
  • Quarterly Fundraiser
    Sure, I'd be happy to! Though I'm not equipped to head it up. What are you thinking of? Would you like to start a thread on it?
  • Quarterly Fundraiser
    Nothing earthshaking. My inclination, given advance notice, would be to try to familiarize myself with the guest philosopher's work and ask about something I found interesting. For example, I asked Chalmers about a couple of variations of his neural-silicon-replacement thought experiments. I'd still ask him about one; he proposes replacing a person's neurons with functionally equivalent chips one-by-one, and if by the end of the process the person still reports no change, this would make a strong case for organizational invariance. I'm not convinced that this would establish what he thinks it would.

    Dennett would be a thrill for me too. If I had the opportunity to ask him something right now off the top of my head, I'd ask him why he equivocates on the word "seems" in his "Quining Qualia" paper, or so it seems to me at least. :) Given time, though, I'd try to familiarize myself with more recent work of his.

    But I'd love the opportunity to ask questions of many others too, if I had time to prepare -- Strawson, Searle, Nagel, Bostrom, McGinn, Max Tegmark (not really a philosopher per se) come to mind, others escape me at the moment.
  • Quarterly Fundraiser
    Thanks for asking, Mongrel. Just don't ban TGW and I'll be happy. :)

    Besides that, I first discovered the old forum by chance when Chalmers was a guest there, and I joined in order to ask him a few questions. At the time I thought that was a great feature of the forum. It fell by the wayside; I don't know why, but in retrospect it didn't seem that successful anyway. Maybe because no one posting had a deep familiarity with the guests' work, maybe the format wasn't conducive to a larger discussion. I'd like to see something like that, but only if it could be done well, and I for sure don't know how to do that.

    Personally, my primary (completely lay) interest is in relatively current analytical philosophy of mind, then metaphysics more generally. Some of the threads I enjoy the most are those started to examine a paper or some aspect of a paper of someone well known in the field. Examples would be the thread on Sellars that csalisbury started here, or the wonderful thread Aaron R started and maintained on Sellars in the old forum.

    Until joining TPF yesterday, I also would have said that the forum's format is a little hard to make sense of, particularly in that there were no times associated with posts; but I see now that the times are visible upon logging in.
  • Quarterly Fundraiser
    Just log into paypal, navigate to send money, then enter that email as a recipient.

    I just signed up for a quarterly donation. I'm a lurker carried over from the old forum (posted a little there as "bemoosed" but doubt I'll post here besides this one). I enjoy reading the discussions here, thanks to the admins and to all of you that post to make it work.