
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    Says the bore who goes around commenting on discussions he’s not involved in to demonstrate his self-righteousness as an empathic communicator. That existence must be a healthy one indeed, I’m sure.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    You continue to astound.AmadeusD

    And you continue to bore.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    the US is waging a proxy war against Russia that Ukraine is being caught up in" is about as misleading (or helpful/relevant) as "North Korea / Iran waging proxy war against Ukraine" — the Kremlin started the war against Ukraine whom are defending (including what they wanted) — so, misdirection or "blindness" or somethingjorndoe

    It is a proxy war between the US and Russia. Easy to see why.
  • Ukraine Crisis

    It’s like you’re incapable of posting anything clear. Maybe spend less time playing with links.

    It’s a proxy war between the US and Russia. Not hard to see that— been discussed plenty of times. You don’t see it — cool. I don’t care.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    That's says it all of this member and his contribution to this discussion.ssu

    Crawling out of the woodwork to repeat, line for line, the standard excuses for genocide.

    No wonder the world isn’t buying it.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    But it’s not surprising that one thinks this way when one has no real basis on which to draw morality from.Moses

    Correct— it’s not surprising that one accepts the flimsy justifications for murdering and maiming children because it comes from one’s team, like you do.

    while attempting to minimize casualtiesMoses

    They’ve done a wonderful job so far.

    Because it’s done with fancy equipment from a distance, with nothing but noble invisible intentions in their hearts, we’ll give them a pass. Then lecture about the “morality” of others.

    It’s as funny as taking an ethics class taught by a Nazi sympathizer. Not really funny at all— but ironic.

    And no it wasn’t done out of “desperation” .Moses

    I never said “desperation”, so don’t put it in quotes.
  • It's Amazing That These People Are Still With Us
    I like this thread. It presents a good death watch so we can be on the look out and not be surprised when someone drops off.Hanover

    Every time I see or hear a name, or come across some legend on Wikipedia that only has a “born” date, I add it to the list. Robert Wagner? I couldn’t believe that he was still alive.

    Some people seemed old even when I was a kid, like the same age they are now. Which is strange, because from a certain perspective they haven’t aged in 40 years.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    Ukraine should agree to a negotiated settlement before they lose more land. What a shame it didn’t happen years ago. So many lives could have been saved.

    It’s frustrating that Russia will win this and seemingly get away with an illegal invasion. I feel for the Ukrainian people being caught up in this proxy war.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    It’s like saying the native Americans occupy America. Makes no sense.Moses

    Yeah, I’m sure if a Native American came to your home that has been in your family for a couple hundred years and told you it’s now his, you’d have no problem with it.

    What a stupid argument.

    intentional murder and unintentional deathMoses

    Yeah, it’s easy: when Israeli does it, it’s unintentional. When Hamas does it, it’s intentional.

    Got it. :ok: Brilliant, groundbreaking analysis once again.

    All death is not equal and to view it as such reveals a moral blind spot.Moses

    Yes, 1,400 and 30,000 are by no means equal. I’m not too interested in whose pathetic justifications you accept or reject. You swallow Israel’s but very easily reject Hamas’. I reject both— but they’re by no means equal…Hamas has a stronger case.

    Scholars have compared October 7th to the Nat Turner Rebellion…the analogy is apt. The atrocities were awful, but when you drive people to such actions, there’s a lot of blame to go around.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    group that has been in an armed conflict that isn’t evil or bad?Moses

    Fortunately for me, I don’t belong to the simplistic Nickelodeon morality crew.

    For others:

    What you do, as an educated adult with a semblance of rationality, is look at the specific situation, the context, the power dynamics, the decisions and actions, and the justifications— you then make a moral assessment.

    Taking all this together, this situation is very clear. This war is an outcome of a brutal, protracted occupation by a US-backed state with overwhelming financial and military power. The history is very clear for anyone willing to look at it, and today’s actions are also very easy to understand. This is why Israel is becoming a pariah state and world opinion, including the US — where over half the country disproves of Israel’s actions — has completely turned on them.

    True, it’s impossible to see if you presuppose everything Israel does is defensive. Same is done by US jingoists.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Political analysis:

    When they do it, it’s grotesque terrorism.
    When we do it, it’s counter-terrorism.

    Meanwhile, 15,000 dead children and counting. (But it’s definitely not terrorism— it’s done with high-tech equipment, after all. Much more civilized way to murder and maim incident children. With good intentions sprinkled on top.)
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Are they the bad guys?Moses

    They are also bad, yeah.

    But don’t tell me: Israel kills more people, but accidentally or with good intentions. So they get a pass.

  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    I/P is a religious issueMoses

    No, it isn’t.

    I know they’ve never visited the conflict zone.Moses

    Yes, because you’ve proven such a valuable expert on this topic so far.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Political analysis: Hamas bad. Saw Indiana Jones, so Nazi bad.

    Hamas = Nazis.

  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    It’s like Nazis dyingMoses

    Not one original thought in your little head, eh?

    . No one says “oh but won’t killing nazis just lead to more nazis??”Moses

    In this case, that’s exactly what I’m saying — because that’s what’s happened. The more the occupying force oppresses and murders a population, the more radicalized it will become.

    The Nazi comparison also works very well for Likud. They’ve killed far more people than Hamas ever has. And now conducting a genocide before our eyes while buffoons on the internet talk about World War 2, their one historical reference.

    You should be rooting for Israel’s success unless you want Israel’s destruction and radical Islam to prevail.Moses

  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Hamas will be genocided and the world will be better for it.Moses

    They’re not being genocided; the Palestinian people are.

    At this point Israel has no choice but to go into Rafah.Moses

    They certainly do have a choice.

    Who only puts out 80% of a fire?Moses

    Decimating Rafah won’t put out the fire. It’ll only create more of it.

    New polls show that Americans overwhelmingly (79-80%) support Israel over HamasMoses

    You’re like a Likud PR associate. Get some new material.

    Yes, Israel over Hamas — not what Israel is doing to Palestinians. Or can you not separate the two?

    Four stupid statements in only one paragraph. Too bad.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    No, I was a philosophy major. We thought about big ideas. Like how dumb it is to try to draw a definitive line in this conflict where "everything begins."BitconnectCarlos

    Exactly. But it’s odd that you’re the one asking for such a stupid thing.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Tell me, O wise one, when does it all begin?BitconnectCarlos

    What a stupid question.

    Not a history major, I see.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Would Biden do anything meaningful on climate?boethius

    It’s a mixed bag with Biden. He’s producing more oil and gas than any president I think, has allowed drilling, approved the Willow Project, etc. Yet the IRA was passed which will do some good — although that was very watered down. He’s done some other things which aren’t terrible.

    Overall, I’m not super enthusiastic, but he’s infinitely better than going backwards. Rhetoric also matters on the world stage. The US official position wanting to do something about it is important— the President saying it’s a Chinese hoax is also important, negatively.

    I honestly don't see any basis that a Biden administration would likely be better than a Trump administrationboethius

    We just disagree here. There’s no question Biden is better. The judiciary alone is a reason. Baby steps towards climate policy is another— and there has been some progress. Compared to literally going backwards, I don’t think there’s much to think about. It’s also hard to believe Trump would do anything about Israel. If anything, he’ll go even harder with supporting the genocide. He may be less hawkish with Ukraine— that could be beneficial. Otherwise I see no redeeming qualities. He’s a danger we can’t afford.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    I hope most of these trials are postponed till after the election. If Americans want to vote for a climate denying, election denying, neoliberal fraud — then let them.

    If he loses, it’ll be nice to know that’ll be the last of Trump. If he runs again he’d be 82 and his businesses would likely be in shambles, having been abandoned by the establishment financially and unable to draw off as much money from average dupes. The RNC will choose someone younger as their nominee in ‘28. Maybe Haley, Maybe Desantis, maybe someone yet unknown.

    If he wins, America will get a reminder of how awful he was, and it’ll be his last term. 2028 won’t come soon enough. Legislatively he likely gets nothing done, but will probably appointment more appellate and Supreme Court judges (it’s likely the senate flips to republicans this year). His actions will likely reinvigorate the left— again — and there will be a large electoral backlash in 2026.

    My main problem will be the 4 years lost in climate policy — which we truly don’t have — and the fact that the judiciary will be all but Trumpified for a generation, making it harder to get anything done even when the inevitable backlash hits.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Too many posters on this thread are looking through glasses - lenses - encrusted with junk. The templates they see that they think are derived from the world are instead artifacts of defective optics.tim wood

    Weren’t you the one saying you consider October 7th to be the beginning of this and that nothing prior matters?

    Yes but please do lecture us more about “defective optics.”
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    seem to think the Israeli have a choice. I think they don't,tim wood

    Yeah, it’s just a law of nature that one must murder 30,000 innocent people and starve a population, more than half being under 24.

    But of course this doesn’t apply to Hamas. They had a choice when they murdered. Israel has no choice. Because they always have the best intentions.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    I get it. I’m far from a supporter, of course. But I have no faith in the Republican Party, and am beaten down with the facts— which is that his supporters are large enough and loyal enough to push him through almost anything.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    I don’t write the rules.Wayfarer

    Yeah, but come on. It’s over. He’s secured the nomination. The rest is formality.

    But this wasn’t really meant too seriously. I don’t really care about the money or the bet. Just thought it was funny.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Trump’s candidacy is not official until the Nominating Convention in July in Milwaukee. And a lot could happen between now and then.Wayfarer

    Have it your way — I can wait a little longer :lol:

    imagine the headline: ‘Republicans stick with Trump despite two impeachments and criminal conviction.’)Wayfarer

    If he’s convicted before then, this is exactly what will happen. They’ll stick with him.

    The chances that he’ll be the nominee are practically 100%, in my view. Barring his death.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    I'd still be willing to bet that Trump will not be the Republican candidate for the Presidency at the next election.Wayfarer

    Okay boys, how much are we wagering?

    I’m saying he’ll be the nominee, almost certainly. I’ll give you 5:1 odds.

    I wouldn’t put it past him to run as an independent or Patriots Party or something like that, but there will be no need: the voters will vote him in as a Republican.

    Also, when you say it won’t be Joe Biden as the nominee — care to bet on that too?

    In both cases I wouldn’t mind losing money.

    All right then, you're on. I bet $10 at 5:1 odds. So $50 to you if you're right in either case. And yes, I'll be VERY happy to pay it, because I hope you're right on both counts.

    [Edit: personal bets are probably looked down on here, so how about this instead: I'll donate $50 to TPF if you're right, and you donate $10 if I'm right. Deal?]

    US$10.00 payable to charity of your choice :up:Wayfarer

    Like taking more filthy lucre from a baby! :smirk:180 Proof

    Alrighty boys…ready to pony up that $10 each to TPF?

    I’m sad I won that bet. But I’m often right about these things… :razz:
  • Are jobs necessary?
    The economic system we have divides all adult citizens into employers and employees.
    Is this the best possible economic system?
    Is this the best possible social organization?
    Can anyone think of alternative arrangements that might work better?
    Vera Mont

    Yes— co-ops. There are plenty of examples, even in the US. The workers own and run the enterprise— they act as their own board of directors.

    This is the difference between capitalism and socialism, in my view.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    But I have given up hoping that sense and decency will prevail in the near future; rather, starvation, war, and greedy stupidity will do the job instead.unenlightened

    Okay. In that case I mostly agree in theory— in practice I have to adopt more optimism, otherwise I guarantee it happens. But history seems on your side, yes.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    Don't take it personal, but I do get a bit fed up with being told my languageunenlightened

    Seems like you took that personally.

    I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about the effects of defeatism. Maybe you feel it’s already over. In that case, fine— but I’m not sure that’s true yet. Seems a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • What Are You Watching Right Now?
    The Game". A 1997 seldom-known, underrated gem starring Michael Douglas.Outlander

    A great movie. One of Fincher’s lesser known. Just re-watched it a year ago or so.

    Funny the movies you choose to re-watch. As you get older, it’s as if you’ve never seen them— especially if you only viewed one time. It’s interesting how movies I once thought were the greatest thing since sliced bread (Shawshank Redemption, Thin Red Line) now becomes merely OK, while others I thought were good (The Insider, Jackie Brown) are now excellent. Guess it happens to everyone. An obvious observation, but whatever…
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)

    A weird response, given the 5 years worth of my posts. But have your strawman if you wish.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    If we can leave out terms like "point of no return", we won't play into their newest but equally stupid position against mitigation projects.Christoffer

    There’s plenty we can do to mitigate even worse effects. Some warming is locked in— and we’ll likely blow past 1.5 — but it’s not too late for 2C. Anything that can be done should be done.

    When scientists warn about catastrophe, they’re mostly talking about tipping points. There’s potential that if these are triggered, we’re toast. There’s a lot of denial about that, even on these very pages, similar to those arguments about how nuclear war isn’t an “existential” threat because, after all, some human beings would survive.

    But ignoring moronic stuff like that, it’s important to acknowledge the level of threat we face. But doomism and defeatism isn’t the answer.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Trump supporters calling out others as “dupes.” :rofl:
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    All this was obvious long ago. No one took him seriously within the business community. He’s been good at leveraging debt and building an image. Now that it’s crumbled, his cult following is really all that’s left in terms of believing he’s been anything but a degenerate, sociopathic, narcissistic con man. The rest vote for him because they’ve been convinced Biden and democrats are worse, but who otherwise are rightly embarrassed by him.

    Anyway — at this point if Trump wins it’ll be because most people stay home, thanks in part to Biden choosing to run again.

    Either 7 more months of Trump or 4 years and 7 months of Trump. But either way, he’ll be history soon enough.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    While the several genocide apologists continue their useful work for Likud on this thread, I once again remind the rational and humane participants — or at least those with some decency — of how the world, including the US, isn’t buying their bullshit.

    New Polling Shows How Much Global Support Israel Has Lost

    Net favorability—the percentage of people viewing Israel positively after subtracting the percentage viewing it negatively—dropped globally by an average of 18.5 percentage points between September and December, decreasing in 42 out of the 43 countries polled.

    Half of US adults say Israel has gone too far in war in Gaza, AP-NORC poll shows

    Must be that super-powerful Palestinian lobby. Definitely not the simple arithmetic and imagery. Too bad they trust their own eyes and not Israeli propaganda.

    Anyway, I look forward to more world war II comparisons and justifications for collective punishment for the foreseeable future…
  • Existentialism
    "The function of Existentialists values is to liberate humankind from craven fear, petty anxiety and apathy or tedium. Existentialists values intensify consciousness, arouse the passions, and commit the individual to a cause of action that will engage their total energies."Rob J Kennedy

    Pretty awful definition.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Heartwarming to see the genocidal, settler-colonial state of Israel becoming a pariah the longer their murders continue. Watching the flimsy excuses crumble is also encouraging.

    Too bad for their racist apologists.