
  • Nature of Time


    A quote from Stephen Hawking “ Before the big bang there was no time”. I take issue with Mr. Hawking.
    Before the mind there was no time. I see time as an artifact of the measured mind. Before the measured mind there was no need for time or even numbers. I recently read a short piece on the Piraha who live in the backwaters of the Amazon; worth Googling. They are a society that functions without a measured mind.

    I see two different times; time specific, that which we measured minders use as a useful tool that works and time general that has neither a start or finish until we show up and parcel it. General time is like space, where isn’t it.

    What time is it on the moon, Pluto, Neptune, the furthest reaches of the universe? Where I sit now is a single point in infinity. If I see it as the general time of the unmeasured mind I see it as no different than the time found at the limits of the cosmos….the ETERNAL NOW.

    Interesting….. existence requires space; time requires changes….could the definition of time be change; change in position, decay, aging, speed, growth. Change is all we have; what can happen without change?

    If we change time to 180 minutes to the hour, would this slow things down? We know it would not. If we change a mile to 15,000 feet have we made the way home shorter? Obviously no to both; only our conception if we are still cognoscente of past measurements. It is all a mind construction capable of endless changes. We make our construction an agreeable absolute; and most of us never conceive of it being any other way.

    Time an imaginary bridge from the past to the future; the present an invisible footfall on the bridge. Which is longer the past or the future; can it be understood without you or I? Can now exist or does it become the past before it is?

    Time space, eternity, infinity all lie on the circumference of an invisible circle. Dose the, it is, it isn’t, circle suggest that time is a nano second of nothing without us. Of course if the dog is waiting (time?) to be fed the question only grows(time?).

    Clocks sometimes run fast, sometimes slow what is it they are tracking? Waiting for the test results seems to hold the time as does waiting for your execution. Time waits for no man; if it did where would it wait; would that change it? Time is sensed without any measuring device; but we know it is there; we think. Most probably the earliest device for measuring time was the phases of the moon. The sundial and the sand clock came later with more daily specificity.

    Could time be no more than a convenient way to structure life, time that we have constructed for our convenience?