
  • Greater Good v. Individual Rights
    Hmm. I think the greater good is drowning you in a pickle barrel. You "good" with that?tim wood

    That statement was all about drowning me in a pickle barrel, but sure I'll answer what I think you were implying.

    Yes, I would be fine with sacrificing some personal wealth to help the greater populous. The fact of the matter is that personal issues are outweighed by those of a million personal issues. As a species, the domination of all other species could be considered an end goal, with the ever-evolving nature of species. With a focus on the greater good, our species can prevail more than with few or some rich individuals and a substantial poor base.
  • Greater Good v. Individual Rights
    I would probably agree with that statement more or less.

    As an example, private industry and things can still exist, but not to a point to where it harms a majority of people, like a monopoly, or debatably what is going on today.
  • Greater Good v. Individual Rights
    What if you have no pickle barrel with which to drown me with?