
  • Everything is infinite
    I'm not talking about the absence of particles, i'm talking about the absence of basic and indivisible particles, and even so, i think that causality would exist anyway, at least to a certain level.
  • Everything is infinite
    You're completely right, but i think that there can be more to this reality, even if we use the materialistic interpretation of science, there are more "abstract" and "subjective" (is there really something that's not both of these things?) methods, but in the end, i believe that they're just languages used to talk about the same thing.
  • Everything is infinite
    You're completely right, but i think that there can be more to this reality, even if we use the materialistic interpretation of science, there are more "abstract" and "subjective" (is there really something that's not both of these things?) methods, but in the end, i believe that they're just languages used to talk about the same thing.
  • Everything is infinite
    You imply that the belief of everything being infinite doesn't make sense because we perceive boundaries, but what about what we can't perceive due to our human nature?
    I found what you say about mathematics really interesting, that it's only applicable to the point where it approaches infinity, because it ignores the real limits, you say that we should search for new limits, but how can we find them? do we have to theorize them? how can we know what's the real delusion in that case?
  • Everything is infinite
    Of course, i knowingly have chosen to believe something that can not be proven or disproven, just because i like the feel of it, although i remain completely open to newer beliefs, and i actively pursue the knowledge of what we like to call "the truth". It's a way of surrendering myself to my human nature, so it doesn't stand in my way.
  • Everything is infinite
    There's a theory that states that if all matter is made of the same basic particle, that was created in a specific time in the past (Big Bang), and we could measure the conformation of all these identical particles in that punctual moment, we could apply the laws of physics to know the exact changes that would occur to that conformation, and by knowing the new one, we could go on predicting the future forever. So, this relates to volition because there could not be such thing if the entire behavior and personality of beings was just the consequence of a chain reaction started in the Big Bang, because this beings could never change the course of it.
  • God will exist at 7:30pm next Friday
    You should double check your affirmation. The other day, can't remember exactly when, God told me that he was having problems with his phone's calendar. I told him to turn on the auto date/time option, but he said that his phone didn't have internet connection anyway. Then he faded into a state of uncertainty (he loves to do that), so I just finished my cup of tea and went to give a speech about the absurdity of religion, and I almost mistook the direction with the house where I go every week for the cult sessions. I'm sorry for telling you all that, you would never know it otherwise.
  • Why are people so convinced there is nothing after death?
    Sometime ago i was very disturbed by that belief, i actively avoided it, the recurrent and classical dilema of the pointless and uncertain existence, it may sound (look) kind of cheesy, but when i actually started to give myself time to think about it, i began to like it, to find it peaceful. Recently, as a consequence of what i said before, i started making peace with the absurdity of life, why the hell do we all want to find meaning in everything? a use for every action? i believe that it is when we got trapped in those questions, that we begin to lose our capability of being "happy" or as i like to call it peaceful (I'm not saying that we should stop asking them). I think the only reason we are here is because the universe accidentally gave us life, and that there's not a point to that life, so why not just have fun with what we got? we can elaborate the most complex methods of having fun, but i think that we shouldn't lose that thought. I'm sorry for going away from the subject, but i found it very related for some reason, also sorry for the posible bad english.