
  • A theory about heaven and infinite life
    God is an entity which, if it exists, is defined differently by any human being. We don't know yet how to know what attributes it has. I have my own definition for him. For me it has no personality. It's more of the ever watching entity, holding everything together and is defined by description. It is the driving force by describing what happens right now for everything. We as conscious beings give answers to questions that we encounter and let god calculate the result which therefore defines reality.
    For example:
    I make the choice to clean my flat. God lets every object which is in my flat be defined in this reality by it's attributes. Like it let's the things be consistent (the particles stay the particles) and not falling apart. This is because, outside of the universe is nothingness. So no room or anything (in my eyes). So god or the overseeing consciousness lets the universe stick together and not be not defined.

    I agree with you that God (I call it spirit) needs to have energy. But if you say God is the every description, it has energy. Because it can describe.
  • A theory about heaven and infinite life
    1. We are claim
    2. We are [already] in heaven....your claim
    3. If we are in heaven then it's not the case that we are suffering...premise
    4. we are not in heaven (1, 3 modus tollen)
    5. We are [already] in heaven & we are not in heaven (2, 4 conjunction)
    6. Either we are not suffering or we are not [already] in heaven (1 to 5 reductio ad absurdum)

    So, either you have a view of suffering that's different from the commonly accepted one or we're not in heaven.

    If something is perceivable you cannot see it as perfect, because it can't be. You yourself have to get inner peace:

    • If you are struggling with yourself you will always struggle with any reality you are part of
    • For a world to be perfect everything in it must please you and don't conflict you. Therefore no other personality in it could exist that doesn't know what you have in mind for the world to be. So you must not know what the other personalities in that reality know. If you know what the others know, you would get lonely because the world would just contain you yourself or the world would just be for your propose which makes empathy lacking. This is a conflict.
    • You are at one point in space in time and can't be at another which can make things imperfect

    If you are in inner peace you would not need to live on. There is nothing you want to know more, experience more or anything. You neither want to be dead or alive. This is a conflict too.

    My conclusion is, that the best world is any world.
  • A theory about heaven and infinite life
    Heaven and non-heaven are the same thing, by this theory. There is no place which is not heaven. It just changes with time what heaven is to you.
  • How did consciousness evolve?
    Sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native speaker.

    Well there is one thought experiment that I think about when I think about the origin of consciousness:

    The universe could exist and still evolve the same way without consciousness. That universe would have humans in it but they would not experience any concious state. So they would, as we know for now, be robots. They'd act the same by calculating the same answers the the questions they encounter, like we do. So everyone in our universe would have a duplicate in that universe but it would have no conciousness.

    The universe in the thought experiment would be the one I could explain better as why it is like it is, than the universe we live in. In which I constantly experience the happening around and in me.
    So just to say evolution developed conciousness is by my means rather less profounded. Because what the "argument" states is, that it was an advantage to be concious. But the foundation of which this "argument" (more of a false conclusion in my eyes) is build upon the reflection of ones goals, feelings, social bondings, etc. This might not be what conciousness is all about.
    Here we have to consider what conciousness is. Is it the calculating, reflecting and controlling part of the human or is it the experiencing of what it is like to be a human, other animal, plant, electron, etc. It still can also be the guiding power of what it beholds but still it seems to be separate of the materialistic object it settles in.
    Secondly if you are speaking to somebody you usually don't think of what exact words you are going to say, you more or less guide your body to describe the subject you are talking about. This implies (to me at least) that the calculations needed for acting are done by the subconciousness but guided by conciousness. So conciousness is the one which experiences but also which decides to do what you want to happen.
    In conclusion evolution helped us to develop senses and intelligence. But what is the exact advantage for having a concious mind? We can function without it, probably even better without it, because everything in the universe is made up of energy, so why would not be conciousness also be made energy? And this has to be supplied by the body.
    So here I go from biology to physics, if everything in the universe adds up to a zero energy level, why is there a concious state, it would take up more energy than needed to have the same universe?
    I have my own answers to that question but i'll leave this would have to have a longer explenation.