
  • On the existence of God (by request)
    Hello Forrest,

    Thank you for creating this post. I have a question about your definition of supernatural. Why can supernatual not be defined as a higher realm of the universe.

    In your incarnate definition of God, it is defined as some omnipotent, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent alien that created a lesser universe that we all reside in.
    In this case, the supernatural being, a being that lives in a higher realm, is the alien. This alien is acknowledged to have power over the lesser realm therefore we can observe the effects of the alien's control. Whether we understand these observed effects on nature as casued by the alien or by some other mechanism is not importants as this type of God's existance is not dependent on our understanding.

    If the effects of this alien can be observed indirectly, then the alien's higher universe must be some compenent of nature. Therefore, it is not contractory to say that God exists in nature if he exists in some higher partition of nature. This allows God to be both transcendental and incarnate.