
  • A List of Intense Annoyances
    Bad writing.

    An example of awful fucking writing (a typical intro):

    Sitting on a park bench, Alfred James Michael Desmando McGillicuddy IV watched the clouds in the cerulean sky with a forlorn mien.


    Why does every shitty story begin this way? The form is always the same— the names and actions and adjectives change, sometimes better sometimes worse. But always the same boring form.

    Example of an interesting intro:

    “The great fish moved silently through the night water, propelled by short sweeps of its crescent tail.”

    First sentence of Jaws.

    Great fish. Moved silently. Night water. That’s good writing.

    Fuck all this boring shit. That goes for bestselling writers too.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Is there a generally agreed upon cause of deindustrialization?Fooloso4

    No, but he lays out his case in his books. I don’t completely agree with Hedges, but I admire his consistency and principles.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    slant towards downplaying the risks.John McMannis

    A common climate denier and troll. Glad you can tell just by reading a few of his garbage posts. Quite right I’m not the only one that recognizes it or calls it out. But like most trolls, he just moves on to the next crappy denial line after the previous one has been thoroughly debunked. Utter waste of time. Might as well be talking to a bot.

    And don’t worry about the quote stuff— His opinion is worthless to me. All climate deniers’ opinions are worthless.

    Anyway, let me know what you think of Orestes’ book. Really spells it all out.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Oh, can you pinpoint for us when Hitler went from an anti-shemale-bar-campaignerEcharmion

    Lol, is that guy still posting here? Good god. Don’t waste your time buddy. Ignore extension all the way!
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    My thoughts on Biden dropping out:

    Joe Biden was discarded by the same billionaire class he assiduously served throughout his political career. Barely able to stumble his way through the words on a Teleprompter and not always cognizant of what is happening around him, his billionaire supporters pulled the plug. He was their creature – he has been in federal office for 47 years - from start to finish. He was used as a foil to defeat Bernie Sanders in the 2020 primaries and was anointed as the candidate in 2024 in a Soviet-style primary campaign. The billionaire class will now anoint someone else. Democratic Party voters are stage props in this political farce. Donald Trump, unlike Kamala Harris or any other apparatchik the billionaire class selects as a presidential candidate, has a genuine and committed base, however fascistic.

    In Hitler and the Germans, the political philosopher Eric Vogelin dismisses the idea that Hitler — gifted in oratory and political opportunism but poorly educated and vulgar — mesmerized and seduced the German people. The Germans, he writes, supported Hitler and the “grotesque, marginal figures” surrounding him because he embodied the pathologies of a diseased society, one beset by economic collapse and hopelessness. Voegelin defines stupidity as a “loss of reality.” The loss of reality means a “stupid” person cannot “rightly orient his action in the world, in which he lives.” The demagogue, who is always an idiote, is not a freak or social mutation. The demagogue expresses the society’s zeitgeist.

    Biden and the Democratic Party are responsible for this zeitgeist. They orchestrated the deindustrialization of the United States, ensuring that 30 million workers lost their jobs in mass layoffs. As I write in America, The Farewell Tour, this assault on the working class created a crisis that forced the ruling elites to devise a new political paradigm. Trumpeted by a compliant media, this paradigm shifted its focus from the common good to race, crime and law and order. Biden was at the epicenter of this paradigm shift. Those undergoing profound economic and political change were told that their suffering stemmed not from rampant militarism and corporate greed but from a threat to national integrity. The old consensus that buttressed New Deal programs and the welfare state was attacked as enabling criminal Black youth, “welfare queens” and other alleged social parasites. This opened the door to a faux populism, begun by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, which supposedly championed family values, traditional morality, individual autonomy, law and order, the Christian faith and the return to a mythical past, at least for white Americans. The Democratic Party, especially under Bill Clinton and Biden, became largely indistinguishable from the establishment Republican Party to which it is now allied.

    The Democratic Party refuses to accept its responsibility for the capture of democratic institutions by a rapacious oligarchy, the grotesque social inequality, the cruelty of predatory corporations and an unchecked militarism. The Democrats will anoint another amoral politician, probably Harris, to use as a mask for outsized corporate greed, the folly of endless war, the facilitation of genocide and the assault on our most basic civil liberties. The Democrats, tools of Wall Street, gave us Trump, and the 74 million people who voted for him in 2020. They look set to give us Trump again. God help us.

    Chris Hedges
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    It really is funny. The fascist, Trump worshipping, election denying partisan hack says…”No, u r.” :lol:
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Biggest fascist and hypocrite on the site projects yet again.Mikie

    All I can do is accuse others of that which I am guilty.NOS4A2

    Exactly right. Good empathetic listening.

    It may well have been a deep fake.fishfry


    I love watching the right wing loons go even more crazy over this. Fantastic.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    The only standards you have are double standards.NOS4A2

    The rest is projection on your part.Mikie

    Case in point. Biggest fascist and hypocrite on the site projects yet again. No wonder Trump is your master.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    But it’s ok when we (D)o itNOS4A2

    Exactly. Your entire political philosophy.

    The rest is projection on your part.

    Still saying Gavin Newsom.Wayfarer

    Care to bet? So far I’m one for two. I don’t think they’ll want two people from California, and waste a chance to make inroads with swing states. Shapiro would be a better choice. Would shore up PA, which is a must win. More electoral votes.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)

    You can find it there. Yes, it hides all posts and notifications from anyone you put on it. The only thing it doesn’t hide is when someone who is not blocked quotes or mentions someone who is.

    I have only a handful of people who I have nothing to learn from, contribute nothing, never have anything interesting to say, and are, frankly, idiots. I won’t say who, but if it ever appears that I’m never responding to — or interacting with — a person, it’s because I have them on ignore.

    Try it— it’s great. Much less annoying. If you want to know some recommendations, PM me. On this thread I can name one: “Agree to Disagree.” Just a climate-denying troll. Maybe he’s been booted off by now, I don’t know.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Fun to watch our resident fascist cry about the will of voters— provided it’s the Democrats. Overturning an election? Hillary winning the popular vote? Silence.

    Always a gold mine of cringey laughs.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    I think there’s less than a 5% chance that happens. They’re sticking with Biden.Mikie

    Alright— I was dead wrong. Either that or this really was an unlikely event, but ended up happening anyway. But it’s more likely I underestimated the chances.

    It’s nutty how ruthless the DNC is compared to the RNC, which couldn’t even stop a Trump.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    Living through some extraordinary stuff. The 2020s are looking a little like the 60s/70s in terms of unprecedented events.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    It’s a tough one. I have to respect Lichtman’s record, so I listen to what he says carefully. It’s true people always say “this time it’s different,” and it certainly looks like the last few years truly have been. The keys will be right until they’re not.

    I can’t help but have the feeling like there’s a bit of luck involved with his predictions. But who knows? That’s the point: I don’t. And no one here does either.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    The RNC. What a group of winners.

    The whole platform is based on delusions. Examples:

    There is no invasion at the border, and immigrants are a net good for the country. You’ll hear exactly the opposite.

    The economy is as good or better than under Trump — but you’ll hear the opposite.

    Crime is down, not up.

    Climate change is real, not a Chinese hoax.

    We’re pumping more oil and gas now than ever, not less. (Unfortunately.)

    The 2020 election was one of, if not the most, secure in history.

    January 6th was an insurrection — the crowd’s goal was to stop the counting of electoral votes, based on the lie that it was a “stolen election” (see above).

    Donald Trump was one of the worst, if not the worst, president in history.

    Just some basic facts. But in Trump world, where literally everything is inverted, Trump does nothing wrong, the election was stolen, the January 6th criminals are heroes, etc.

    So what’s left? Tax cuts and destroying government (besides the parts that corporate America likes)? Ugh…
  • It's Amazing That These People Are Still With Us
    Bob Newhart has been on the list since the beginning. Rest in peace. :confused:
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    A lot of very authoritative, certain, confident predictions about who will win in November. All worth exactly nothing.

    No one knows what will happen. Least of all political hobbyists.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)

    Don’t argue with children, just put them on the ignore list like I do.

    No one cares what they think. Neither should you. Unfortunately I’m only reminded of their existence when they’re referenced in a post. That agree to disagree and the incel clown is still around is baffling.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    Then let me make it simple:

    You’re part of the Trump cult.
    The Trump cult loves their delusions.
    Free trade and free markets — are delusions.

    I never said Trump loved free trade. Trump has no principles or real beliefs of any kind.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    His situation is plainly untenable, you can't go into the National Convention with the Party split and the press all over you, up against the Trump juggernaut, which really is a civilization-ending threat.Wayfarer

    Republicans say democrats are a clear and present danger, etc. But that’s mostly crap — although you could argue that they’re taking us close to nuclear war with their foreign policy. In that case, democrats are an existential threat.

    Republicans are the party of climate denial. That’s also an existential threat. More likely to cause widespread damage and suffering, given that it’s already happening and the threat of nuclear war is low.

    Not a fun choice.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    One did something wrong, illegal, the other did nothing wrongNOS4A2

    NOS’s political analysis in a nutshell.
  • Banno's Game.

    Been a long time buddy. Come back to the forum! It needs all the rationality it can get at this moment in history :lol:
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Just pointing out a double standard.Hanover

    Yeah, so saying it makes January 6th look like “child’s play” is simply pointing out a double standard.

    Fair and balanced.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    This is a direct attack on democracy, making the removal of ballot bins and the storming of the Capitol look like child's play.Hanover

    It’s not good, but putting a conservative spin on it like this is NOS territory. It’s also worth noting that Fox sources always add their slant.

    They have missed numerous statutory deadlines, skipped filing fees, submitted the wrong names on the nomination petitions, and some failed to hold conventions," Olasanoye said. "None of these candidates are qualified to be on the Georgia ballot."

    But yeah, definitely worse than storming the Capitol to overthrow an election you didn’t like the result of.

    What a fucking joke.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    Is it really money or what?John McMannis

    There are all kinds of reasons. Some of it relates to a certain interpretation of the Bible, appeals to tradition, fear of change, etc. But mostly it’s the massive propaganda machine that has been well documented. See Naomi Orestes, for one: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming.

    Anyone who denies the obvious at this point is, put simply and frankly, an idiot or a dupe.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    What Trump 2.0 Could Mean for the Environment

    As president, Donald Trump’s sweeping attempts to roll back federal environmental regulations were often stymied — by the courts, by a lack of experience, even by internal resistance from government employees.

    But if he retakes the White House in November, Mr. Trump would be in a far better position to dismantle environmental and climate rules, aided by more sympathetic judges and conservative allies who are already mapping out ways to bend federal agencies to the president’s will.

    “It’s going to be easier,” said Myron Ebell, who led the transition at the Environmental Protection Agency after Mr. Trump won in 2016. “They’re going to have better people, more committed people, more experienced people. They will be able to move more quickly, and more successfully, in my view.”

    On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump has promised to repeal federal regulations designed to cut greenhouse gas pollution that is rapidly heating the planet. Many of his allies want to go further. They are drafting plans to slash budgets, oust career staffers, embed loyalists in key offices and scale back the government’s powers to tackle climate change, regulate industries and restrict hazardous chemicals.

    Trump and the climate deniers in the Republican Party are mind-numbingly stupid. No logic, no economic sense, no care for future generations, no facts, no evidence— nothing sways their absolute, unwavering commitment to destroying the planet.

    Is the fossil fuel money and propaganda that powerful? Apparently.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    No "fantasizing", just talking about what the orange shit "deserves" as you said.180 Proof

    He probably does deserve to die, given the irreparable harm and deaths he has and will cause. But unlike the Trump cult, there are still principles worth adhering to. Like not assassinating people.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    Our resident Trump cultist has exactly no principles or values. Just unadulterated party politics. And watered down Ayn Rand. But it’s always there for a laugh!
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    panty-wasted and woke soysNOS4A2

    The Trump cult, and most of the right wing, are obsessed with gender. “Woke soys” lol. I had to google what “soy” means in this context.

    Obsession with whatever goofy ideas of masculinity they have — almost always a sign of latent homosexuality and subsequent fear. So it goes.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Compared to previous US presidents and even the current one, he's a lightweight when it comes to wanton destruction.Tzeentch

    Except the irreversible damage to the environment and taking us backwards on climate mitigation — which is already doing innumerable harms. Appointing a fossil fuel lawyer as head of the EPA probably does deserve the death penalty, morally — but I’m not in favor of assassination.

    Of course none of that matters to his supporters, who are outright climate deniers. Including you. So I don’t pretend like reality matters to you.

    Also take a look at his one legislative achievement: a massive tax break for corporate America, who he’s always slavishly served.

    Or letting thousands die of Covid because he didn’t want to deal with it, saying it would be gone by Easter.

    But other than that he was great.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    What was that bet again? $10.00 to charity of choice? Looks like I'm about to pay up.Wayfarer

    I forget the exact bet, so you’re off the hook. I thought it was about Biden being the nominee?
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    I'm more of a free trader.fishfry

    Well the Trump cult does love their delusions.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Off the top of my head I can't think of any particular policy I didn't like.fishfry

  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Frankly he is becoming the right's Jesus figure.Shawn

    Oh definitely. It’s basically more powerful than the church at this point.

    Years of priming believers for unquestioning loyalty — in the church, but also in sports fanaticism, the WWE, country music, conservatives talk radio (Rush Limbaugh et al), Fox News — has coalesced into what you see today.

    Have you hand it to Trump and his base: they toughed it out and took over one of the two business parties. Now, thanks to Democrats, they have the chance to do even more damage for 4 years.

    We’re not a bright country.
  • A Reversion to Aristotle
    Modern society is decaying; and this decay is a direct result of moral anti-realismBob Ross

    Decaying from what to what?

    To attribute the cause to some philosophical jargon that no one cares about except philosophy hobbyists seems far fetched.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Trump is a cynical asshole— America’s Hitler, really. Anyone who votes for him is an idiot.

    Can I be Vice President now?
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    McConnell booed at the convention.

    Not because he’s an awful human being and did irreversible harm to the United States and the world— but because he wasn’t stupid enough. Didn’t go along with the fantasies of a stolen election and J6 being a “peaceful tout” and Trump being an innocent man. Booo!!

    The Republicans are the party of idiots. But they are the party of creationists and climate deniers, so this should have been known years ago. The transition to the MAGA cult was only natural.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    JD Vance. Goofy choice.

    Anyway — remember when I said this would die down in a week? Well make it’s a few days, because once Trump gets up to talk, we’re right back to normal. Polls are still close.

    Trump has everything going his way right now, against a weak opponent— and he’ll still likely lose. Too bad the RNC have no values or principles.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Cannon is just an idiot. Or corrupt. Or a corrupt idiot.Michael


    I vote corrupt idiot — as most Trump appointees are.