
  • What are we trying to accomplish, really? Inauthentic decisions, and the like
    I don't believe that a constant repetition of events and actions day after day is enough alone to make a life inauthentic it is the perspective and state of mind in which these things are done that either give the quality of authenticity or inauthenticity as you say. May I add that "changing at will" would also be considered inauthentic, the conscious effort of trying to change repeatedly is no different from any other action performed according to a guideline; change for the sake of change is a regimen.

    If you are going through the routine of your life day in and day out for the sake of others and doing things solely because of convention and orthodoxy then yes I think this way of living would fall under inauthentic. Heads up a lot of the times we are trapped by our own thinking and particular outlook.

    To be authentic is to be true to yourself and it involves a certain degree of egotism because it means to be self-serving to your desires and preferences (or not being if that is what you choose). Where you feel passion there you will find authenticity.
  • Currently Reading
    All of Edgar Allen Poe's tales of horror and mystery.
  • What do you care about?
    I am constantly probing at how to live a better and more virtuous life, the one question I never stop asking myself and that never fails to get under my skin is "What makes a virtuous life and what qualities/principles are characteristic to it?" From the very moment of my introduction into philosophy i have not been able to rid myself of this question (I have found not a definite answer but a general idea as to how I myself can live a virtuous/good life but it is something i am constantly pulling apart and adding to). I truly believe that the aim of philosophy is to answer that question. As to their being an answer to the question I think yes however I believe there are certain qualities that one MUST have to be considered virtuous (such as honesty, responsibility, temperance, etc.) and other qualities that are relative to the person and situation (after all what we each deem "good" is relative to us, our situation and our goals). For example I consider myself to be living a virtuous life when I abstain from certain desires and use every second of the day to my betterment and advantage.
  • Get Creative!
    tumblr_ondppmzTvA1upvm2xo1_540.jpg Quick doodle I did during economics class.
  • Get Creative!
    I apologize for the poor quality, my phone is not in the best of conditions but this is a painting I did this year I hope you guys enjoy.
  • Currently Reading
    Democracy in America - Alexis De Tocqueville
  • Is it our duty as members of society to confine ourselves to its standards?
    Society as in whatever society we belong to no matter its beliefs.


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