a "metric space" for this path consists of "points" (a,b) within this structure. For example, d((3,3.7),(4.2,5.1))=|(3+3.7)/2 - (4.2+5.1)/2| = 1.3. So you do not compare "points" from one path to another. Altering the path, even slightly, places it in another metric space. But a ms could be a subspace of a bigger ms. Just talking to myself, here.

    You spoke earlier of an "elastic band". where does that come into the picture? Especially with regard to metric spaces? Can a path be circular?
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    d([2,3],[1,4])=0 ? [2,3] not equal to [1,4]jgill

    Returning to your example, (2,3) and (1,4) cannot both be elements of a continuous set so the set you are considering is not included in the enclosing setkeystone

    You speak of a metric space. Precisely what are the "points" in such a space? Then explain the metric you have created giving "distances" between these points.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    From the Bleachers: Does

    exist in your system? Or are you assuming rational numbers only?


    for small epsilon?

    Step 5: Arrive at point 0.keystone
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Returning to your example, (2,3) and (1,4) cannot both be elements of a continuous set so the set you are considering is not included in the enclosing setkeystone

    I don't know what you are talking about. You and @fishfry can sort all of this out if he is willing. Good luck.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    "In a metric, the distance between two distinct points as always positive."

    d([2,3],[1,4])=0 ? [2,3] not equal to [1,4].
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    According to some interpretations of irrational Infinity though, an infinite-sided die is not impossible, only supernatural, in the sense that you can imagine it, as an ideal concept --- e.g. a perfect multidimensional sphere --- but never reach-out and grasp it, in the real world. In what sense does that set of one "imaginary die" exist? :joke:Gnomon

    What is "irrational infinity"? Infinite sided die seems like a sphere in 3D.

    Mathematics has a similar structure to certain conceptions of magic. It requires years of studying something entirely incorporeal, it seems to exist independent of the physical realm, it’s very powerful and has the ability to predict and influence the world around us, and it’s practitioners are BIZARREGnomon

    Does magic influence the world around us? Wow, what bizarre powers I wield! :cool:
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Since you're joining in on the conversation, can you tell me if anything I'm saying makes sense to you?keystone

    Not much, I fear. But I stand aside and try not to impede the ongoing discussion between you and @fishfry, who is more familiar with modern math topics that I am. I am curious about the role of elasticity you describe regarding one of Zeno's paradoxes. I assume this is somehow basic to where you are headed.

    As I mentioned before, the metric between ordered pairs (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is defined as follows: d((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) = | (x1+y1)/2 - (x2+y2)/2 |keystone

    Is (x1,y1) a point in the Euclidean plane? That's a standard designation. Then (x1+y1)/2 requires some kind of a projection of the y1 down upon the x-axis in order for this expression to represent a midpoint of a line segment. Or, is (x1,y1) an interval on the real line? Perhaps use (a1,b1) instead to keep the level of confusion minimized. Maybe my colleague sees something here I don't. Please carry on.
  • Philosophy as a prophylaxis against propaganda?
    Not so sure philosopher and critical thinker are one and the same.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Step two entails describing these intervals within the framework of a topological metric space.keystone

    You have used this expression frequently. Do you know what you are talking about? Just curious.
  • The art of thinking, A chain of thought with a variety of different philosophical questions
    More like a inspiration to get peoples own ideas goingElnathan

    Works sometimes. Not always. A brief, concise OP helps.
  • Infinite Staircase Paradox
    The math doesn't identify any particular stopping point, but it does imply there has to be one.Relativist

    An exercise in free will. At each n the cube changes from white to black or vice-versa for time = 1-1/2^n. The clock runs out so you are free to say the process has ended and the final color is black. Your friend can say, no it is white. But you will prevail.