
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    The genocide continues, thanks to Bibi. Another Hitler wannabe. How sadly ironic.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    Kind of sad that Ukrainians have to suffer and die because they’re in between a proxy war instigated by the United States. I feel for them. Still hoping for a ceasefire.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    Russia and China want to influence the election as much as possible— of course they do. The US does it all the time. (The difference is that we’ll support a coup or invade.)

    But the Russian influence is mostly social media. Why wouldn’t they do so? They’ll fund people who are already saying things they like, unleash a bunch of bots, etc. But what’s the actual impact? I doubt it’s very much. The claims are overblown. Just as they were in 2016. Hillary didn’t lose because of a Russian bot farm; she lost because she sucked.

    It’s still interesting to see what they’re rooting for. In China’s case, mostly just chaos and division. For Russia, mostly undermining support for Ukraine. Not rocket science to see why this would be the case.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    They'll deliver as little as they can get away with.Tzeentch


    Suppose they did nothing. Would you then vote Trump?Tzeentch

    If Trump were offering something better on other issues, yes. Nuclear weapons, healthcare, education, guns, anything. His stopping funding for Ukraine would be a bright spot, but for the wrong reasons — and it’s uncertain whether he would. On Israel he’s even more hawkish than Biden.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    You think the establishment gives two shits about climate or pollution? :brow:Tzeentch

    I think they want to get elected, and the environmental vote is getting larger and more vocal.

    You think Trump and the republicans give two shits about abortion? No. But they sure did scrap Roe v Wade. It’s not always lip service. Sometimes you have to deliver, even if it’s too little (IRA was biggest climate investment in history — and yet still too little; would have never happened under Trump.)
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Summary so far:

    (1) Trump was the worst president in history (or close), a traitor to the country, a degenerate con man, and pathological liar— on top of being an empty narcissist with no ideas other than personal branding. A climate denier and plutocrat lover, to boot.

    (2) Trump is rightfully hated and extremely unpopular. Currently losing in the polling, which is no surprise.

    (3) Harris is a boring, establishment candidate. And is now likely to win, given the choices.

    What a shame the Republican Party and their slaves have no souls. It’s sad. But at least it makes it easier for them to lose, as they’ve been doing the last 8 years. Given that they’re the party of climate denial and pro-pollution, I’m at least happy about that.

    Incidentally, it looks like North Carolina is now in play— which is interesting.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    eating a shit sandwich and starving themselves180 Proof

    Bad example. I think I’d rather starve than eat shit. :lol:
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    They should leave behind the notion that the least bad is the best choice for independents. Cause none can predict the future, and what you make the least bad right now, in the future it may turn into the worst choice.Eros1982

    This is really silly.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Trump withdrew US from the Paris Climate Treaty. But there are many moral dilemmas pertaining to the Democrats now that I think itEros1982

    Trump is still absolutely terrible on the environment. If it’s something you truly care about, this issue alone is motive enough for keeping him from office. That happens to mean pushing a button for Harris— fine. But to claim one should throw away one’s vote (which is all that is) or not vote at all is literally insane, given the professed values.

    And most of your claims amount BLM, etc., are straight from right-wing media. Worth analyzing.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    In some of these articles you get the impression that all white and old men hate womenEros1982

    Well then your impression is wrong. I’m sure sexism exists, but this cartoon version won’t get you anywhere.

    If that is the case, aren't there any moral dilemmas for people who will vote/support/sponsor a party that bets in divisions simply because it loves power?Eros1982

    So targeting different demographics is surprising to you? Have you been living on Mars?

    “Bets in divisions.” Right— and it’s somehow the Democrats that should give us pause over this. Not the fact that Trump and his MAGA slaves have single-handedly polarized this country to levels not seen since the civil war, targeting young men, rural people, evangelicals, whites, and the elderly— along with the usual sexists, racists, homophobes, transphobes, and xenophobes that have become a fixture.

    But yeah, targeting single women is the real problem.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Brazil Blocks X

    Good. Fuck Elon Musk and his fake free speech absolutism. The same guy who caved to Modi and is now suing advertisers he once said could “go fuck themselves” and “Don’t advertise” to is now crying about not being allowed to manipulate an entire country with his right-wing propaganda.

    All the brain-dead teenagers will be outraged I’m sure. Now they can pretend to care about free speech and be victims at the same time. Cool.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Many women will say that men hate Democrats only because they love equality more than RepublicansEros1982

    I’ve never heard one woman say that. Bullshit strawman.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)

    Climate models have long predicted that a warming world would lead to higher humidity, because warmer air evaporates more water from Earth’s surface and can hold more moisture. The consequences of more humid heat include greater stress on the human body, increased odds of more extreme rainfall, warmer nights and higher cooling demand.
    With only a few days left in meteorological summer, defined as June to August, this summer is on track to be the most humid in the United States in 85 years of recordkeeping based on observations of dew point — a measure of humidity — compiled by Hudson Valley meteorologist Ben Noll. It’s also likely to end up being the most humid summer globally, Alaska-based climate scientist Brian Brettschneider said in an email to The Washington Post.
    If both trends hold, then five of the most humid summers in both the United States and worldwide will have occurred since 1998

  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    Yeah, it always struck me as funny how Trump gets credit for his ad libs and general off-script remarks. The truth is he sucks at it; he’s an awful speaker. Mostly incoherent, and almost always the same lines, 99% of which are lies (“the country is going to hell, everything is being destroyed”). It’s easier to talk extemporaneously when you can make things up, unbound by reality.

    In any case, I hope he continues doing it.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    I see NOS is talking in circles again. Don’t look for consistency, folks— there’s no principles to discern. It’s pure political tribalism. When it’s something Trump does, they will find a way to make it fit into their worldview, no matter how contradictory.

    So now Trump is pushing for being the “best on women’s reproductive rights”— :rofl: — because he’s losing in the polls and it’s generally an issue they’re being crushed on. If he had any principles or soul whatsoever (or any balls), he’d be calling for a national ban on the murdering of babies (which is what these nutjobs actually believe). But there’s no chance of that. Instead he’ll mumble some nonsense and his ass-kissing slaves like our resident Trumper and Ayn Rand devotee will endlessly defend it, pretending it all makes perfect sense.

    Don’t waste too much time on it.

    In other news: Harris has her first interview tomorrow. I think she should do several interviews, not just one big one. Too easy for Fox News to demonize if even the slightest phrasing is off.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    “This will go down in history as #Beyoncegate


    24 hours later: totally forgotten.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    Just to quell any speculation, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will I join Donald Trump on an electoral ticket. Our positions on certain fundamental issues, our approaches to governance, and our philosophies of leadership
    could not be further apart.

    — The integrity and independence candidate.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    a communist whose ideology has killed more people than all religions combined.BitconnectCarlos

    As compared to a capitalist, whose ideology has killed and enslaved about 10x as many.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Lost it when he said that his approach to climate change was to leave it to the free market.Mr Bee

    The free market. The deus ex machina of all crypto-plutocrats. That wonderful abstract bullshit reason given whenever you don’t want the government to regulate your pet industry.

    The free market. Doesn’t exist, but the closer we get to it, the worse things become. Probably the stupidest concept there is— but so many people believe in it as if it were God. Another one of those indicators you can use to determine just he how big of an idiot you interlocutor is — as soon as they bust that one out, you know. That and “the climate is always changing” :lol:
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    Yeah. I at least applaud that he takes climate change as the existential threat that it is. Maybe that brings some sanity to the Republicans, if only at the margins. Otherwise he’s useless.
  • Greatest Year in Movies
    I suspect the Clint Eastwood spaghetti series might qualify. Just me.jgill

    I like some of those too, but I was looking for a year.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    highly unlikely she is doing anything other than using the DNC as a free advertising platform for her book.Baden

    True— but money-grubbing conservatives existed during Romney and McCain’s and Bush and Reagan’s time too. Didn’t see them at the DNC. Then again, those guys weren’t (rightfully) demonized like Trump is.

    I don’t pay much mind to the theatrics. The whole convention is ridiculous. And I have costal real estate to sell to anyone who gets teary-eyed over these speeches.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    So RFK will drop out on Friday, and will endorse Trump. Big surprise.

    Shows what a spineless weirdo he always has been, and now solidifies his place as having one of the worst judgments in history.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    I don't think I have ever seen a UK Tory saying "I'm still a conservative, but please vote Labour this time, because our leader is a corrupt and destructive person."unenlightened

    It’s not typical to have your former press Secretary tell people to vote against you, no. Even in this country. Trump is just that awful.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    First, Trump can only campaign on lies, insults and exaggerations, because they are his only weapons. Second, Biden’s economic record is better than the previous administration.Wayfarer

  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    :up: I get it. Trump bring re-elected would be a disaster. I very much hope he loses and will be voting against him. But I still very much dislike these silly conventions. Compared to the RNC, it’s boring. But that’s a compliment.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    powerful and poignant speechWayfarer

    Sorry buddy— I just don’t see it. Most of these speeches are lame. But it doesn’t really matter.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    DNC Convention. Boring, but Dems have bigger stars than the Republicans — and the Repubs hate that. Trump most of all— hence the endless talk about crowd size and fantasizing about a Taylor Swift endorsement (she’ll endorse Harris).

    Dems have Swift and Beyonce — GOP have Hulk Hogan and Chachi. There’s a drop-off here.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    We had to turn away lots of people yesterday in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, but Comrade Kamala Harris’ Social Media Operation showed empty seats, long before the Rally started, early in the afternoon when, in actuality, we had to turn away 11,500 people! She’s a Crooked Radical Left Politician, and always will be! Everything she touches turns bad, just like California, and San Francisco before it - as is the case with all Marxists. She should have never been Vice President, and had to stage a COUP of Joe Biden, with her America-hating friends, Barrack Hussein Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and the rest. Comrade Kamala is a STONE COLD LOSER, she will FAIL and, if she doesn’t, our Country will cease to exist as we know it, turning into a Communist, Crime Ridden Garbage Dump.

    So here’s my question: is this satire, or is this what the former president wrote on his social media platform?

    “Garbage Dump” :rofl:
  • It's Amazing That These People Are Still With Us
    Phil Donohue

    Another one off the list.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Price controls are an excellent idea. Harris keeps surprising me. If she keeps this up, she’ll win easily. The fact that every moronic armchair political analyst and both CNN and Fox News are screaming against it — are all great signs that she’s on the right track.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    Maybe stop reading — and regurgitating — the Daily Mail.

    Several of your numbers are wrong, and it’s obvious to any reader that you’ve bought into the tired right-wing talking point about debt and spending — which you’ll only hear about when it’s a Democrat in office. Never mind that Trump jacked up the debt as well — by trillions.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    My eyes glaze over whenever I see your name, Xtrix.NOS4A2

    Whenever you see my previous screen name? :lol:
    Even your jabs don’t make sense.

    No good questionsNOS4A2

    They can’t all be on the level of reading the NY Post for my opinions and then trolling on an Internet forum with stupid questions like “are you all upset?” That level of genius is monopolized.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Is the troll still talking? :yawn:
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    Trolls asking troll questions. :yawn:
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)

    I get your point, but toxicity in general is important. As @Benkei pointed out, the cause is mostly the same: profits over people. So the rate at which we’re killing insects alone is alarming. Fertility rates are down too— there’s not overwhelming evidence that this is due to pesticides and the like, but there’s some that points in that direction.

    Anyway— yeah, also important. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. The framing of climate change being “ethereal,” or somehow far away and less real, in contrast to pollution and toxins, is ridiculous. We should be alarmed about both.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Harris and Walz will turn the country communist “immediately, if not sooner.

    Just a very stable genius, with the best words.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    obfuscates the very real, short-term health risks that everybody ignores.Tzeentch

    Who’s ignoring it? I hear about things like PFAS and microplastics and pesticides, etc., all the time. So I suppose that’s “alarmism” as well.

    But of course there’s real, short-term health risks of climate change too. Like dying in a wildfire or starving from draught’s impact on food — or flooding, or heat stroke. And so forth. I don’t see how one can ignore these things and claim ii’s ethereal. It’s at least as real and important as toxicity.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    Co-ops are communist. Think of it that way. Far closer to anything in the USSR or China.

    Simplified a bit, but it’s one way to think of the matter if it’s a struggle to get your mind around.