
  • God is proven meaningless with Infinity and finite.

    Distance is relative it was theorized by Einstein and proven by modern science astronomers use it all the time to calculate the distance between celestial bodies.

    My post is not about distance or relative it's about how god becomes insignificant in both infinite and finite context. I personally side with Infinity and the proof for this is that I can think about infinity. E.g. a computer program which was made to generate 1 to 10 number would not be able to generate number beyond 10 like 42 without altering its programming. The answer is no. Same thing with Infinity I know it exist because I was able to grasp the concept and understand it that It is never ending.
  • God is proven meaningless with Infinity and finite.

    You just prove that you believe what you see that doesn't work like that all the time, why do you think people invented telescopes and microscopes that are uniquely made to see in other wave length cause they know that our eyes are not built see those wave length.

    "Is there an infinite space between two bugs that are 1 inch apart? The answer is no."

    There can infinite space it's all depended on the perspective, to you thats just 1 inch to an ant that's 10 meter and to a microscopic organism that same space is can be 10 km. To you decimal are not so important but to these creature that's very important without the "decimal" you would not be standing or alive.

    It you who is limiting Infinity and you telling me that I don't understand it. Yes. Your right I don't understand cause it will take me an infinite amount of time to understand and that will make me god.
  • God is proven meaningless with Infinity and finite.

    Interesting thought experiment but with so many holes. First of all explain the physics, biology and chemistry of how it is possible to be born in a box and second of all before jumping to who made the box check if you alive or not and if their is an environment that you can live in and see and experience it with all the senses, then I would say based on if the box is limited, the creator of the box is just another being who has more knowledge and understanding then me.
  • God is proven meaningless with Infinity and finite.

    You misunderstood my post iam not trying to say god is infinite that's not the point iam making I saying god has to be infinite, to be god but then God becomes meaningless as whatever or anyone god creates is also infinite. And I dont think you truly grasp what Infinity is. Their is no 1 Infinity or 2 Infinity their is only Infinity within it there are infinite Infinities and within those there are infinite Infinities and it goes on for Infinity.

    Also are you aware your using limits to describe or explain or contemplate Infinity. E.g. like a number 12 is limited but it not limited if you drive in deep that 12 can be infinite itself, your just using the top part like the number 12 but their is an Infinity between going from 11 to 12.
  • God is proven meaningless with Infinity and finite.

    What I meant by Meaningless is to have no meaning or insignificant or pointless because Infinity has infinite Infinity so that make us infinite as we are part of the Infinity. And when you this part t"here is a god" we can't say this as it categorise god in the existence section which basically says god is just another being who is not a god.
    And thank you very much for you reply.