
  • Is this Quentin Meillassoux's argument?
    Yes, that's a brilliant yet simple argument. I am flabbergasted as to why nobody raised it long time ago. Why did take over 200 years to be raised??
  • Is this Quentin Meillassoux's argument?
    Hi Drake, really nice and simple definitions of the two.

    But I am wondering this question. For the solipsist it's quite clear that when the mind does not exist objects don't exist.

    But what about the correlationist??? What is his view on objects when no minds exist??? Do objects still exist but in a different form than what we measure them to be?? Or do they not exist? But then this is solipsism.
  • Is this Quentin Meillassoux's argument?
    I thought of asking this question. If you say that "Unless we're willing to deny the world without us and relagate it to mere appearance." about correlationism, how is it different from SOLIPSISM???

    Isn't solipsism saying something similar like "the world is generated by our mind and disappear when I die"???
  • Is this Quentin Meillassoux's argument?
    Thanks guys for your inputs. I can't see an up-vote button to give my thumbs up. :meh:

    I am reading the stuff you pointed out. Will get back when I understand it.

    Thanks again..