
  • Where do you think consciousness is held?
    We have a tool to measure the intelligence of a person which is called the IQ. Depending on a series of IQ test they can determine your level of intelligence. Most humans have around 100 IQ. The geniuses like Albert Einstein had 160 IQ. Most geniuses possess from 130 to 160 IQ. Yet, we have nothing to evaluate the consciousness. We rarely hear about the consciousness. You can be extremely intelligent, even a genius but still have a very low level of consciousness like the scientists who created the atom bomb.

    We use our most brilliant minds to create weapons of mass destruction and in doing so we respond to an instinctive demand to always be the strongest.

    Consciousness tells us that humans are an extremely intelligent species but still are not aware that they are much more instinctive than intelligent. This is a recipe for an eventual catastrophe scenario. Humans now posess the power of a God to destroy all living things on this planet by using 50 nuclear bombs. Only 50 nuclear bombs are needed to destroy every bit of life on this planet. Radiation poisoning would kill you eventually. But who wants to be conscious of that?
  • Perfection: Is it possible?
    Many humans seek perfection. Snobs are a good example of people who seek perfection. But, yet, the human being is not perfect. We are 8 billion people on this planet and no one is perfect. We all have something in common, good and bad habits, strength and weaknesses which makes us unique and different from everyone else. This is the spice of life, being imperfect. I always say, '' I'm not perfect and I surely don't want to be''. I don't want to be a snob, I find them boring.